


周一,我告诉你danah boyd的一篇报道,关于媒体在放大Alex Jones等“数字烈士”方面的作用(我昨天在时事通讯上贴错了链接-来吧,牛顿因此,如果你还没有读过,那就开始吧。)

今天,丽贝卡·刘易斯(Rebecca Lewis)发布了一份关于另一种放大效应的报告:保守派YouTube人物组成的紧密联系的网络,他们在视频中合作,宣扬极端主义意识形态(顺便说一句,这两份报告都来自纽约的非营利组织数据与社会。)



  • 这些有影响力的人通过强调他们的可靠性、“真实性”和粉丝的可及性,建立了一个另类媒体网络。他们把自己描绘成社会的失败者、被遗弃者和受害者,这给了他们一种反文化的精神气质,可以吸引年轻观众。
  • 这些影响者通过“意识形态证明”等策略有效地提升了自己,在这些策略中,他们讲述了自己从任性的左派转变为思维右倾的保守派;搜索引擎优化,他们使用更中性、更自由的视频中常见的关键词来吸引观众;还有“战略争议”,也就是说特技。
  • 这些影响者鼓励人们随着时间的推移采取更激进的观点,首先鼓励他们拒绝所有非意识形态媒体,然后将其介绍给提供另类世界观的极端主义人物。

刘易斯指出,她不是第一个在YouTube上研究激进主义的学者;她引用了Zeynep Tufekci的《****》文章和YouTube前雇员Guillaume Chaslot在这方面的工作。她与前任的不同之处在于,她摆脱了现在的标准批评,即YouTube的核心问题本质上是技术问题。之前的工作主要关注推荐算法将观众推向极端内容的速度;刘易斯说问题在于内容本身。她写道:

While these articles identify a real problem, they treat radicalization as a fundamentally technical problem. What the section below showcases is that radicalization on YouTube is also a fundamentally social problem. Thus, even if YouTube altered or fully removed its content recommendation algorithms, the AIN would still provide a pathway for radicalization.


There is an undercurrent to this report that is worth making explicit: in many ways, YouTube is built to incentivize the behavior of these political influencers. YouTube monetizes influence for everyone, regardless of how harmful their belief systems are.The platform, and its parent company, have allowed racist, misogynist, and harassing content to remain online – and in many cases, to generate advertising revenue – as long as it does not explicitly include slurs. YouTube also profits directly from features like Super Chat which often incentivizes “shocking” content. In other words, the type of content and engagement created by the AIN fits neatly into YouTube’s business model.

The website similarly seeks policies that offer it protection for hosting user-generated content while simultaneously facing minimal liability for what those users say. This report has shown how these attempts at objectivity are being exploited by users who fundamentally reject objectivity as a valid stance. As a result, platforms like YouTube have an imperative to govern content and behavior for explicit values, such as the rejection of content that promotes white supremacy, regardless of whether it includes slurs.





如果你像我一样,花了很多时间环顾美国,想知道到底发生了什么,你会想读安妮·阿普勒鲍姆(Anne Applebaum)的长篇散文《反自由国家》是如何在她居住的波兰和匈牙利取得类似进展的。这篇文章的总体效果是提醒你,世界各地的人基本上都是一样的,而且都以威胁民主的方式存在。她得出结论:

In truth, the argument about who gets to rule is never over, particularly in an era when people have rejected aristocracy, and no longer believe that leadership is inherited at birth or that the ruling class is endorsed by God. Some of us, in Europe and North America, have settled on the idea that various forms of democratic and economic competition are the fairest alternative to inherited or ordained power.

But we should not have been surprised—I should not have been surprised—when the principles of meritocracy and competition were challenged. Democracy and free markets can produce unsatisfying outcomes, after all, especially when badly regulated, or when nobody trusts the regulators, or when people are entering the contest from very different starting points. Sooner or later, the losers of the competition were always going to challenge the value of the competition itself.


Sara Germano报道称,由于新闻中充斥着适度,贝塔斯曼已同意将其为Facebook和其他公司提供内容适度服务的部分业务与竞争对手合并:

Bertel**ann’s Arvato customer relati*** management division runs moderation centers in Germany and elsewhere, where workers pore over content on Facebook that has been flagged as objectionable. The task has taken on a higher profile as governments increasingly demand moderation of online content.

But the unit hasn’t been growing as quickly as Bertel**ann had hoped, and the company said in January it was c***idering opti*** for the business. On Tuesday, it announced a merger between the unit and the customer relati*** business of Morocco-based Saham Group to form a new company in which both firms will retain a 50% stake.


现在,社交网络有助于民主。据Chaim Gartenberg报道,Instagram将在用户的订阅源和带有链接的故事中投放广告,帮助用户注册投票。

To provide accurate voting information, Instagram is partnering with TurboVote, which promises “up-to-date information on how to register, how to update their registration, how to look up their state’s voting rules and more.”

Additionally, Instagram is planning to offer “I Voted” story stickers on Election Day. In addition to letting you brag to all your friends about how good you are at doing your civic duty, it will also link to Get to the Polls to help others find their polling location.



“During the photo shoot, Mark’s dog, Beast, stayed by photographer Michelle Groskopf’s side the entire time … until she asked Mark to sit in a chair in his sunroom. At that point, Beast leapt across the room onto Mark’s lap. He responded with an ‘oof!’ and we all laughed.”



美国公民自由联盟(ACLU)和美国通讯工作者(Communication Workers of America)针对Facebook提起了一场新的重大诉讼,指控Facebook的广告平台导致了基于性别的歧视。我的同事Jake Kastrenakes:

The American Civil Liberties Union is filing charges against Facebook for allegedly running discriminatory job ads that appeared only to men, something that is illegal under the Civil Rights Act. The ACLU says that Facebook’s platform allowed 10 employers, including a software developer and a police department, to run ads that excluded women and non-binary users, and it says the social network should be held liable for creating the tools to offer these allegedly discriminatory ads.

The complaint is being filed with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a federal agency that oversees charges of workplace discrimination. It’s filed on behalf of three women who say they were discriminated against, but the complaint also hopes to cover “milli***” of women who were excluded from seeing job ads by Facebook and various employers.




Aaron Tilley和Sarah Kuranda报告说,Facebook希望构建自己的增强现实芯片,这可能会启动其不可避免的(可能已经在开发中)AR耳机:

It isn’t clear whether Facebook will eventually release its own AR headset using the custom chips it is developing. If such a product emerges, it could be years away from being released since Facebook Reality Labs—previously known as Oculus Research—is typically focused on long-term projects. Facebook is also investing in chip development for artificial intelligence and data center purposes, as Bloomberg has reported.


在Code Commerce的舞台上,Kurt Wagner问Instagram业务负责人Vishal Shah是否正在开发一款购物应用程序,正如我本月早些时候所报道的那样。他没有说不(答案是肯定的。)



This past week, n***exual ASMR video creators Sharon DuBois (ASMR Glow), Scottish Murmurs, Creative Cal, and Rose ASMR have been permanently banned from PayPal and had their funds frozen for 180 days. Like with YouTube’s July censorship sweep, the women create videos of sound effects and have been expelled from the payment utility under alleged violati*** of the company’s sexual content policy prohibiti***. ASMR community websites are now warning all creators to avoid PayPal. Engadget reached out to PayPal regarding the banning of ASMR video creators, the 8chan sex-haras**ent campaign and how PayPal plans to protect users from this type of abuse — but we did not hear back before publication time.



Ashley’s thread went viral over the weekend, with more than 330,000 likes and 77,000 retweets. But none of these images are actually of her. They belong to a cam model who actually specializes in feederi**, according to the model’s blog, which Motherboard reviewed.

The “Ashley” account was suspended less than two hours after I contacted Twitter to ask whether this account violates the platform’s rules impersonation rules.


Oculus联合创始人Palmer Luckey告诉Wired,他曾经试图建立,嗯,这个:

A bypass for my peripheral nervous system. Rather than waiting a few hundred milliseconds for a signal to travel from my brain to my extremities, I tried to capture it closer to the source and relay it electronically. If you could do this with all of your limbs, not just one finger or one arm, you could potentially have superhuman reflexes without doing a bunch of crazy work on, let’s say, exoskelet*** or predictive ****ytics.

Jack Dorsey论ProPublica的实验新闻










据Megan Farrokhmanesh报道,拥有50000多名订户的创作者可以向观众**每月4.99美元的会员费,以换取独家优惠。以前,该功能至少需要100000个SUB。



iPhone XS评论:XS和XS Max是对获胜公式的可靠更新



Charlie Warzel对danah boyd报告进行了反思,并鼓励记者在报道极端分子时使用“防御性新闻”:

What I take from her is not that we journalists completely lost the plot (though we could do without being so sensitive!), but that there’s room for so much more sophistication in our work and what happens after we hit publish.

This notion reminds me a bit of defensive driving. Though the term ‘defensive journali**’ sounds ridiculous, I think this a helpful way to think of reporting in the era of the platforms and the information war. Like defensive driving, defensive journali** isn’t about aggression, it’s about staying vigilant and anticipating how others might ignoring or break the rules. It’s a heightened sense of awareness and skeptici** (that should be very familiar to journalists) that doesn’t just keep you safe, but everyone else on the road, too.


紧跟着推特时间线的新闻,Jason Kottke建议推特创建“智能账户”——你可以关注或不关注的个性化推特集合。因此,你可以使用一个智能账户,其中包括“来自朋友的喜好”,例如“趋势”或“流行线索”。我喜欢这个想法。



如上所述,在一次难以置信的自我展示中,我错误地粘贴了到昨天主要项目的链接!难以置信的是,你们中只有一个人告诉我这件事。无论如何,谢谢罗杰·麦克纳米!你们其他人真的读过danah boyd的演讲。


In Friday’s newsletter I included an item about Facebook declining to remove a post that seemingly called for violence against a politician in the Philippines. A spokeswoman wrote me to say that it later decided to remove the post.



说你是伊隆·马斯克。你这一周过得很糟糕,原因很多,包括可能对你的推特进行刑事调查。但你也有另一个推特问题,那就是人们冒充你的推特账户,试图欺骗人们购买加密货币。所以他联系了开玩笑的加密货币Dogecoin的创造者,想得到某种脚本……防止这种情况发生?以某种方式细节很少。但正如David Canellis所指出的:

The scambots are so prevalent that Twitter was forced to add a new rule: changing your name to Elon Musk will get you banned from the platform.

Ironically, just a few months ago, Musk joked about the prevalence of scambots on Twitter – and how impressed he is by the people behind them. It seems they no longer amuse him.



向我发送提示、问题、评论、更正和激进化视频:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-25 11:47
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...射塔正越来越多地成为阴谋论者、新纳粹分子和白人至上主义者的目标,他们希望“煽动恐惧、扰乱基本服务、造成经济损失”。 这份由纽约警察局情报局于1月20日发布的报告引述了美国电信基础设施最近遭到的一...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 03:45
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...为***运动发展的载体。”。 工作人员还呼吁YouTube在允许白人民族主义运动发展方面发挥作用。“YouTube绝不能成为***招募和压迫的工具,”他们说。“更重要的是要面对致命的暴力:从Gamergate到Charlottesville,从基督城到华盛顿特...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 16:42
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...the Turner Diaries)描述了美国一个虚构的政变,由白人至上主义者组成的地下组织发动政变,其主角成为政变的核心领导人,以及随之而来的大规模种族灭绝。据南部贫困法律中心称,这本书被引用为现代种族主义和反犹太主义团...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 17:53
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...兰克赖斯特彻奇两座清真寺杀害51人的澳大利亚白人至上主义者被YouTube激进分子化。 据《卫报》报道,新西兰总理雅辛达·阿登(Jacinda Ardern)说:“特别突出的是,****发表声明说,他‘不是极右翼网站的经常评论员...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 01:09
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  • 发布于 2021-04-19 00:07
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youtube禁止stefan molyneux,david duke,richard spencer,以及更多仇恨言论

YouTube已经禁止了几个著名的白人至上主义频道,包括Stefan Molyneux、David Duke和Richard Spencer的频道。 其他被禁止的频道包括American Renaissance(及其相关频道AmRen播客)和Spencer频道’中国国家政策研究所。这些频道一再侵...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 05:25
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  • 发布于 2021-05-07 11:34
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  • 发布于 2021-05-07 17:58
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...在的网络迷因,经历了艰难的一年。但在看到佩佩被种族主义者重新定位为仇恨的象征后,他的创造者正试图夺回他。反诽谤联盟和马特·福瑞(Matt Furie)上周宣布了一个联合项目,将佩佩塑造成“一股向善的力量”。ADL将使用...

  • 发布于 2021-05-08 05:37
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  • 发布于 2021-05-08 06:01
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