






周二,Vice的威廉·图顿(William Turton)写道,他在“付费”领域冒充100名参议员,他的广告无论如何都得到了批准。这促使《商业内幕》的肖纳·戈什(Shona Ghosh)购买了Facebook的死敌剑桥分析公司(Cambridge Analytica)的“付费”政治广告。请继续关注明天,我预计Refinery29将寻求批准一则由5000万用户数据泄露事件负责人付费的广告。


在这一边缘,马克纳·凯利(Makena Kelly)审视了国会为制定这样一项法规所做的努力的令人遗憾的状况。

Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO), a sp***or on the House version of the same bill voiced similar sentiments. “Paid political advertising should be subject to the same disclosure requirements regardless of what form it takes—the Honest Ads Act I introduced would assure such,” Coffman said to The Verge. “The American people deserve to know who’s paying for the ads they see on the Internet just as much as they do the ads they see on TV or hear on the radio.”




马克纳·凯利(Makena Kelly)审视了国会制定新的国家数据隐私法的计划,该法可以借鉴欧洲通用数据保**规的内容:

Industry leaders and c***umer advocates are already locking horns over the provisi*** of the bill, like whether it will prohibit states from enacting their own tougher privacy rules or exactly how it will define personal information. This fight will determine how the US government will be able to restrain predatory privacy practices for the foreseeable future.

“These developments have all combined to put the issue of c***umer data privacy squarely on Congress’ doorstep,” Thune said ahead of a commerce hearing last month. “The question is no longer whether we need a federal law to protect c***umers’ privacy. The question is what shape that law should take.”



In a letter to the Facebook chief signed by UK MP Damian Collins and Canadian MP Bob Zimmer, Zuckerberg has been asked to face questi*** from an “international grand committee on disinformation and fake news” at an event in London on November 27th.

“We understand that it is not possible to make yourself available to all parliaments,” write Collins and Zimmer. “However, we believe that your users in other countries need a line of accountability to your organization — directly, via yourself. We would have thought that this resp***ibility is something that you would want to take up.”


埃里克·盖勒(Eric Geller)定期提醒你,特朗普**没有计划反击俄罗斯对我们选举的干涉:

A month after the Sept. 21 meeting, the Trump administration still has no strategy for fighting disinformation campaigns aimed at swaying U.S. electi***, three people knowledgeable about the matter told POLITICO — less than a week before voters nationwide return to the polls.

In the absence of high-level White House coordination, the administration is letting individual agencies such as the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Homeland Security make decisi*** about how to respond to foreign governments’ attempts to use social media and other propaganda to undermine U.S. electi***, according to people who have been briefed on or participated in the administration’s discussi*** of the issue. That means broader strategic questi*** remain unresolved because of White House turf wars, agencies’ competing priorities, political sensitivities and a lack of experience with a relatively new threat, the people say.



凯文·鲁斯(Kevin Roose)是《今日日报》(Daily today)的主办方,他讲述了一个必须听的故事,讲述了一名工厂工人辞职为Facebook撰写超党派文章,直到他和妻子月薪12万美元。人们所看到的是那些帮助国家两极分化的人所表现出的彻底的愤世嫉俗。而这个故事的关键是绝对令人毛骨悚然。


周二,我写了一篇关于Instagram如何自问为什么它允许像“骄傲男孩”领袖加文·麦克因内斯这样的人物在平台上安家的文章。几分钟后,罗布·普莱斯(Rob Price)透露了Facebook正在通过Facebook和Instagram除掉骄傲的男孩的消息。


帕米·奥尔森(Parmy Olson)有一个有趣的故事,讲述了Facebook如何收购多家语音识别公司,以期开发语音助手,但由于企业内讧导致停滞而陷入停滞。我经常听到前Facebook员工这样说:季度审查周期意味着人们倾向于承担可以在三个月内完成的项目,以打动他们的经理,而牺牲长期思考。

Many product managers who worked on Facebook’s voice ambiti*** didn’t have a clear understanding of the technology involved, the source added. The managers also tended to change every three to six months, just as core researchers were gravitating to the prestigious FAIR and AML divisi***. The effect was like c***tantly repotting a tree and not giving it a chance to take root and grow. Facebook ultimately lacked “a cohesive team that stays with a problem.”


萨尔·罗德里格斯(Sal Rodriguez)对Workplace有一个很好的独家报道,这个产品敢于问如果你的公司在Facebook上运行是否会更好。该公司正转向另一个领域Workplace.com,希望人们不再与该公司如此密切的联系,因为该公司最近因其数据隐私问题而闻名(***会对话:哪种产品的时机、工作场所或门户更差?)


在本周的《你为什么要按那个按钮》节目中,Ashley Carman和Kaitlyn Tiffany与Facebook Messenger的Asha Sharma讨论了人们为什么离开群聊。


Craig Timberg、Drew Harwell、Elizabeth Dwoskin和Emma Brown profile Gab创始人Andrew Torba在其一名用户涉嫌在犹太教堂谋杀11人后:

But the bans and crackdowns haven’t curbed Gab’s growth. There are now about 800,000 users, said Sanduja, compared with 10,000 two years ago. The company’s few employees are all under 30 and number fewer than half a dozen, including Torba and his wife, Sanduja said.

But there are signs that the company’s fractious public image has taken a toll on its leadership. Ekrem Buyukkaya, a Turkey-based developer who co-founded Gab with Torba, said on Sunday that he would step down as the company’s chief technology officer because of “attacks from the American press.” The company had previously said in an SEC filing that Buyukkaya’s work was crucial to its “future success.” Buyukkaya did not respond to requests for comment.


杰西卡·舒尔伯格(Jessica Schulberg)认为,托巴自己的社交媒体帖子有助于解释为什么白人民族主义者蜂拥而至,喋喋不休:

As Gab grew, Torba promoted a Canadian supporter of eugenics, a British c***piracy theorist who posts incoherent videos about George Soros and ISIS helping Africans pretending to be refugees get into Europe, and a far-right troll who was eventually banned from Lyft and Uber for complaining about “Islamic immigrant” drivers.

Last December, when Nehlen told a dual Israeli-American citizen who called for gun reform that she should leave the U.S. because she was only loyal to Israel — a common anti-Semitic trope — Torba reposted Nehlen’s tweet on Facebook, and wrote “B A S E D,” a term racists often use to approvingly describe other racists.


David Streitfeld评论《我们是书呆子》,Christine Lagorio Chapkin的Reddig新历史:

Christine Lagorio-Chafkin, a writer for Inc. magazine, tells the Reddit story in “We Are the Nerds.” The two co-founders, Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian, cooperated extensively. I admire them for doing so because despite Lagorio-Chafkin’s best efforts — Ohanian is called “chari**atic” or celebrated for his “chari**a” on Pages 47, 158, 214, 223 and 330 — they come off as whiny and callow schemers, and not the sharpest of sticks. On the very first page, the two University of Virginia seniors cannot figure out what a “kiosk” is.

The title “We Are the Nerds” doesn’t really fit the tale. “We Are the Trolls” would have made much more sense. “I was always kind of an [expletive],” Huffman explains early on. Lagorio-Chafkin bluntly calls him “a total troll.” He was also a genius programmer. The great achievement of the social internet was to unleash jerkdom for many while monetizing it for a few.





Lucas Matney进一步报道了促使Oculus联合创始人Brendan Iribe上周离开公司的一项变化,他说Facebook的下一款旗舰VR耳机只会得到适度的改进:

In the wake of the overhaul’s cancellation, the company will be pursuing a more modest product update — possibly called the “Rift S” — to be released as early as next year, which makes minor upgrades to the device’s display resolution while more notably getting rid of the external sensor-tracking system, sources tell us. Instead, the headset will utilize the integrated “inside-out” Insight tracking system, which is core to Facebook’s recently announced Oculus Quest standalone headset.



Dana’s heart dropped. She searched for news of the bombing across social media using the hashtag that everyone seemed to be using. What she saw was unrecognizable.

Every video she saw showed a different person carrying a bomb into the rally. Some showed the candidate herself carrying it in, in terrifying detail. Others showed long-dead historical figures and pop stars sneaking into the facility, their arms laden with explosives. One showed a beautifully animated Mickey Mouse as the culprit.


Ben Thompson在脸谱网财报电话会议上做了一个非常出色的工作。他提出了一个理由,即新闻提要成为传统产品的速度比任何人预期的都快,同时该公司一直在努力将新闻报道货币化:

In short, I do think the overall story about the shift to Stories is true; what I am questioning is the degree to which Facebook is following the market versus attempting to counteract an unexpected decline in traditional Facebook usage. The latter more closely fits Occam’s Razor.





凯蒂·诺托普洛斯(Katie Notopolous)一直在看着齐洛(Zillow)上那栋价值10美元的可怕豪宅:

Laughing at someone who has terrible taste, even if they happen to have vast buying power, is a kind of class catharsis. Yes, these people are very rich and I am not, but look at the dumb things these rubes spent their milli*** on. Ha! It feels good to laugh at rich people, doesn’t it? Isn’t that what the joy of the New York Times Real Estate section is? Sure, maybe it’s snobby. I’m not saying I have amazing taste in home decor; I don’t. But I also don’t have $12 million and a swimming pool with a lazy river, a replica Statue of Liberty, or oddly phallic swirling marble columns in every room.



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  • 发表于 2021-08-26 08:16
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... 随着选举日的临近,脸谱网(facebook)也开始退缩 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-30 04:15
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...但这是不允许的,它会给你带来麻烦。 facebook实名政策 脸谱网的整个基础是,它是一个真实的人相互交流的网站,而不隐藏匿名用户名称和空白化身。这就是为什么,尽管Facebook有很多问题,但它们从来没有像Twitter和Reddit那样...

  • 发布于 2021-04-06 14:04
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...某些广告之外。 研究人员在报告中写道:“脸谱网的广告投放可能导致按性别划分的招聘广告投放偏斜,超出了可能存在的资历差异在法律上可以证明的范围,从而强化了此前提出的脸谱网广告投放算法可能违反反...

  • 发布于 2021-04-15 21:09
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...和在社交媒体上报道疫苗错误信息。(Megan Molteni/有线) 脸谱网的隐私和社区这些吸引人的特性使其成为传播错误信息的危险因素。通常,他们被坏人利用来分享谣言和阴谋。(Nina Jankowicz和Cindy Otis/连线) 心理健康创业公司危...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 03:23
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今年10月,Facebook做出了一项颇具争议的决定,即免除大多数政治广告的事实核查。这一宣布遭到了迅速的反对,尤其是在民主党主要总统候选人中。随着批评声越来越多,Facebook开始暗示,它将进一步完善针对立法者的政策’ ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 13:19
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  • 发布于 2021-05-01 11:04
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  • 发布于 2021-05-29 08:05
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...4%的广告是在2016年大选前展示的,56%是在大选后展示的。脸谱网说,他们总共确认了3000多个广告,来自一个与克里姆林宫有联系的组织,即互联网研究机构。 这些细节是在Facebook今天早些时候向国会披露之后公布的...

  • 发布于 2021-05-30 07:36
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...国Facebook用户看到了与俄罗斯有关的帖子。 “脸谱网”的总法律顾问科林•斯特伦特(Colin Stretch)将于周二在参议院司法小组委员会听证会上发表事先准备好的证词,披露这些数字“我们看到的外国干涉是应受谴责...

  • 发布于 2021-06-22 00:48
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脸谱网(facebook)和facebook精简版(facebook lite)的区别

...一下这两个应用程序——Facebook和Facebook Lite。   什么是脸谱网(facebook)? Facebook是最受欢迎的社交网站之一,它允许用户从世界任何地方在线与朋友和家人联系。由马克·扎克伯格创建的Facebook可能是世界上最大的社区,来自世...

  • 发布于 2021-06-26 06:29
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