
Kathleen Hall Jamieson是一位杰出的政治学家和宾夕法尼亚大学传播学教授。在过去的40年里,她一直在研究政治传播:辩论、广告和演讲。2016年大选后,她研究了唐纳德·特朗普和希拉里·克林顿之间的辩论对选民的影响。这让杰米森走上了一条道路,让她得出了一个大胆(如果不是特别原创的话)的结论:俄罗斯很可能将选举推给特朗普。...

Kathleen Hall Jamieson是一位杰出的政治学家和宾夕法尼亚大学传播学教授。在过去的40年里,她一直在研究政治传播:辩论、广告和演讲。2016年大选后,她研究了唐纳德·特朗普和希拉里·克林顿之间的辩论对选民的影响。这让杰米森走上了一条道路,让她得出了一个大胆(如果不是特别原创的话)的结论:俄罗斯很可能将选举推给特朗普。



杰米森认为,俄罗斯的战役之所以具有决定性,主要有三个原因。其一,通过维基解密(WikiLeaks)战略性地发布被盗文件,并被美国媒体放大,这有助于俄罗斯操纵新闻周期,降低对克林顿的信任,分散对特朗普失言的注意力。第二,一封伪造的电子邮件,据称来自总检察长洛雷塔·林奇,林奇在信中承诺在调查克林顿的私人电子邮件服务器时对她宽大处理,导致联邦调查局局长詹姆斯·科米(James Comey)胡作非为,并召开了一次戏剧性的新闻发布会,称克林顿的行为“粗心大意”。引发新闻发布会的电子邮件似乎是俄罗斯的虚假信息——但科米对林奇的诚信受到损害的担忧改变了竞选的进程,或许也改变了历史。



Philip Howard, the Oxford professor, believes that Facebook possesses this data, down to the location of a user’s computer, and that such information could conceivably reveal whether an undecided voter was swayed after viewing certain content. He also thinks that, if there was any collusion between the St. Peter**urg trolls and the Trump campaign, Facebook’s internal data could document it, by revealing coördination on political posts. But, he says, Facebook has so far resisted divulging such data to researchers, claiming that doing so would be a breach of its user agreement.


与此同时,周一再次提醒人们,俄罗斯的竞选活动正在进行。瑞安·布罗德里克(Ryan Broderick)报道说,Reddit最大的致力于庆祝特朗普的团体——民主党似乎多年来一直是俄罗斯宣传家的目标

The bulk of the investigation that was posted to /r/FuckTheAltRight focused on two suspicious domains: brutalist.press and usareally.com. Both domains were registered in Russia, both sites contain linguistic errors common with other Russia-affiliated sites, and both heavily targeted /r/The_Donald. Based on job listings posted online, brutalist.press appears to have been created in St. Peter**urg in 2016. And usareally.com is owned by a member of a civil society institution called the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Russell Brandom说Reddit还没有确认发生了什么:

Reached by The Verge, Reddit declined to confirm that the posts were taken down because of a specific Russia connection, but said they were in violation of site policy. “We are continuing our investigation into suspicious content on Reddit and have taken action against several domains that break our site-wide policies,” a spokesperson said. “As was the case here, we take user reports of suspicious activity very seriously and fully investigate any claims made to us.”




Pranav Dixit报道,印度法律要求在该国运营的科技公司必须有一名“申诉专员”来处理投诉。但尽管WhatsApp在印度拥有2亿多用户,但直到8月底,WhatsApp仍未能任命一名用户:

Both India’s government and its Supreme Court demanded WhatsApp appoint a grievance officer after violent mobs who fell for rumors and misinformation spread through WhatsApp killed 29 people in 17 separate incidents of lynching across the country since May.

The officer is Komal Lahiri, WhatsApp’s senior director for global customer operati*** and localization since March. Lahiri, previously a senior director at Facebook and Instagram working on community standards and content moderation, is based in the company’s Menlo Park, California, headquarters. Indian users can contact Lahiri with “complaints or concerns” about the app through email or postal mail, said WhatsApp on its website.


Ina Fried报道说Sundar Pichai最近抽出时间告诉员工搜索结果没有政治偏见,他们已经知道了。


上周末,托尼·罗姆(Tony Romm)和乔希·道西(Josh Dawsey)报道说,白宫正在通过一项行政命令,将对Facebook、谷歌、Twitter和其他公司的政治偏见进行联邦调查。根据这份报告,这项命令没有得到认真考虑,这让Yelp大吃一惊,显然是Yelp写的。



谷歌前首席执行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)预测互联网与中国的分歧

埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)说,我们正在进入一个基本上有两个互联网的世界:中国互联网和美国互联网。尽管欧洲对美国技术平台采取了新的严格监管措施,但我不确定不会有第三个:

SCHMIDT: If you look at China, and I was just there, the scale of the companies that are being built, the services being built, the wealth that is being created is phenomenal. Chinese Internet is a greater percentage of the GDP of China, which is a big number, than the same percentage of the US, which is also a big number.

If you think of China as like ‘Oh yeah, they’re good with the Internet,’ you’re missing the point. Globalization means that they get to play too. I think you’re going to see fantastic leadership in products and services from China. There’s a real danger that along with those products and services comes a different leadership regime from government, with censorship, controls, etc.



China has shut down more than 4,000 websites and online accounts in a three-month campaign against “harmful” online information, the official Xinhua news agency said on Saturday, citing the country’s illegal publication watchdog.

China keeps the internet under tight control and has been cracking down on a range of illegal online activities including ****ography, gambling, religious proselytizing and even “spreading rumors”.



在一项新的诉讼中,一名前Facebook内容版主表示,作为工作的一部分,她受到“剧毒”内容的影响。Jason Koebler和Joseph Cox报道:

Scola’s lawyers say that she developed post traumatic stress disorder as a result of “c***tant and unmitigated exposure to highly toxic and extremely disturbing images at the workplace,” and allege that Facebook does not have proper mental health services and monitoring in place for its content moderators. The case was filed as a class-action lawsuit, but at the moment Scola is the only named plaintiff; the lawsuit names a potential class of “thousands” of current and former moderators in California.

The lawsuit does not currently include specific details about Scola’s job and instead relies on news investigati*** about how content moderation works; Scola’s lawyers told Motherboard that further into the legal process she will detail them. “This complaint does not include these [specifics] because Ms. Scola fears that Facebook may retaliate against her using a purported non-disclosure agreement.”



Facebook任命Hotstar的Ajit Mohan为印度负责人

阿吉特·莫汉(Ajit Mohan)是一家视频流媒体平台的首席执行官,现在将负责Facebook的印度业务。但这并不影响WhatsApp,它是Facebook在印度诸多问题的根源。



BuzzFeed的Jonah Peretti($)的演变

如果任何一家媒体公司想通过在Facebook上发布信息来建立一个可持续的业务,那它就是BuzzFeed。但事实并非如此,正如杰西卡·图恩克尔(Jessica Toonkel)在其CEO简介中所述:

For years Facebook executives had told BuzzFeed that they would figure out a way to help publishers make money from having their content on the platform, according to a person familiar with the discussi***. But BuzzFeed executives felt they never followed through. Mr. Peretti said that Facebook’s algorithm change late last year confirmed his belief Facebook wasn’t going to change.

“Toward the end of last year when I saw them sort of double down on this thing that they had tried five times, I was like, okay, they are just incapable of valuing content.” Mr. Peretti said. “We can’t really depend on Facebook.”


Charlie Warzel报道,一名经营YouTube热门频道网络的男子因被控猥亵和猥亵性骚扰而被捕:

While the videos featured on Rylett’s SevenAwesomeKids channels appear innocuous, the allegati*** against him raise questi*** about the safety of underage vloggers on YouTube and whether the company — which profits from advertising sold against the videos — is doing enough to protect its most vulnerable talent from exploitation.





One reason I was so excited about Microsoft buying LinkedIn is because it seemed to increase the likelihood that LinkedIn would be accidentally destroyed, paving the way for a calmer and more useful professional network. It’s taken a while, but I believe we’re getting there, as these useless new LinkedIn integrati*** with Microsoft Office would suggest. Mehedi Hassan has my thoughts exactly:

Now, you will be able to co-author documents with people in your LinkedIn network right in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint without needing to leave the respective apps. This feature seems like an interesting addition because it is quite unlikely you will ever need to co-author document with someone from your LinkedIn network.


针对上周YouTube上对白人至上主义者的研究,Ezra Klein表示,该视频网站是了解反动运动未来的关键,反动运动目前在美国方兴未艾。

Extremi** is interesting. That’s part of the YouTube right’s programming strategy and it’s part of YouTube’s algorithmic strategy. But whether anyone intends it to or not, this mixture of social, political, and algorithmic preferences for extremi** means that a 17-year-old kid who begins watching videos on the YouTube right can get drawn into very dark places very fast.

Ideological coaliti*** are strange things, and all the more so when they’re young and untested. They’re not really under anyone’s control. They often end up grouping together people who don’t much like each other. The boundaries of a movement aren’t just defined by who leads it, but who its followers believe belongs in it, and who they’re guided towards once they make contact with it. Making it yet more complex, this is arguably the first time we’ve seen a distinctive ideological coalition emerging atop social media platforms and under the influence of social media algorithms.




In a letter to Memphis Police Director Michael Rallings dated Sept. 19, Facebook’s legal staff demands that the agency “cease all activities on Facebook that involve the use of fake accounts or impersonation of others.”

It’s a shame, because we really could use more policing of content on Facebook. Just … not this kind of policing.


向我发送提示、评论、问题和俄语Reddit帖子:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-25 13:39
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... 声明还说,国土安全部担心俄罗斯**可能会利用卡巴斯基在美国联邦计算机上的产品,无论是否有卡巴斯基的合作。这份声明缺乏支持这些主张的信息。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-13 03:03
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...的。网络战争也是如此。最近的一期播客回复关注的都是俄罗斯总统普京如何利用博客平台LiveJournal传播宣传,让持不同政见者保持沉默。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 04:26
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... 最近一段时间,这方面的活动很多,中国和俄罗斯的组织被指控试图渗透美国系统,获取特权信息。从金里奇威胁性的话语中可以看出,如果他成为总统,他在这个问题上的立场将是决定性的。他将寻求与中国和俄...

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  • 发布于 2021-04-24 19:40
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...?这不是中国第一次遭受网络攻击(这些攻击通常归咎于俄罗斯。)但这将是第一次以勒索软件为幌子的此类攻击,并严重波及其他国家和公司。 由于该病毒在乌克兰已被证明具有非同寻常的破坏性,一些研究人员开始怀疑...

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  • 发布于 2021-06-25 10:51
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...和平奖。 快速事实:朴茨茅斯条约 朴茨茅斯条约是俄罗斯和日本在美国斡旋下达成的和平协议。它结束了从1904年2.月8.日到1905年9月5.日签订条约的日俄战争。 谈判集中在三个关键问题上:进入满洲和朝鲜港口、控制库页岛...

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...:意大利军队在卡波雷托战役中被击溃 1917年11月7日——俄罗斯革命:布尔什维克推翻了临时政府,开始了俄罗斯内战 1918年1月8日——第一次世界大战:伍德罗·威尔逊总统向国会概述了他的十四点主张 1918年6月1日至28日——第...

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...多的三场战争分别是第二次世界大战、第一次世界大战和俄罗斯内战。 第二次世界大战 20世纪(以及有史以来)规模最大、最血腥的战争是第二次世界大战。这场冲突从1939年持续到1945年,涉及全球大部分地区。最终结束时,...

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  • 发布于 2021-09-06 04:25
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