




我的同事马克娜·凯利(Makena Kelly)观看了周三的听证会,她抓住了问题的范围(我的重点):

Kelly also produced a surprising statistic: far-right and far-left bot accounts produce 25 to 30 times more posts and messages per daythan standard, authentic user accounts. Committee members and panelists said that the flood of content aided in increasing the divide among the American populace with memes and posts surrounding highly emotional issues like the Black Lives Matter movement. “These types of asymmetric attacks — which include foreign operatives appearing to be Americans engaging in online public discourse – almost by design slip between the seams of our free speech guarantees and our legal authorities and resp***ibilities,” Warner said.

周三作证的研究人员蕾妮·迪雷斯塔(Renee DiResta)称,这一泛滥的虚假内容为“计算宣传”。她告诉委员会,“解决这一不对称威胁需要21世纪的信息作战理论,实施全球实时检测和威慑战略,以及私营企业、新闻界、执法部门和情报界的合作。”她描绘了一幅黑暗的画面:

The evolution of social media propaganda and influence techniques will bring serious threats. We should anticipate an increase in the misuse of less popular and less resourced social platforms, and an increase in the use of peer-to-peer messaging services. We believe that future campaigns will be compounded by the employment of witting or unwitting U.S. Pers*** through whom these state actors will filter their propaganda, in order to circumvent detection by social platforms and law enforcement. We should anticipate the incorporation of new technologies, such as videos and audio produced by artificial intelligence, to supplement these operati***, making it increasingly difficult for citizens to trust their own eyes.

消息传来的同一天,这位领导Facebook安全工作并在昨天向媒体披露当前影响力活动中发挥关键作用的人宣布他将离开公司。亚历克斯·斯塔莫斯(Alex Stamos)作为首席安全官的离职早在今年早些时候就已经预料到了,他将一直留任到8月17日。但是,尽管我怀疑Facebook相信斯塔莫斯在公司的网络安全工作中获得的荣誉可能超过了他应得的份额,但这一损失仍然让人感到刺痛:斯塔莫斯在媒体中很有信誉,媒体认为他是一个直截了当的人,他以一种紧迫感和道德严肃性谈论自己的工作,这对一位企业高管来说是不寻常的。


We expect to be judged on what we do to protect people’s security, not whether we have someone with a certain title. We are not naming a new CSO, since earlier this year we embedded our security engineers, ****ysts, investigators, and other specialists in our product and engineering teams to better address the emerging security threats we face. Alex helped us manage this transition. We will continue to evaluate what kind of structure works best as we continue to invest heavily in security to protect people on our services.






“Some feel that we as a society are sitting in a burning room, calmly drinking a cup of coffee, telling ourselves, ‘This is fine,’” Burr said about Russia’s interfering efforts. “That’s not fine.”

亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)因《信息战》的谎言而被追查,面临着一个法律十字路口

伊丽莎白·威廉姆森(Elizabeth Williamson)讲述了一个令人愤怒的故事,讲述了亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)如何将桑迪·胡克枪击案中一名6岁受害者的父母作为攻击目标,向他们的家广播方向,煽动观众跟踪他们,并迫使他们移动七次,使他们不能再去看儿子的坟墓。琼斯正在起诉他们,要求支付10万美元的诉讼费。

Spotify正在删除一些Alex Jones播客,因为它们是“仇恨内容”


While Spotify is taking action, Jones and his podcast aren’t gone for good. A Spotify spokesperson declined to share what episodes were removed or what specific content triggered the company’s action, but the podcast is still available through the service.


瑞安·加拉赫(Ryan Gallagher)报道说,谷歌很快就要在中国重新启动了。格雷格·桑多瓦尔(Greg Sandoval)分别报道说,一些员工疯了。预计围绕这一点的争议会越来越大:

Teams of programmers and engineers at Google have created a custom Android app, different versi*** of which have been named “Maotai” and “Longfei.” The app has already been dem***trated to the Chinese government; the finalized version could be launched in the next six to nine months, pending approval from Chinese officials.


凯文·鲁斯(Kevin Roose)报道说,政治领域最热门的社交网络是短信:

“There’s no question that texting is the breakout tech of 2018,” said Eric Wilson, a Republican digital strategist and founder of Learn Test Optimize, a newsletter about political marketing. “There’s so much competition in the inbox, we’re looking for other channels. For now, that’s text messaging.”

Mr. Wilson recently gathered a group of political strategists in a Washington office to talk, over dumplings and craft beers, about the sunny prospects for text messaging. The group agreed that social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter were becoming crowded, and that text messages, which are read at higher rates than emails and are less invasive than phone calls, were a promising alternative.








In the meantime, some memers have found the current suite of mobile applicati*** so lacking that they choose to create their memes on desktop computers instead. “On your phone, you’re never going to be able to do as much as you could as on a computer,” says Noam, who memes under the account @listenintospitandgettingparamoredon.






Snapchat’s newest AR Lenses allow users to issue voice commands that’ll make them come to life. Some lenses will ask users to say words like, “hi,” “love,” or “wow,” which will cause the lenses to animate.

Infowarzel 8/1

查理·沃泽尔(Charlie Warzel)指出了正在进行的旨在破坏左翼合法性的影响力运动的令人不安之处:

The disturbing reality, here, is how the trolls/meddlers win no matter the outcome. if they operate in secrecy, they meddle and succeed. If they are discovered, they cast doubt on the greater political and cultural conversation across these platforms. If they get shut down, they take down real advocacy orgs with them. Dark times.



In a strange way, the social network’s troubles only underscored its dominance. Even after its stock crash, Facebook remains the fifth most valuable corporation in the American markets, ahead of Berkshire Hathaway, and there are almost no serious calls for its chief executive to resign, as you might expect for any other company experiencing such a loss. That’s because the company reported little to cause experts to alter their long-term outlook. Pretty much everyone who studies Facebook believes that it will hold its grip on the culture and the advertising industry for the foreseeable future.

“This is one of the most profitable business models I’ve ever seen, and that really hasn’t changed,” said Mark Mahaney, an ****yst at the firm RBC Capital. He added that Facebook’s stock now “may be the single most attractively priced asset across technology.”


我最喜欢的前同事之一Emily Dreyfuss后悔删除了她的旧推文:

I realized I was upset because my old tweets, like those old and probably terrible poems, symbolized a phase in my life, which deleting brought to an abrupt and final end. Those tweets were my late 20s, my era of striving, before I became a mother and stopped staying up late for Weird Twitter, and before I learned that the internet is not a safe haven for silly jokes but can be a deadly serious extension of the real world. Deleting those tweets was the nail in the coffin of my innocent relati***hip with the internet.




“This new verification system offers users a simple, efficient way to determine which accounts belong to total pieces of shit whom you should have no qualms about tormenting to your heart’s desire,” said spokesperson Elizabeth James, adding that the **all red symbol signifies that Twitter has officially confirmed the identity of a loathsome person who deserves the worst abuse imaginable and who will deliberately have their Mute, Block, and Report opti*** disabled.



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  • 发表于 2021-08-25 01:55
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... 2018年初,美国六大情报机构负责人在参议院情报委员会听证会上发出警告。他们警告说,美国公民不应使用中国公司华为和中兴提供的任何商业产品。 ...

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...享,包括什么类型的数据和请求的上下文。MLAT必须获得参议院三分之二的批准。 ...

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