



  • 删除假帐户。
  • 删除使用恶作剧煽动暴力的帖子。
  • 防止恶作剧出版商针对其内容销售广告。
  • 与无党派事实核查人员建立合作关系,对有争议的帖子进行评级。
  • 要求广告商验证他们的身份,并允许公众查看Facebook上所有广告活动的相关信息。
  • 成立一个独立的选举研究委员会,让外部学者研究社会网络对民主的影响。
  • 与其他社交平台和**协调,确定并消除影响力活动。


In 2016, we were not prepared for the coordinated information operati*** we now regularly face. But we have learned a lot since then and have developed sophisticated systems that combine technology and people to prevent election interference on our services.

This effort is part of a broader challenge to rework much of how Facebook operates to be more proactive about protecting our community from harm and taking a broader view of our resp***ibility overall.




本周早些时候,我写了一些关于CEO面试的限制的文章,这些采访的中心是创始人的感受,而不是他们行为的后果。《卫报》的朱莉娅·凯莉·王(Julia Carrie Wong)走了过来,说得比我好:“是时候让科技新闻界摆脱这样一种观念,即我们可以通过了解创建这个行业的伟人来了解这个行业了,”她在推特上写道当扎克自己显然连Facebook都不懂的时候,我们理解扎克又有什么关系呢?”

不可或缺的马特·莱文(Matt Levine)在今天的时事通讯中看到了黄光裕的推特,并扩展了这一论点:

No one at Facebook sat down to build an election interference function. They sat down to build a system for purposes that they thought were good, and are happy to brag to you about: sharing baby pictures, connecting the world, making piles of money by showing you ads, that sort of thing. All — most, anyway — of the bad effects of Facebook are emergent features of the system that they built for the good effects; that system itself, and its messy interacti*** with billi*** of people out in the real world, creates the bad effects.

I don’t mean to claim that Zuckerberg, or anyone else at Facebook, is or is not resp***ible in some moral or legal sense for the bad effects of Facebook, or that those effects could or could not or should or should not have been predicted, or that they can or can’t be fixed, or whatever. I just mean to endorse Wong’s claim that if you want to understand Facebook, the main thing you have to understand is Facebook, the product and architecture and algorithms and effects and interacti***, the system of it. Understanding the people who built it is not a substitute for that, because the system has moved beyond their c***cious control. Facebook does things in the world that are not directly willed by the people who built it; to understand and predict those things, you don’t interview its founder, you examine its workings.






据Ryan Gallagher报道,Jack Poulson在谷歌的研究和机器智能部门工作,致力于提高搜索结果的准确性。他最近辞职,与“大约五名”其他员工一起**谷歌的中国计划(这篇报道中的另一个好消息是:谷歌已经锁定了其每周全掌直播流的访问权限,此前有类似昨天的泄密

In his resignation letter, Poulson told his bosses: “Due to my conviction that dissent is fundamental to functioning democracies, I am forced to resign in order to avoid contributing to, or profiting from, the erosion of protection for dissidents.”

“I view our intent to capitulate to censorship and surveillance demands in exchange for access to the Chinese market as a forfeiture of our values and governmental negotiating position across the globe,” he wrote, adding: “There is an all-too-real possibility that other nati*** will attempt to leverage our acti*** in China in order to demand our compliance with their security demands.”


大卫·谢泼森(David Shephardson)对谷歌施加了更多压力,要求其解决对中国搜索引擎的担忧:

Sixteen members of the U.S. House of Representatives, including liberal Democrats and c***ervative Republicans, said in a letter they had “serious concerns” about the potential step and asked Google if it would agree to restrict certain words, terms or events in China. The company did not immediately comment on Thursday.


据托尼·罗姆(Tony Romm)和德鲁·哈维尔(Drew Harwell)报道,Facebook正在扩大其基于文本和视频的事实调查:

Facebook said Thursday it would expand its efforts to scan photos and videos uploaded to the social network for evidence that they’ve been manipulated, as lawmakers sound new alarms that foreign adversaries might try to spread misinformation through fake visual content.

In 17 countries, including the United States, Facebook said it has deployed its powerful algorithms to “identify potentially false” images and videos, then send those flagged posts to outside fact-checkers for further review. Facebook said it’s trying to stamp out content that has been doctored, taken out of context or accompanied by misleading text.


詹姆斯·文森特(James Vincent)和拉塞尔·布兰登(Russell Brandon)对可能对互联网造成严重破坏的版权指令有了新的解释:

Both measures attempt to redress an imbalance at the core of the contemporary web: big platforms like Facebook and Google make huge amounts of money providing access to material made by other people, while those making the content (like music, movies, books, journali**, and more) get an ever-shrinking slice of the pie.

Not everyone involved in the creative industry is complaining about this, obviously. It’s benefited a lot of people, and a lot of internet users. But it’s obvious that the modern, ad-supported web has left companies in Silicon Valley extremely rich while torpedoing revenue in other industries. The Copyright Directive is supposed to level the playing field.


詹姆斯·波涅沃齐克(James Poniewozik)审视了总统对视频推文的新爱好:

The aesthetics of the Rose Garden videos are more YouTube than NBC, unadorned by graphics or soundtrack. (This stands in contrast with the White House’s more heavily produced videos, slathered with epic trailer music.) Mr. Trump stands stiffly, glowering at the camera, and speaks about trade, the stock market, the negotiati*** with North Korea. (“Nothing bad can happen. It’s only going to be positive.”)

Did I say “speaks”? “Barks” is more like it. At a rally, Mr. Trump can vary his tone, playing off the audience and its resp***e — his voice rising into outrage and dropping into cutting asides. But alone with a silent camera, he falls into a single “Everything must go!” sale**an mode, whether he’s throwing red meat about immigrants to a xenophobic base or pitching red meat for The Sharper Image.


Nicole Wong在成为美国副首席技术官之前曾在谷歌和Twitter工作。她与Kara Swisher讨论了为什么平台应将其主要目标定为“准确性、真实性和上下文”,而不仅仅是个性化:

WONG: Facebook’s in this really awkward position where it’s trying to have a global platform and one set of rules imposed c***istently. And the fact of the matter is that every understanding of content is incredibly nuanced from a perspective of what it is in the culture, what it is in the political system, how the legal environment handles a content problem. And so I know what they’re trying to do, and I understand that that’s the only way to scale it, I just think it’s really hard.

And I will say that as someone who gets to say that in hindsight, ’cause I’m not that decider anymore. And in the days when I did it, it was milli***, not billi*** of users, right? It was hundreds of … I don’t remember, it was like … in the tens or scores of hours per minute on YouTube, not in the hundreds of hours of content on YouTube. And so, I actually had the time to say … my folks would level up something for me to see, and I would get a day to sort of think about it and get some more information about like, “Well, what does this mean in India? What are the ramificati***?” and to touch base with people in India to say, “Should I do this or that?” They appear not to have that latitude anymore, and what I’m hearing is that they have four or five seconds per piece of controversial content to make a decision.




A slew of interviews in recent months with colleagues and confidants, most of whom spoke on condition of anonymity because they were worried about retribution from Alphabet, describe Page as an executive who’s more withdrawn than ever, bordering on emeritus, invisible to wide swaths of the company. Supporters contend he’s still engaged, but his immersion in the technology soluti*** of tomorrow has distracted him from the problems Google faces today. “What I didn’t see in the last year was a strong central voice about how [Google’s] going to operate on these issues that are societal and less technical,” says a longtime executive who recently left the company. [….]

What’s occupying Page’s time today? People who know him say he’s disappearing more frequently to his private, white-sand Caribbean island. That’s not to imply that, at 45, he’s already living the daiquiri lifestyle. He still oversees each Alphabet subsidiary, though the extent of his involvement is vague. Along with Google co-founder Sergey Brin, who’s now Alphabet’s president, Page even occasionally holds court at the company’s weekly all-hands “TGIF” meetings at its Mountain View, Calif., headquarters. He sometimes fields questi*** from employees, though he mostly defers to Pichai and other corporate leaders, according to current Googlers. Page has reached a point where he takes on only rare projects that deeply fascinate him, like the sci-fi pursuits at X, Alphabet’s secretive research lab.


布莱克·蒙哥马利(Blake Montgomery)报道说,假剧本是音乐的假新闻,它们可能会越来越扭曲广告牌图表:

While manipulating streaming plays is becoming a more widely used tactic, it’s unclear just how much of an impact it can have on Drake-level artists. But even if it’s just a drop in the bucket, the fraud could erode the veracity of the widely respected Billboard chart metrics, especially since the fan campaigns appear to be getting more sophisticated. Harry Styles fans weaponized Tumblr accounts and VPNs to promote his first solo single and album in 2017, but BTS fans took the blueprint further, creating tests for wannabe helpers to verify their devotion.

It’s not just the US, either: Rampant allegati*** of chart manipulation in South Korea recently triggered an investigation by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Touri**.



Facebook — multi-faceted, sociopath, bipolar, adaptive, ego-centric, social butterfly, uncool uncle, midlife crisis, clean, professional, generic.

Twitter — loud, doesn’t stop talking, loose, messy, celebrities, niche.

WhatsApp — best friend, sociable, fun, brings people together, straightforward, honest, reliable, faithful, discrete, nimble, agile, dynamic, current.

Facebook Messenger — Facebook’s little sister/brother, “wannabe,” clingy, needy, irritating, inferior, boring old lady, inc***istent, if not got WhatsApp.

Instagram — glamorous, model, vibrant, showy, vain, show-off, open-minded, stalker.

Snapchat — young, childish, impulsive, pretentious, artificial, distant.

Snap向CNN和NBC news-The Verge等新闻机构开放众包“我们的故事”内容


Snap is expanding its crowdsourced Our Story content to its various media partners, including CNN, NBC News, and NowThis, who’ll be able to draw on the user-submitted images and videos for their own Snap stories, according to a report from Deadline.

Introduced back in 2015, the Our Story feature on Snapchat collects Snaps that users submit for specific categories, places, events, or topics — think a sports game or a protest rally — into a single, curated Snap story that offers a wider, on-the-ground perspective for a particular event.


YouTube kids应用中为家长提供的新工具和为大孩子提供的内容



Facebook有一个新工具,它使用人工智能来建议修复损坏的代码,Josh Contine报道:

Facebook has quietly built and deployed an artificial intelligence programming tool called SapFix that scans code, automatically identifies bugs, tests different patches, and suggests the best ones that engineers can choose to implement. Revealed today at Facebook’s @Scale engineering conference, SapFix is already running on Facebook’s massive code base and the company plans to eventually share it with the developer community.

“To our knowledge, this marks the first time that a machine-generated fix — with automated end-to-end testing and repair — has been deployed into a codebase of Facebook’s scale” writes Facebook’s developer tool team. “It’s an important milestone for AI hybrids and offers further evidence that search-based software engineering can reduce friction in software development.” SapFix can run with or without Sapienz, Facebook’s previous automated bug spotter. It uses them in conjunction with SapFix suggesting soluti*** to problems Sapienz discovers.



Fast forward to today, when Google is being falsely accused of censoring speech in the United States, when what it is really doing is mulling a return to censorship in China.

If this makes you pause, it should, and Washington politicians should take all their sanctimony and direct it at the China issue, which actually deserves some scrutiny. Perhaps that is the real reason Google avoided sending its current chief executive, Sundar Pichai, to the recent Senate hearings, so he could avoid explaining what it was thinking when it came China 2.0: Now With 100 Percent More Hypocrisy.


在回应本周ThinkProgress和《标准周刊》之间的斗争时,Alexios Mantzarlis表示,美国人倾向于从党派角度看待一切,这掩盖了Facebook上有关事实核查的重要问题:

How literal should their fact-checking on Facebook be? What should it primarily target? How can it be effectively appealed? And how can all these rules work across the more than 15 countries the tool is currently active in?

These are all questi*** fact-checkers and Facebook are asking themselves, but not ones there has been a serious public debate over. This would have been a great moment for heavy-hitting media critics to weigh in. Instead, most abdicated their resp***ibility, content to let the debate be dominated by narrow interpretati*** along the lines of “Facebook is catering to c***ervatives.”


科林·卡佩尼克·耐克(Colin Kaepernick-Nike)的**让我们都成了**

Stefan Heck有一篇美丽的文章,讲述了当一条笑话推特传播开来时,所有从木屋里出来的哑巴。我有点同情这些愚蠢的家伙——推特讨厌上下文,所以很难判断哪些愤怒的推特是认真的,哪些是被放上去的。但赫克的作品既好又有趣,他在推特上对一天的描述几乎和我见过的任何一个都一样贴切:

If you aren’t familiar with how Twitter works, each morning, somebody posts something stupid. The rest of Twitter takes turns pummeling this person into submission. Then, we forget what we were mad about and do it all over again the next day.



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delta将添加‘狂欢按钮’ 它的机上娱乐屏幕

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...信任情绪。深度造假可能使民众和决策者更难辨别真假。Facebook已经在努力解决如何限制其平台上的假货提供的错误信息,并在2020年美国总统大选前禁止假货。 时钟最后一次向前滴答滴答是在2018年,当时它上升了30秒,达到午...

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