


周二,在门户网站在商店中实现之前,隐私问题再次凸显。问题是Facebook的广告数据收集系统。Recode的库尔特·瓦格纳(Kurt Wagner)在首次撰写关于门户网站的文章时写道:“通过门户网站收集的任何数据——即使是通话记录数据或应用程序使用数据,比如你收听Spotify的事实——都不会被用于在Facebook上投放广告的目标用户。”Facebook高管向他展示门户网站时告诉瓦格纳。


Facebook has since reached out to change its answer: Portal doesn’t have ads, but data about who you call and data about which apps you use on Portal can be used to target you with ads on other Facebook-owned properties.

“Portal voice calling is built on the Messenger infrastructure, so when you make a video call on Portal, we collect the same types of information (i.e. usage data such as length of calls, frequency of calls) that we collect on other Messenger-enabled devices. We may use this information to inform the ads we show you across our platforms. Other general usage data, such as aggregate usage of apps, etc., may also feed into the information that we use to serve ads,” a spokesperson said in an email to Recode.





The world’s largest social network is building a camera-equipped device that sits atop a TV and allows video calling along with entertainment services like Facebook’s YouTube compe*****, according to people familiar with the matter.

The project, internally codenamed “Ripley,” uses the same core technology as Facebook’s recently announced Portal video chat device for the home. Portal begins shipping next month and uses A.I. to automatically detect and follow people as they move throughout the frame during a video call.





凯文·鲁斯(Kevin Roose)报道了在Twitter上发现的一项新的影响力行动,该行动诞生于4Chan,将“不可扮演角色”这一常见的视频游戏理念转变为对自由主义者的侮辱:

Last week, a trolling campaign organized by right-wing internet users spilled over onto Twitter. The campaign, which was born in the fever swamps of 4chan and Reddit message boards, involved creating hundreds of fictional personas with gray cartoon avatars, known as NPCs. These accounts posed as liberal activists and were used to spread — among other things — false information about November’s midterm electi***.

Over the weekend, Twitter responded by suspending about 1,500 accounts associated with the NPC trolling campaign. The accounts violated Twitter’s rules against “intentionally misleading election-related content,” according to a person familiar with the company’s enforcement process. The person, who would speak only anonymously, was not authorized to discuss the decision.


在昨天的时事通讯发布后,谷歌首席执行官登台就蜻蜓计划发表了迄今为止最详细的讲话。他提倡谷歌将惠及普通中国公民的想法。TGIF本周应该很有趣。Nitasha Tiku有相关引用:

“It turns out we’ll be able to serve well over 99 percent of the queries,” that users request. What’s more, “There are many, many areas where we would provide information better than what’s available,” such as searching for cancer treatments, Pichai said. “Today people either get fake cancer treatments or they actually get useful information.”


Facebook的政治广告数据库目前位于美国和加拿大,仅次于英国。但Alex Hern和Jim Waterston报告说,存在着重要的差异:

Unlike in the US, where the political transparency features were launched this year, the British iteration will not require adverts on political issues to be labelled and registered.

Instead, the company is taking a narrow view, requiring registration for ads “that reference political figures, political parties, electi***, legislation before Parliament and past referenda that are the subject of national debate”.

This means that while adverts on topics such as Brexit will be made public in the ad archive, promoti*** on general topics such as immigration will not be covered.



A couple weeks ago, my co-workers delivered a letter to this effect, signed by over 450 employees, to Jeff Bezos and other executives. The letter also contained demands to kick Palantir, the software firm that powers much of ICE’s deportation and tracking program, off Amazon Web Services and to institute employee oversight for ethical decisi***.

We know Bezos is aware of these concerns and the industry-wide conversation happening right now. On stage, he acknowledged that big tech’s products might be misused, even exploited, by autocrats. But rather than meaningfully explain how Amazon will act to prevent the bad uses of its own technology, Bezos suggested we wait for society’s “immune resp***e.”

If Amazon waits, we think the harm will be difficult to undo.


爱尔兰数据保护委员会(Irish Data Protection Commission)周二表示,9月份Facebook的漏洞影响了300万欧洲公民。萨尔瓦多·罗德里格斯-有趣的事实,我的老室友报告:

This security breach is expected to be the first major test of Europe’s new General Data Protection Regulation, and the number of European users affected could help determine the severity of any penalties against the company.

Under GDPR, companies handling the personal data of Europeans must adhere to strict requirements for holding and securing that information, and must report breaches to authorities within 72 hours. Under the regulation, companies can face fines of up to 4 percent of their annual global revenue. For Facebook, which made more than $40.65 billion in revenue in 2017, that fine could be as much as $1.63 billion.


Jessica Leinwand澄清了Facebook最近在消除与选举有关的错误信息方面对其政策所做的改变:

We already prohibit offers to buy or sell votes as well as misrepresentati*** about the dates, locati***, times and qualificati*** for casting a ballot. We have been removing this type of content since 2016.

Last month, we extended this policy further and are now banning misrepresentati*** about how to vote, such as claims that you can vote by text message, and statements about whether a vote will be counted. (e.g. “If you voted in the primary, your vote in the general election won’t count.”) We’ve also recently introduced a new reporting option on Facebook so that people can let us know if they see voting information that may be incorrect, and have set up dedicated reporting channels for state election authorities so that they can do the same.


Zack Beauchamp看了两项研究:一项来自Bellingcat,我在昨天的时事通讯中提到了这项研究;另一位来自欧洲的研究人员,试图在推特上对右翼极端分子进行“普查”。两者都将YouTube视为激进主义的强大力量:

In short, these recent reports make it clear that YouTube’s design has made it a powerful tool for far-right recruiting. There’s a tremendous library of far-right content on the site, as one might expect on a largely unregulated video uploading service, and the alt-right spends significant effort spreading these videos on alternate platforms.

What’s more, the videos appear to be effective at radicalizing people. A not-insignificant number of people exposed to these videos, either via YouTube’s algorithm or a link on another platform, finds them persuasive — and end up joining the alt-right or other far-right movements as a result.



这是一个关于Chinedu Valentine Okobi的令人心碎的故事,他是一名手无寸铁的36岁男子,10月3日在湾区与警察发生了搏斗。他被***击中后死亡。他的妹妹埃贝尔·奥科比(Ebele Okobi)是Facebook的非洲公共政策主管。公司高管已站出来分享奥克比的故事,并再次关注警察**问题:

In the wake of her brother’s killing, every senior leader at the company, including Mark Zuckerberg, has reached out to her to show support, she said. Current and former Facebook colleagues have used their connecti*** to help spread her brother’s story among activists and the news media.

Several Facebook executives are expected to attend Mr. Okobi’s memorial service. A memorial fund to make donati*** to the Equal Justice Initiative in his honor has been set up on Facebook.


Ina Fried向我们介绍了Facebooks的电信基础设施项目,Facebook帮助电信行业以较低的成本构建网络,希望它能将更多Facebook用户带入互联网:

At its TIP summit in London, Facebook announced Terragraph trials have started with its partners in Hungary, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Terragraph uses the same components as a high-speed, high-frequency wireless protocol known as WiGig to deliver gigabit speeds to dense underserved urban areas at a fraction of the cost of fiber.


亚历克斯·斯塔莫斯——他的推特账户最近变得非常好正在斯坦福大学建立一个“研究所”,将技术人员、华盛顿政策制定者和学者紧密地联系在一起。Craig Timberg和Elizabeth Dwoskin报道:

“There aren’t processes to thoughtfully think through these trade-offs,” he said in an interview ahead of his talk at the university’s Center for International Security and Cooperation. “You end up with these for-profit, very powerful organizati*** that are not democratically accountable, making decisi*** that are in their best and often short-term interest … without there being a much more open and democratic discussion of what these issues are.”

He hopes the new initiative, called the Stanford Internet Observatory, will help unite “sometimes warring facti***” of academia, tech companies and Washington policymakers to work together to help solve “the negative impacts technology can have on society,” he said.





“There’s an effort called ‘kindness,’ which is to reduce bullying and haras**ent, but there’s not that many people working on it,” said Alex, a current Instagram employee who asked to be referred to by a gender-neutral pseudonym. “Generally, what you’ll find is a lot of these efforts on haras**ent or bullying, or there’s a new feature to track how much time you spend—they’re mostly done for PR.” Another Instagram employee told me nearly the same thing: that Instagram’s anti-bullying rhetoric “doesn’t seem connected to what’s actually going on in the company.”

Instagram的Kevin Systrom的下一步是什么?飞行课

说到Instagram——如果你和我一样,对创始人上个月辞职的原因感到困惑,那么现在你可以观看凯文·西斯特罗姆(Kevin Systrom)对劳伦·古德(Lauren Goode)的采访,自己分析他的肢体语言和语调。



Twitter, the Bluth Company of Silicon Valley social networks, kicked off Tuesday by sending users incomprehensible text strings via push notificati***. A wide range of Twitter users tweeted their notificati***, which c***isted of long strings of numbers and lowercase letters, followed by a colon and another number. Maybe it’s a random burst of data. Maybe Twitter has revealed the nuclear launch codes! Either way, it should be a fun afternoon.


你会相信在一个专制独裁的国家里,社交网络之间的竞争比在我们的****天堂里还要激烈吗?嗯,有!Juro Osawa和Yunan Zhang报道:

Imagine if Facebook’s key lieutenants quit to launch a rival product. In China, something like that just happened. Two of the people who helped develop WeChat, the nearly universal chat app run by Tencent, recently created new social networks called Pop and Echo.

It comes amid signs WeChat’s grip over social networking and media c***umption in China may not be as total as it once was, leaving openings for newcomers and potentially a more fragmented market. While the new contenders are young, the amount of backing they are getting shows investors believe new social apps more narrowly focused on photo- and video-sharing, where WeChat is less dominant, could pay off.


Peter Yang调查了为什么中国短格式视频Douyin在Vine失败的地方成功。我认为这不是一个完整的解释,但至少值得考虑:

Music as the inspiration: The vast majority of short videos on Douyin have a 5–15s music clip playing in the background. The song defines what creators do in the video and creators can click a song to see other videos and get inspired to create similar content.

Create trends and copy them: Similarly, viewers can browse Douyin’s discover tab to see a frequent rotation of trending hashtags and contests to get inspired to create content. The Douyin team actively curates new trends in partnership with its top creators.

特朗普支持者的约会应用Donald Daters泄露了用户数据


On its launch day alone, the app had a little over 1,600 users and counting.

We know because a security researcher found issues with the app that made it possible to download the entire user database.



凯特·克拉克(Kate Clark)更新了Pinterest如何利用其赚钱的可购买PIN码:

The three new features include up-to-date pricing and stock information on all product pins, with links that take pinners to the retailer’s website, plus a new “Products like this” category under each fashion and home decor pin, which includes stylistically similar products that Pinterest thinks that user will like. It’s also added a new shopping shortcut within the app that connects users to similar products to a given pin. That new feature is accessible when users hold down on any home or style pin and click on the price tag logo (second image below).




River Clegg对每个社交网络都有一些讽刺性的新规则,比如这条针对Twitter的规则。

All Twitter users must now check a box indicating whether they’re a white supremacist or a comedian. It will just be easier this way.



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...踪你,如果你带着安卓系统,也会在离线追踪你。但是像Facebook这样的社交媒体网站呢? ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-19 14:26
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... 利用委员会所称的“黑暗模式”,Facebook、谷歌和微软等公司正利用心理偏见,增加你做出可能不符合你利益的隐私选择的可能性。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-24 06:58
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...不是人气。我很喜欢。[英加杰] Prime视频即将登陆Facebook门户网站:你很快就能在门户网站上观看电影了。[可流线型] 门户网站也将进入美国以外的地区:预计今年秋季发货。[英加杰] 在与Facebook无关的新闻中,苹果无法跟上AirPo...

  • 发布于 2021-04-03 15:13
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Facebook绝对可以让你轻松地与他人沟通,但如果你不小心,某些你想保持隐私的信息可能会被曝光。这里我们来看看锁定您的个人资料,以及如何避免其他烦恼。 私有化您的个人资料 Facebook是与朋友、家人和其他在线联系人保持...

  • 发布于 2021-04-14 03:29
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facebook prompt将鼓励在苹果推进隐私保护之前选择加入广告跟踪


  • 发布于 2021-04-16 07:12
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 08:10
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...迎的生育期跟踪应用达成和解,该应用涉嫌向用户谎称与Facebook和谷歌等第三方公司共享私人健康信息。Flo是一款经期和排卵跟踪应用,拥有超过1亿用户。 联邦贸易委员会在诉状中称,弗洛告诉用户,他们的信息将...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 18:25
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 22:39
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 03:27
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 19:38
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