





在大西洋地区,Alexis Madrigal发现了一个漏洞,允许广告商通过有限责任公司将捐款传递出去,从而使他们的身份变得微不足道。他的研究对象是MotiveAI,这是一家由Facebook第一位也是唯一一位总编辑Dan Fletcher和前Verge员工Kirsten Frisina共同创建的公司。弗莱彻是在Facebook早期的新闻探索中被**的,现在他创建了一家公司,据其网站称,“与一小群客户合作传播思想。”



如果你是全民医疗的粉丝,这看起来可能没那么可怕。但凯文·鲁斯(Kevin Roose)今天有一个故事说明了这种困惑的另一面。在弗吉尼亚州第十国会选区,一个不知名人士正在购买将民主党候选人詹妮弗·韦斯顿(Jennifer Wexton)描绘成(除其他外)纳粹的政治广告:

The ads paint Ms. Wexton as an “evil socialist,” with language and imagery not typically found in even the roughest campaigns. In one ad, which began running on Monday, Ms. Wexton is pictured next to an image of Nazi soldiers, and the ad’s text refers to her supporters as “modern-day brown shirts.” In another, which first ran this month, Ms. Wexton is compared to Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused the new Supreme Court justice, Brett M. Kavanaugh, of sexual assault. The image is captioned: “What’s the difference??? Nothing!! Both are liars.”

The person or group behind the ads is known to Facebook, but a mystery to the public. The funding disclaimer attached to the ads reads, simply, “Paid for by a freedom loving American Citizen exercising my natural law right, protected by the 1st Amendment and protected by the 2nd Amendment.” There is no other identifying information on the page.



While Facebook requires all ad sp***ors to send them a government ID, so that they can be “verified,” Facebook shares literally no information about the company that paid for a given ad, aside from the name. Given that LLCs are opaque and can pop into and out of existence, there is no formal mechani** for figuring out who is pushing what agenda. Though Fletcher maintains that his funding comes from Americans, it’s easy to imagine a hypothetical in which it does not. Let’s say MotiveAI had substantial Chinese or European investors. That foreign involvement could very easily be laundered through an American starting an LLC. Even better, a thicket of LLCs that would make it more difficult to connect different purchases up.






本·凯斯林和达斯汀·沃兹介绍了克里斯·戈德史密斯(Kris Gold**ith)的个人资料,他是一名义务警员,是Facebook的版主,负责搜索针对美国退伍军人的欺诈网页:

Working from offices, coffee shops, and his apartment, he has cataloged and flagged to Facebook about 100 questionable pages that have milli*** of followers. He sits for hours and clicks links, keeping extensive notes and compiling elaborate spreadsheets on how pages are interconnected, and tracing them back, when possible, to roots in Russia, Eastern Europe or the Middle East.

“The more I look, the more patterns I see,” he said.



Saudi Arabia is threatening to give 5-year prison terms and heavy fines to anyone caught spreading “fake news” online, a warning to those discussing the suspected murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The threat, published over the weekend in the Saudi Gazette, echoes one of President Trump’s favorite phrases to demean any journali** that he finds unfavorable to his regime.

The Saudi Gazette cited Article 6 of the Saudi Arabia’s cybercrimes regulati*** which makes it against the law to breach “public order, religious values, public morals and privacy.” The law makes no distinction between Saudi citizens and foreign nationals found to be in violation of the draconian rules.


下面是多尼·奥沙利文(Donie O’Sullivan)的一个引人注目的时代故事,讲述了孟加拉国人如何在Facebook上宣传假**游行以销售T恤衫(我意识到标题听起来像是妇女们在从孟加拉国逃走;事实上,骗局就是从那里开始的。)

The pages were not run by the Russian trolls who meddled in the US’ 2016 election, and have continued doing so since. They were run from Bangladesh, a CNN investigation has found — and they were designed to exploit Americans’ interest in politics and protests in order to sell t-shirts.

In all, there were 1,700 separate Facebook pages designed to look like they were run by local Women’s March organizers, a source familiar with Facebook’s investigation into the issue told CNN.


以下是本周早些时候杰克·多尔西在Wired 25采访尼古拉斯·汤普森的完整记录:

DORSEY: I think Twitter does contribute to filter bubbles. And I think that’s wrong of us. I think we need to fix it. But I don’t think it’s the chronological timeline or the ranked timeline that does it. I think it’s the fact that we only enable you to follow an account.



几家持有Facebook股份的公共基金支持一项股东提议,将首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)推选为董事长。



As with all Google-operated services, serious downtime for YouTube is pretty rare. YouTube TV did suffer service interruption at an inopportune time during this summer’s World Cup, however, and channel pages went down for a while in April. Perhaps most infamously, Pakistan’s government accidentally caused an hours-long global YouTube blackout a decade ago by attempting to censor a trailer for an anti-Islamic film.



A security bug that hit Tumblr’s recommended blogs module may have exposed users’ private information, according to an open letter. Information like email addresses, passwords, IP addresses, and self-reported locati*** may have become exposed due to the bug if individual accounts were hit.

It’s unclear if the bug affected individual accounts, according to the open letter, but an investigation concluded that the bug “was rarely present.”

洛根·保罗(Logan Paul)的YouTube高级电影在争议几个月后重新上映


Paul posted a trailer for the film on YouTube last night. There’s no release date for the YouTube Premium (formerly YouTube Red) project yet, but Paul suggests in the comments that it’ll be available for Premium subscribers “very soon.” Paul also tweeted out the news with a devil emoji, announcing the “surprise” move.


Sarah Frier表示,不要指望Reddit很快上市:

Huffman has hinted previously that an IPO could be in Reddit’s future. But now, “we look at our peers and we look at what’s going on with the market – I want to make sure if we do something like that, that we can continue to maintain the courage of our convicti***,” said Huffman, who is better known as “spez” on the website he co-founded in 2005 with Alexis Ohanian.

An initial public offering is “probably 35 years out,” he joked.


莎拉·菲舍尔(Sara Fischer)报告说,Facebook和Twitter使用Chartbeat的新数据向出版商发送的流量减少了:

Facebook traffic to publishers is down so much (nearly 40%) that according to Chartbeat, “a user is now more likely to find your content through your mobile website or app than from Facebook.”

Google Search on mobile has grown more than 2x, helping guide users to stories on publishers’ owned and operated channels.



Whenever I was perturbed by parts of my Google data, like a record of the Android apps I had opened over the past several years, I was relieved to find out I could delete the data. In contrast, when I downloaded my Facebook data, I found that a lot of what I saw could not be purged.



尼克·斯塔特(Nick Statt)报告说,Twitter正在为其报告过程带来一些急需的清晰性:

In an update outlined this morning on the company’s blog, Twitter will now clearly highlight when a reported tweet had an enforcement action taken against it. The goal, writes Twitter product manager Sam Toizer, is to help the public understand when a rule-breaking tweet was forcibly taken down and not just simply deleted by the user due to backlash.





Restrict forwards. This year, after the dissemination of rumors on WhatsApp provoked lynchings in India, the company put restricti*** on the number of times that a message could be forwarded. Globally, the number of forwards was reduced to 20, while in India it was reduced to five. WhatsApp should adopt the same measure in Brazil to limit the reach of disinformation.

Restrict broadcasts. WhatsApp allows every user to send a single message to up to 256 contacts at once. This means that a **all, coordinated group can easily conduct a large-scale disinformation campaign. This could be prevented by limiting the number of contacts to whom a user could broadcast a message.


约瑟芬·沃尔夫(Josephine Wolff)写道,很难确定像Facebook这样的公司是如何以及在何处出错的,这使得监管面临挑战:

At first glance, the lack of c***equences that companies face for data breaches might seem to be a clear problem and something that can be easily remedied through heavy regulation like the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation. However, the problem turns out to be more complicated than that. Two challenges, in particular, have hindered effective legal and regulatory resp***es to breaches: determining whether a company was negligent in its security practices, and figuring out how to calculate the monetary value of stolen personal information and the harms inflicted on the people whose data was breached.

The fact that your personal information was stolen from a company does not necessarily mean that the company did a poor job of securing your data and therefore deserves to be punished. The Facebook breach, for example, was made possible by three software vulnerabilities tied to user tools for privacy and for uploading birthday videos. These vulnerabilities might seem like problems that Facebook should have caught early on, but the truth is that every company has bugs like these in its software.


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  • 发表于 2021-08-26 00:20
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  • 发布于 2021-03-16 14:47
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如果2020年美国总统大选结果混乱,Facebook表示,它可能会阻止内容流传。据报道,这家社交媒体巨头正准备应对选举日可能发生的暴力事件。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-30 06:50
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Facebook正在推出一种工具,帮助保护用户的图片所有权。用户很快就可以在Facebook和Instagram上申请图片的所有权,并对自己的图片进行监控。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-30 08:01
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随着2020年美国总统大选的临近,Facebook对与政治有关的新闻机构实施了新的限制。Facebook现在要求这些出版物在发布政治驱动的广告之前必须经过免责程序。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-30 15:01
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周三骚乱者袭击美国国会大厦时,Facebook删除了总统特朗普回应暴力的视频。这个决定是在视频发布到平台上一小时后做出的。 Facebook诚信副总裁盖伊·罗森周三在微博上说:“这是紧急情况,我们正在采取适当的紧...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 16:08
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Facebook周二表示,将破例取消其政治广告禁令,让竞选活动和其他政治组织为即将到来的格鲁吉亚决选刊登广告。 参议院选举将于1月5日举行,这将决定哪个美国政党在当选总统拜登的领导下控制国会众议院。Facebook...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 03:18
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...,还有meme页面,比如仍然流行的Bernie Sanders Dank meme Stash Facebook页面。桑德斯关于取消学生债务和应对气候变化的立场在年轻选民的脚下点燃了一把火,他们中的许多人是随着互联网和Facebook、Twitter、Tumblr和Reddit等平台的普及而...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 05:56
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Facebook首席执行官扎克伯格(markzuckerberg)今天表示,在大选前的7天内,Facebook将停止在美国投放新的政治广告,这是该公司为防止选举干扰而采取的一系列措施的一部分。 扎克伯格在脸书上宣布这一举动时说:“距...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 19:26
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...的新闻可能会影响公众对大型科技平台的看法。 趋势:Facebook在11月的民意调查中给员工带薪休假。这项努力是在COVID-19导致民调工人短缺之际进行的。(萨拉·菲舍尔/阿西奥斯) 趋势是:谷歌的碳足迹现在为零。该公司在2007年...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 22:21
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今天,Facebook推出了其承诺已久的选民信息中心,作为一个权威指南,帮助美国人在即将到来的选举中投票。 距离选举还有两个多月,中心的信息目前主要集中在选民登记上,但脸书的官员表示,随着选举日的临近,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 06:11
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