





這篇報道也為指責Facebook在唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)擔任總統期間安撫保守派的願望導致其對右翼錯誤資訊視而不見提供了更多證據。這似乎至少部分是由於喬爾·卡普蘭(Joel Kaplan)的影響,喬爾·卡普蘭曾是喬治·W·布什(George W.Bush)**的一名成員,現在是Facebook全球公共政策副總裁和“最高級別的共和黨人”

All Facebook users have some 200 “traits” attached to their profile. These include various dimensi*** submitted by users or estimated by machine-learning models, such as race, political and religious leanings, socioeconomic class, and level of education. Kaplan’s team began using the traits to assemble custom user segments that reflected largely c***ervative interests: users who engaged with c***ervative content, groups, and pages, for example. Then they’d run special ****yses to see how content-moderation decisi*** would affect posts from those segments, according to a former researcher whose work was subject to those reviews.

The Fairness Flow documentation, which the Resp***ible AI team wrote later, includes a case study on how to use the tool in such a situation. When deciding whether a misinformation model is fair with respect to political ideology, the team wrote, “fairness” does not mean the model should affect c***ervative and liberal users equally. If c***ervatives are posting a greater fraction of misinformation, as judged by public c***ensus, then the model should flag a greater fraction of c***ervative content. If liberals are posting more misinformation, it should flag their content more often too.

But members of Kaplan’s team followed exactly the opposite approach: they took “fairness” to mean that these models should not affect c***ervatives more than liberals. When a model did so, they would stop its deployment and demand a change. Once, they blocked a medical-misinformation detector that had noticeably reduced the reach of anti-vaccine campaigns, the former researcher told me. They told the researchers that the model could not be deployed until the team fixed this discrepancy. But that effectively made the model meaningless. “There’s no point, then,” the researcher says. A model modified in that way “would have literally no impact on the actual problem” of misinformation.


[T]esting algorithms for fairness is still largely optional at Facebook. None of the teams that work directly on Facebook’s news feed, ad service, or other products are required to do it. Pay incentives are still tied to engagement and growth metrics. And while there are guidelines about which fairness definition to use in any given situation, they aren’t enforced.


  • 發表於 2021-04-16 02:20
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  • 分類:網際網路



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...個致力於防止美國大選誤導性資訊傳播的社交媒體平臺。Facebook還採取措施限制和標註政治廣告。 ...

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Facebook和Twitter已經成為一個與網際網路研究機構(IRA)有聯絡的俄羅斯巨魔組織傳播的錯誤資訊運動的受害者。此後,Twitter和Facebook都刪除了該組織釋出的任何內容。 ...

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...習領域最困難的挑戰之一,也是最大的潛在突破。今天,Facebook宣佈了一項新的舉措,希望能讓它在這項重要的工作中佔據優勢:在Facebook使用者的公共影片上訓練人工智慧。 獲取培訓資料是人工智慧最大的競爭優勢...

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...指導思想,大多數科技行業的領導者更願意保持沉默。去看看他那篇引人入勝的文章《矽谷的安全空間》。 更新,美國東部時間2月14日上午12:30:你可以在這裡閱讀西斯金德對《****》文章的迴應。

  • 發佈於 2021-04-16 11:16
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