





在《每日野兽》(Daily Beast)中,威尔·索默(Will Sommer)探讨了被认为对推特来说太有害的右翼人物是如何在Instagram上获得庇护的,包括亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)、骄傲男孩创始人加文·麦金尼斯(Gavin McInnes)、右翼喜剧演员欧文·本杰明(Owen Benjamin)和米洛·伊安诺普洛斯(Milo Yiannopoulos)。


与此同时,泰勒·洛伦兹(Taylor Lorenz)与凯特·弗里德曼·西格尔(Kate Friedman Siegel)进行了交谈,她发现Instagram在上个月报告反犹太主义直接消息时反应迟钝。西格尔的花柄是“疯狂的犹太人”,有80多万朵花。

Siegel shared screenshots of two anti-Semitic memes she had received via Instagram direct message in September, both of which the platform failed to take action on. One featured an oven with the phrase Jewish stroller plastered on top. The other was a Dr. Seuss parody book cover titled “Horton Hears a Jew,” by “Dr. Goebbels.” [...]

Siegel has received anti-Semitic messages since she started the account. But recently, they’ve reached a fever pitch. Siegel said she’s been tagged in memes that depict Adolf Hitler doing the Nazi salute, people desecrating the Israeli flag, people Photoshopping her as Anne Frank, people joking about putting her into a gas chamber, and worse. She reports the ones she sees to Instagram, but she gets so many notificati*** that there’s no easy way for her to keep track of which reports Instagram has taken action on and which it hasn’t.


The right wing adopted the hashtag #Soros to share many of these memes, and Instagram helpfully organized the most-engaged posts algorithmically. It auto-populated suggested searches for anyone who began to search for Soros: “soros caravan,” “soros bomb,” “soros jew,” all of which could lead users to further misinformation.

Instagram search results also auto-populated with a bunch of obviously fake Soros accounts, although many of them appear to have been taken down overnight.

这至少是Adam Mosseri和他的团队需要考虑的三个大问题:我们应该为Facebook禁止的人提供平台吗?为什么?我们是否在内容适度方面进行了足够的投资?我们平台的独特机制如何让坏演员组织和传播仇恨言论?






On the eve of the 2018 midterm electi***, a VICE News investigation found the “Paid for by” feature is easily manipulated and appears to allow anyone to lie about who is paying for a political ad, or to pose as someone paying for the ad.

To test it, VICE News applied to buy fake ads on behalf of all 100 sitting U.S. senators, including ads “Paid for by” by Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer. Facebook’s approvals were bipartisan: All 100 sailed through the system, indicating that just about anyone can buy an ad identified as “Paid for by” by a major U.S. politician.


Alexis Madrigal发现与2016年趋势相反:

According to an Atlantic ****ysis of the top 100 spenders, left-leaning candidates and causes spent $9.43 million from October 21 to October 27 alone, the most recent period for which Facebook data is available. The big spenders on the right spent only $2.65 million.

The top 100 ad buyers on Facebook included 55 left-leaning organizati*** and candidates, compared to just 22 from the right wing. The remaining 23 big spenders focused on state propositi*** or corporate campaigns.



Trump, in other words, manipulates the media using the same tactics as a run-of-the-mill alt-right troll, and for much the same reason: He wants the media to fight with him so he gets more coverage and shows how biased they are against him. He wants the media to fight him because that drives attention to the things he’s saying, to the c***piracies he’s popularizing, and to himself. Going to war with the media nets Trump much more coverage than giving a speech on manufacturing policy or tax cuts.

The problem is Donald Trump isn’t your run-of-the-mill troll. He’s the president of the United States of America.


推特建立了一个中期选举门户网站,展示关于政治的推特,自然充斥着来自巨魔的虚假声明和帖子。这一切都让我从掌上电脑换到了办公桌。Charlie Warzel和Ryan Mac:

A spokesperson for Twitter told BuzzFeed News that the midterms electi*** portal was like many of the pages the company creates for events like basketball games and natural disasters. An algorithm curates tweets based on certain keywords, and any content associated with those keywords is populated on the page. The Twitter spokesperson did not specify what keywords were being used for its midterms electi*** page. In a follow-up call, a Twitter spokesperson clarified that the ‘latest’ tab’s algorithm takes into c***ideration the accounts that a user follows as one of a number of signals in order to surface tweets. It is possible then, if a user follows a c***piratorial or automated feed, the algorithm could recommend similar c***piratorial or automated accounts. The page, the company noted, was designed less for Twitter power-users and more for newer users searching for useful news ahead of the election.



Late last week, about 60 percent of the conversation was driven by likely bots. Over the weekend, even as the conversation about the caravan was overshadowed by more recent tragedies, bots were still driving nearly 40 percent of the caravan conversation on Twitter. That’s according to an asses**ent by Robhat Labs, a startup founded by two UC Berkeley students that builds tools to detect bots online.


在访问印度之前,今年早些时候接手WhatsApp的克里斯·丹尼尔斯(Chris Daniels)接受了雪莱·辛格(Shelley Singh)的电子邮件采访。Daniels主要发表谈话要点,值得注意的是,他努力将谈话转向WhatsApp作为商业工具的潜力。这里有一个直接来自Sheryl Sandberg收入报告手册的有趣轶事:

A key focus of my visit is how WhatsApp can support Indian businesses and drive economic growth. I believe there are over 50 million **all businesses in India. WhatsApp is building tools to help these businesses connect with their customers, respond to questi***, and close sales.

An eyewear company in Bengaluru called Glassic told us that 30% of their new sales come from WhatsApp chats. We’re announcing this week a project with Startup India where WhatsApp will directly support new Indian-owned businesses and entrepreneurs.



Facebook的收入好坏参半。用户增长正在放缓,但尽管如此,该公司仍在增长。更有趣的是,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在投资者电话会议上表示,有一天,故事将超过饲料共享,Facebook Watch正在成为一个增长更快的视频观看目的地。



Redmond, Washington, has been the home of Microsoft for decades, but the maker of Word may soon have company. Facebook is planning a 650,000-square-foot office project in the city, according to a report Tuesday.


伊娜·弗里德(Ina Fried)查看了一份民权组织联盟的报告,该报告呼吁社会平台采取更多措施控制仇恨言论的传播。正如她所指出的,平台的执行能力可能比政策本身更重要,因为政策本身基本上已经禁止了这些活动。

Specifically, the coalition recommends sites prohibit “hateful activity,” which it defines as “activities that incite or engage in violence, intimidation, haras**ent, threats, or defamation targeting an individual or group based on their actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.”



To start with, there’s been a 54 percent increase in the use of “please” and a 22 percent increase in the use of “thank you,” because there’s now room for more words. Twitter’s next point will make grammar purists happy: it says it’s seeing a decline in the use of abbreviati*** like “gr8” (-36%), “b4” (-13%) and “sry” (-5%). More users now tend to type the whole words, since they don’t have to worry about the character limit that much.

Vox.com的卡洛斯·马扎(Carlos Maza)对“不对称两极分化”进行了有价值的研究——当共和党人开始打破民主党的规范,揭露媒体对两党主义的承诺时发生了什么。


詹姆斯·帕特森的下一部小说将在Facebook Messenger上发布



Kara Swisher对社交媒体公司对最近国内恐怖主义行为的反应不屑一顾:

Social media platforms — and Facebook and Twitter are as guilty of this as Gab is — are designed so that the awful travels twice as fast as the good. And they are operating with sloppy disregard of the c***equences of that awful speech, leading to disasters that they then have to clean up after.

And they are doing a very bad job of that, too, because they are unwilling to pay the price to make needed fixes. Why? because draining the cesspool would mean losing users, and that would hurt the bottom line. C***ider this: On Monday, New York Times reporters easily found almost 12,000 anti-Semitic messages that had been uploaded to Instagram in the wake of the synagogue attack.



这是一个Instagram食尸鬼,不是来自极右:Maya Hwang,一个来自菲律宾的年轻女孩,她穿着一套服装,让人觉得她的头好像在盘子上。这段视频中,一个邻居把糖果放进了玛雅的头洞,这正是我今天需要的那种荒谬。

View this post on Instagram

Trick or Treatin' without the pumpkin basket!

A post shared by Krystel Hwang (@kryshteta) on Oct 27, 2018 at 5:32pm PDT


给我发一些提示、评论、问题,老实说,也许只是你的孩子们穿着万圣节服装的可爱照片,这会给我在这个凄凉的日子里带来快乐:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-26 06:54
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...接问题。社交媒体应用是迄今为止最大的原因,Snapchat、Instagram和Facebook尤其容易导致iPhone崩溃。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-17 16:30
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... 社区标准执行报告显示Instagram也有类似的改进。Instagram删除了500万条有关骚扰和欺凌的帖子,以及660万条包含仇恨言论的内容和30.8万条有组织的仇恨内容。所有这些数字都超过了第三季度的统...

  • 发布于 2021-03-26 16:43
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Instagram正在对那些通过直接消息(DMs)发送仇恨言论的用户施加更严厉的惩罚。鉴于针对英国足球运动员的煽动仇恨的信息,该平台正在做出这些改变。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-26 17:46
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... Reddit将与Instagram一起加入短格式视频比赛,Instagram已经发布了视频短片。Instagram专门推出了Revels来与TikTok竞争,甚至在平台上增加了一个专门的部分来播放类似TikTok的片段。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-29 02:13
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...cebook总共删除了2210万条Facebook上的可恶内容,以及650万条Instagram上的可恶内容。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-29 12:24
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为了消除平台上的偏见,Instagram建立了一个产品权益团队。该团队将致力于在产品开发过程中消除偏见,并确保平台的算法公平运行。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-30 09:53
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...以来,已有几家科技公司签署了该准则。Facebook、Twitter、Instagram、Snapchat、微软和YouTube只是一些已经致力于维护代码的科技巨头。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-30 10:14
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...后的所作所为。更具体地说,它详细说明了Facebook为打击Instagram和Facebook上的不当内容而采取的措施。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-30 15:30
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Instagram的服务条款非常明确:没有骚扰、**、暴力、侵犯版权、仇恨言论等等。如果这是一个太冒犯的东西,Instagram不希望它在他们的服务。 很明显,他们不可能对每个帖子都进行监管,因此Instagram依赖用户举报任何违反其指...

  • 发布于 2021-04-07 23:20
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Instagram正在强化其在直接信息中仇恨言论的立场。公司今天宣布,将开始停用那些一再发送仇恨信息的人的账户。第一次违规者将无法在未定义的时间内发送消息,但如果他们再次发送可恨的消息,他们的帐户将被禁用。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 09:22
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