华盛顿(washington)和华盛顿特区(washington dc)的区别



华盛顿(washington)和华盛顿特区(washington dc)的区别





华盛顿(washington)和华盛顿特区(washington dc)的区别





华盛顿 华盛顿特区
类型 城市
首次创建 由于俄勒冈州的领土不断扩大,华盛顿地区于1853年形成。1889年11月11日,华盛顿成为美国第42个州。 1790年7月16日《居住法》的签署,批准在该国东海岸的波托马克河沿岸建立一个首都区。它的正式名称是“哥伦比亚特区”。它不是任何国家的一部分。
也称为 华盛顿州,美国-华盛顿州,长青州 华盛顿特区哥伦比亚特区华盛顿特区。
首都 奥林匹亚 美利坚合众国首都。
面积 71362平方英里(184827平方公里) 68.3平方英里(177平方公里)
人口 7,061,530 (2014) 9,443,180 (2014)
时区 太平洋:UTC−8/−7. 东部:东部时间(UTC)−5)
地区 西部为深温带雨林,西部、中部、东北部和远东南部为山脉,东部、中部和南部为半干旱盆地地区,属于集约农业区。 波托马克河形成了该地区与弗吉尼亚州的边界,有两条主要支流:阿纳科斯蒂亚河和洛克溪。泰伯溪是一条天然河道,曾经穿过国家广场,在19世纪70年代被完全封闭在地下。
工业 华盛顿是领先的木材生产商。该州是苹果、啤酒花、梨、红覆盆子、留兰香油和甜樱桃的最大生产国,杏子、芦笋、干豌豆、葡萄、小扁豆、薄荷油和土豆的产量位居前列。牲畜和畜产品对农业总收入做出了重要贡献,鲑鱼、大比目鱼和底栖鱼的商业捕捞对国家经济做出了重大贡献。华盛顿的**业包括飞机和导弹、造船和其他运输设备、木材、食品加工、金属和金属制品、化学品和机械。 2012年,联邦**占华盛顿特区就业岗位的29%左右。该地区与**没有直接关系的产业不断增长,特别是在教育、金融、公共政策和科学研究领域。乔治城大学、乔治华盛顿大学、华盛顿医院中心、儿童国家医疗中心和霍华德大学是该市五大非**相关雇主。
经济 该州的重要业务包括飞机(波音)、汽车(Paccar)、计算机软件开发(Microsoft、Bungie、Amazon.com、美国任天堂、Valve Corporation、ArenaNet)、电信(T-Mobile USA)、电子、生物技术、铝生产、木材和木制品(Weyerhaeuser)、采矿、,饮料(星巴克,琼斯苏打),房地产(约翰L。斯科特)、零售业(Nordstrom、Eddie Bauer、汽车玩具、好市多、R.E.I.)和旅游业(阿拉斯加航空公司、Expedia公司)。该州拥有大量水力发电。 华盛顿有一个不断增长的多元化经济,专业和商业服务岗位的比例不断上升。许多组织,如律师事务所、独立承包商(国防和民用)、非营利组织、游说公司、工会、行业贸易团体和专业协会,其总部设在华盛顿特区或附近,以接近联邦**。旅游业是华盛顿的第二大产业。该区还接待了近200个外国大使馆和国际组织,如世界银行、国际货币基金组织(IMF)、美洲国家组织、美洲开发银行和泛美卫生组织。
地理 美国最西北部毗连的州。华盛顿南与俄勒冈州接壤,东与爱达荷州接壤。 该区西北与马里兰州蒙哥马利县接壤;东临马里兰州乔治王子郡;南边和西边是弗吉尼亚州的阿灵顿和亚历山大。
气候 华盛顿的气候自西向东变化很大。在华盛顿西部,海洋性气候(也称为“西海岸海洋性气候”)占主导地位,而喀斯喀特山脉以东则是一种更加干燥的半干旱气候。 华盛顿处于湿润的亚热带气候区,四季分明。春天和秋天是温暖的,而秋天和冬天是凉爽的,每年平均降雪15.5英寸(39厘米)。
国家公园 华盛顿有各种各样的国家公园服务单位。其中包括阿尔塔湖国家公园、圣胡安群岛国家野生动物保护区,以及三个国家公园,奥林匹克国家公园、北喀斯喀特国家公园和雷尼尔山国家公园。此外,还有143个州立公园和9个国家森林,由华盛顿州立公园系统和美国林业局管理。

The District has 7,464 acres (30.21 km2) of parkland, about 19% of the city's total area. The National Park Service manages most of the 9,122 acres (36.92 km2) of city land owned by the U.S. government. Rock Creek Park is the country's fourth-oldest national park. Other National Park Service properties include the C&O C**** National Historical Park, the National Mall and Memorial Parks, Theodore Roosevelt Island, Columbia Island, Fort Dupont Park, Meridian Hill Park, Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens, and Anacostia Park.


Forests cover 52% of the state's land area, mostly west of the North Cascades. Approximately two-thirds of Washington's forested area is publicly owned, including 64% of federal land. Mammals native to the state include the bat, black bear, bobcat, cougar, coyote, deer, elk, gray wolf, moose, mountain beaver, muskrat, opossum, pocket gopher, raccoon, river otter, skunk, and tree squirrel. Also has a varied range of bird species. This range includes raptors, shorebirds, woodland birds, grassland birds, ducks, and others. There are 400 known freshwater fishes. Hence, hunting and fishing are popular sport, as is hiking trekking, river rafting, camping etc. Winter sports are also popular due to the cold weather in winter and the mountainous terrain. Washington ranks second in the United States in the production of wine, behind only California. By 2006, the state had over 31,000 acres (130 km2) of vineyards, a harvest of 120,000 short t*** (109,000 t) of grapes, and exports going to over 40 countries around the world from the 600 wineries located in the state.

Washington, D.C., is a planned city. In 1791, President Washington commissioned Pierre (Peter) Charles L'Enfant, a French-born architect and city planner, to design the new capital. The White House; the Washington National Cathedral; the Thomas Jefferson Memorial; the United States Capitol; the Lincoln Memorial; and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial are listed as America's Favorite Architecture. Historic buildings are designed primarily in the Queen Anne, Châteauesque, Richardsonian Romanesque, Georgian revival, Beaux-Arts, and a variety of Victorian styles. The National Mall is a large, open park in downtown Washington between the Lincoln Memorial and the United States Capitol. Given its prominence, the mall is often the location of political protests, concerts, festivals, and presidential inaugurati***. The Washington Monument and the Jefferson Pier are near the center of the mall, south of the White House. Also on the mall are the National World War II Memorial at the east end of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, the Korean War Veterans Memorial, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, George Mason Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, and the District of Columbia War Memorial are around the Tidal Basin. The National Archives houses thousands of documents important to American history including the Declaration of Independence, the United States C***titution, and the Bill of Rights. Located in three buildings on Capitol Hill, the Library of Congress is the largest library complex in the world. The most visited museum is the National Museum of Natural History on the National Mall. Other Smithsonian Institution museums and galleries on the mall are: the National Air and Space Museum; the National Museum of African Art; the National Museum of American History; the National Museum of the American Indian; the Sackler and Freer galleries, which both focus on Asian art and culture; the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden; the Arts and Industries Building; the S. Dillon Ripley Center; and the Smithsonian Institution Building (also known as "The Castle"), which serves as the institution's headquarters. The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is home to the National Symphony Orchestra, the Washington National Opera, and the Washington Ballet.

  • 发表于 2021-07-12 11:21
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华盛顿(washington)和华盛顿特区(washington dc)的区别

...一个州,华盛顿特区是位于东海岸的美国首都。华盛顿(washington) vs. 华盛顿特区(washington dc)华盛顿和华盛顿特区的区别在于,华盛顿是美利坚合众国的一个州,首都为奥林匹亚,位于西太平洋地区,而华盛顿特区是美利坚合众国...

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华盛顿(washington)和华盛顿特区(washington dc)的区别

... land area, mostly west of the North Cascades. Approximately two-thirds of Washington's forested area is publicly owned, including 64% of federal land. Mammals native to the state include the bat, black bear, bobcat, cougar, coyote, deer, elk, gray wolf, moose, mountain beaver, muskrat, opossum, poc...

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...录L'Enfant设计的重要性时,他们说: "The historic plan of Washington, District of Columbia — the nation's capital — designed by Pierre L'Enfant in 1791 as the site of the Federal City, represents the sole American example of a comprehensive baroque city plan with a coordinated sys...

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...局,国家档案和记录管理局,www.Archives.gov/legical/features/Washington。 Hornick,Ed.“关于总统日你可能不知道的事情”,CNN,有线新闻网,2019年2月18日,www.CNN.com/2016/02/15/politics/Presidents-Day-history-washington-birth/index.html。 《公法90-363》...

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