




On one hand, the war room is just one of many conference rooms in MPK 20, the company’s Menlo Park, CA headquarters. But it’s larger than average, and has been stuffed with people and electronics equipment. There are desks for 24 people, and the room is ringed with 17 screens, each of which highlights a different stream of information Facebook is monitoring.

Employees look for suspicious spikes in spam and hate speech, in some cases using custom software built for the purpose. They look for efforts at voter suppression, such as falsely telling people that lines are long or that the election has been delayed. (The team recently uncovered one such hoax claiming that the Brazilian election date had been delayed a day due to protests, and swiftly removed the offending posts.)





以下是BuzzFeed的Ryan Broderick关于该计划的介绍:

Media firms that supported far-right frontrunner Jair Bolsonaro used Bolsonaro’s supporter database, as well as third-party databases of phone numbers. Some of these agencies were even offering a breakdown of location and income level. The firms then used a service called “mass shooting” to tran**it thousands of messages.

Folha alleges that some of these firms purchased contracts for up to 12 million reais ($3.2 million USD). Not only is this an abuse of WhatsApp, it is illegal to do this in Brazil. Companies are forbidden from donating to political campaigns, and they are not allowed to procure a candidate’s supporter database.

While it’s impossible to know — seemingly even for WhatsApp’s moderators — what’s going on inside a private conversation or group — it is possible to monitor public groups. A WhatsApp monitor built by local fact-checking group Eleições Sem Fake shows that the platform is just as full of misinformation as Facebook.






莎拉·弗里尔(Sarah Frier)和大卫·比勒(David Biller)对比了Facebook高管们的评论,他们“很高兴”能够用巴西人的话迅速处理错误信息(他们说问题在于WhatsApp。)

Pablo Ortellado, a professor of public policy at the University of Sao Paulo who has studied fake news, said Facebook has made good strides, but isn’t addressing the full scale of the problem. And he thinks the company’s efforts still won’t be enough to tame WhatsApp, where Facebook doesn’t have visibility into exactly what’s being shared.

“All the malicious stuff of the campaigns went through WhatsApp, that’s the problem,” he said in an interview. “Really, that was one of the disasters of this election.”



The court known as TSE launched an official website to debunk social media posts challenging the vote’s legitimacy, and has held two video conferences with executives from California-based messaging app WhatsApp, widely used in Brazil. TSE President Rosa Weber was also scheduled to address the issue in a Wednesday meeting with representatives for the candidates, far-right front-runner Jair Bolsonaro and leftist Fernando Haddad, according to the court’s press office.


罗伯特·麦克米兰(Robert McMillan)和迪帕·西塔拉曼(Deepa Seetharaman)周三晚些时候报告称,Facebook已初步认定其大数据泄露并非外国**所为:

Facebook Inc. believes that the hackers who gained access to the private information of 30 million of its users were spammers looking to make money through deceptive advertising, according to people familiar with the company’s internal investigation.

The preliminary findings suggest that the hackers weren’t affiliated with a nation-state, the people said.


杰西卡·盖恩(Jessica Guynn)在Facebook上发现了几十个提到西班牙裔传统月或“墨西哥”一词的广告,这些广告被标记为“政治”并被屏蔽(因为页面管理员没有注册为政治广告商)。我自己也听到了很多类似这样的轶事故事:

Dozens of advertisements removed from Facebook for being political ahead of the November midterm electi*** did not appear to express any political view, a USA TODAY ****ysis showed. The Facebook ads from businesses, universities, nonprofits and other organizati*** did seem to have something in common: They mentioned “African-American,” “Latino,” “Hispanic,” “Mexican,” “women,” “LGBT” or were written in Spanish.

Even offers of free delivery from Chipotle Mexican Grill were mislabeled as political until an inquiry from USA TODAY. Laurie Schalow, the restaurant chain’s chief communicati*** officer, said Facebook “corrected the error” after being alerted.



Out of Factcheck’s full-time staff of eight people, two focus specifically on Facebook. On average, they debunk less than one Facebook post a day. Some of the other third-party groups reported similar volumes. None of the organizati*** said they had received special instructi*** from Facebook ahead of the midterms, or perceived a sense of heightened urgency.

ABC News, which was part of the fact-checking effort when it began early last year, has dropped out. “We did a review, and we couldn’t tell if it was really making any difference; so we decided to reallocate the resources,” said a person familiar with ABC’s decision.


我们是否因为只和我们一样的人在网上闲逛而变得更加两极分化?还是因为我们经常在网上暴露在*****面前?埃兹拉·克莱因(Ezra Klein)在一篇论文(我在第一次发表时提到过)中指出,后一种解释更具说服力:

“Republican” is an identity. “Democrat” is an identity. When you log on to Twitter and read someone attacking the people you admire, the people you ally with, the people you see as your group, you become defensive of your side and angry at the critics.

One problem in all this is that most political media isn’t designed for persuasion. Some is, of course — Ross Douthat’s column at the New York Times is a soft c***ervative trying to persuade a liberal audience, for instance — but most opinionated political media is written for the side that already agrees with the author. Similarly, most partisan elected officials are tweeting to their supporters, who follow them and fundraise for them, rather than to their critics, who don’t.


凯文·鲁斯(Kevin Roose)和基思·柯林斯(Keith Collins)分析了数百名中期选举候选人在Facebook和Instagram上的互动次数。他们发现民主党人在参众两院选举中处于领先地位,而在参议院选举中处于劣势:

Together, the data amounts to a revealing picture of how those candidates’ messages are resonating with a digital audience, and how social media activity both mirrors and departs from more traditional polling methods.

It also shows that Democrats often dominate the conversation on Instagram, but Republican candidates are finding their biggest audiences on Facebook, the largest and most influential social network.


埃里克·盖勒(Eric Geller)介绍了民主党全国委员会为防止2016年的另一次黑客攻击所做的工作:

The Democratic National Committee has spent 14 months staffing up with tech talent from Silicon Valley, training staff to spot suspicious emails and giving the FBI someone to talk to if it spots signs of hackers targeting the party.

The first concrete sign of success may come in a few weeks, if the Democrats make it through the November midterm electi*** unscathed. But Raffi Krikorian, the DNC’s chief technology officer, is already pointing to one significant accomplishment — what he calls a massive overhaul of digital security at the committee and its sister organizati***.


推特不会因为路易斯·法拉坎(Louis Farrakhan)将犹太人比作昆虫的推特而暂停使用



麦迪逊·马龙·基什内尔(Madison Malone Kirchner)是最新一位注意到IGTV启动缓慢的人(她还与一群青少年谈论他们为什么没有使用它。)

It appears, though, that the very creators Instagram promised users would anchor IGTV haven’t even bothered to put in a good-faith effort to get those views. Lauren Riihimaki a.k.a. LaurDIY has just two IGTV videos posted to her channel. One is a three minute “Target haul” — haul is vlogger talk for a video showing off everything you bought on a shopping trip and describing it in excruciating detail — and the other is a 56-second stop-motion clip of Riihimaki walking around Los Angeles. Both were posted on June 20, the same day IGTV launched. JiffPom the dog doesn’t have any IGTV videos posted at present. If creators aren’t creating on the platform, then it only makes sense that users aren’t, well, using it. There’s nothing to watch.


Twitter本周发布了关于平台上俄罗斯巨魔的新信息,Jane Lytvynenko写道,一个僵尸网络睡眠者**藏在显眼的地方:

Jonathon Morgan, the CEO of New Knowledge, a security company that monitors social media misinformation and online influence operati***, told BuzzFeed News that his software identified strange phrases used by some of the IRA accounts released by Twitter. They appeared to be more promotional than political.

“Free Lunch for a Year at Taco Bell,” some accounts posted. “FREE pass to the 2013 Coachella Music Festival!” others tweeted.

Shane Dawson的Jake Paul系列实际上是关于YouTube的心碎

Patricia Hernandez观看了Shane Dawson关于Jake Paul的系列剧,发现这实际上是关于YouTuber与平台激励的较量:

This is not a series about cracking Jake Paul or rehabilitating him — not really. This is Shane Dawson staring into the abyss, knowing full well that he’ll find something familiar lurking in the shadows. Maybe all YouTubers do, on some level. “No matter what somebody thinks about your videos or whatever, everyone can agree how much work it is … having to come up with the craziest shit every time,” Shane says to Jake Paul at one point during the series.

Jake agrees, saying that he feels like he has to top himself with every subsequent upload. “I think that’s where a lot of madness and craziness comes in,” Paul says. This sentiment — the idea that you have to keep going, that the next thing always has to be bigger and better — is at the heart of why so many YouTubers end up feeling burned out.


Del.icio.us首席执行官约书亚·沙赫特(Joshua Schachter)反思了将自己钟爱的社交书签网站**给雅虎的事。

Once we were acquired, Yahoo helped us on the tech side, but not as much as it said it would. I think this is common for acquisiti***. Before you’re acquired, you’re an important visionary. Afterward, you’re a crazy person who just wants to burn money.

Any decision was an endless discussion. I remember once, we had to present to a senior vice-president. We had a 105-slide deck prepared, and we didn’t get past the second slide because they rattled on about one ****ing slide. It was a miserable environment.


避开应用商店,Facebook Lite和群组获得即时游戏

据Josh Contine报道,Facebook正在使用HTML5在更多地方推出游戏。对我来说,Facebook上的游戏以Scrabulous开始和结束。Scrabulous真的很有趣!遗憾的是,这完全是非法的。


Facebook Watch目前还没有什么突破,但现实世界至少是一个可识别的名字,可能会让千禧一代停止滚动并观看几秒钟。


Renee DiResta写了一篇冗长、冷静、令人不安的文章,讲述了我们如何在信息生态系统中获得如此多的信任:

These technologies will continue to evolve: disinformation campaign content will soon include manufactured video and audio. We can see it coming but are not equipped to prevent it. What will happen when video makes us distrust what we see with our own eyes? If democracy is predicated on an informed citizenry, then the increasing pervasiveness of computational propaganda is a fundamental problem. Through a series of unintended c***equences, algorithms have inadvertently become the invisible rulers that control the destinies of milli***. Now we have to decide what we are going to do about that.



Justin Littman, a software developer at Stanford University Libraries, explained that researchers with advanced software skills used to be able to sign up to write their own software and get the data they needed from Twitter’s Application Programming Interface (API). In July, the company announced that researchers would have to first request access to the API for such projects order to prevent malicious use of the application. The company also limits how data sets obtained this way can be shared. Users who sign up to use the developer platform also have to agree to Twitter’s policies. One of these imposes restricti*** on studying a range of subjects, including political beliefs and racial and religious topics.

It’s great that Twitter is trying to prevent its data from being used for nefarious purposes, such as interfering in electi***. But it’s disturbing that the company requires researchers using their API to agree to policies that include restricti*** on studying topics like identity politics. A Twitter spokesperson pointed out that access to the basic API is free, but Littman noted that it only provides historical tweets going back a few days. That’s unhelpful for many academics whose studies have longer time frames.





Anna England-Kerr said that after sharing the news on the social network, she continued to see ads for cots, baby blankets and bottles, and more recently IVF treatments, despite changing settings on Facebook that should have blocked such appearances.

“The onus should really be on Facebook to fix this, and not on bereaved parents to remove themselves from social spaces that help them deal with their grief,” England-Kerr said in an interview.



向我发送提示、评论、问题和您的WhatsApp病毒帖子:[email protected].

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WhatsApp是Facebook旗下的消息传递平台,是全球最受欢迎的消息传递应用之一。据估计,超过10亿人使用该应用程序,每天发送超过650亿条信息。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-18 03:25
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... 2017年11月初,国会发布了一系列俄罗斯支持的Facebook广告,针对特定人口的选民。这些广告宣传的是分裂的、情绪化的话题,旨在开始网上辩论(其中一些话题散播到了公众面前)。其他消息显示,俄罗斯运营的Faceboo...

  • 发布于 2021-03-25 03:54
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...Facebook新闻提要上。Facebook的新规定还禁止政治出版物在WhatsApp业务API和Messenger业务平台上使用新闻消息。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-30 15:01
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:48
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...如果算上Facebook的整个应用家族,包括Instagram、Messenger和WhatsApp,每天有超过25亿人查看Facebook产品,每月有32.1亿人查看。 Facebook的季度财务表现反映了科技行业一个令人不安的现实:不管有多大争议或充斥着政治冲突,像Facebook...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 18:05
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据英国《金融时报》报道,Facebook表示,如果美国总统大选引发暴力骚乱,它可能会大力限制内容。全球事务负责人尼克·克莱格(Nick Clegg)对英国《金融时报》表示,Facebook正在研究“如果真的存在极端混乱、更糟糕的暴力环...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 01:14
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...”。(这很有趣,因为没有人喜欢使用Poke。) 谷歌收购WhatsApp的尝试是如何搞砸的? 第322页:“2012年,负责推销的是玛丽莎·梅耶。但[WhatsApp联合创始人][Jan]Koum和[Brian]Acton发现,当他们来到谷歌山景城办公室参加会议时,Mayer...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 09:27
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...选团队建立了温暖的关系以获得互利,俄罗斯人提出帮助破坏希拉里·克林顿的参选资格,而特朗普团队则提出了解除总统奥巴马实施制裁的想法。 《****》在提供给《边缘》的一份声明中说:“特朗普阵营已经...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 09:31
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  • 发布于 2021-04-20 14:51
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 “谁说Facebook甚至会干预?“看看Instagram和WhatsApp,”来自Oculus开发者Hipster Squid工作室的James Crowson说Facebook是如何干预这些应用程序的?你不需要Facebook登录就可以登录WhatsApp,你也不会被迫看到Facebook广告。”

  • 发布于 2021-04-25 15:25
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