



In the past year, there has been a 15-point spike in the number of people who fear the federal government won’t do enough to regulate big tech companies — with 55% now sharing this concern.

In that same period, there was a 14-point increase in those who feel technology has hurt democracy and free speech.




几年前,受猫鼬和潜望镜早期成功的启发,Facebook在实时视频方面进行了巨额投资。这并没有多大意义,但Facebook Live上的工程师和产品人员仍在继续修补该产品。


正是在这样的背景下,我读到了Ryan Mac的一篇文章,讲述了一个新的Facebook Live Engament boosting功能,一个视频流记录了芝加哥一家医院发生的大规模枪击事件,引起了惊恐的旁观者的注意:

On Monday, a handful of Facebook users noticed that the social media platform was offering them preset resp***es for live videos about a series of news stories. On one stream for MSNBC about an ongoing, officer-involved shooting at a Chicago hospital, NBCUniversal contractor Stephanie Haberman noticed Facebook was prompting her to comment with phrases like “this is so sad” and “so sorry,” along with emojis including the prayer hands.










David McCabe报道,谷歌悄悄地更新了8月份的一篇博客文章,称其发现了更多不真实的、由国家赞助的账户——大部分来自伊朗:

The company removed an additional Blogger site, 34 YouTube channels and six pages on Google+ related to “Iran-linked operati***.” The YouTube channels had 20,794 total views in the United States on English-language videos.


Daniel Funke报道了一项新的研究,该研究试图分析推特机器人在2018年选举期间传播错误信息的有效性:

According to a study published in the journal Nature Communicati*** today, automated Twitter accounts disproportionately amplified misinformation during the last U.S. election. It found that, while bots only accounted for about 6 percent of the Twitter users in the study, they were resp***ible for 34 percent of all shares of articles from “low-credibility” sources on the platform.

“This study finds that bots significantly contribute to the spread of misinformation online — as well as shows how quickly these messages can spread,“ said Filippo Menczer, a professor of informatics and computer science at Indiana University and the study’s lead, in a press release sent to Poynter.


俄罗斯联邦新闻机构斯宾塞·阿克曼(Spencer Ackerman)将其称为更著名的互联网研究机构巨魔农场(troll farm)的“孪生兄弟”,该机构正在起诉Facebook,要求以第一修正案的名义恢复其账户。巨魔会变成巨魔!

The Russian outlet insisted it’s merely “an independent, authentic and legitimate news agency.” And it made an argument likely to discomfort Facebook and attract support from the far right: it’s a free speech martyr unfairly victimized by the 21st century discourse’s digital gatekeepers.

“Facebook took action against FAN in an effort to silence and deter FAN’s free speech,” it argued in its brief.


亨利·法雷尔(Henry Farrell)采访了约猜·本克勒(Yochai Benkler),他与他的同事罗布·法里斯(Rob Faris)和哈尔·罗伯特(Hal Robert)一起出版了新书《网络宣传:美国政治中的操纵、虚假信息和激进化》。该书发现福克斯新闻在美国生活中扮演着一个独特的有毒角色:

BENKLER: Surveys make it clear that Fox News is by far the most influential outlet on the American right — more than five times as many Trump supporters reported using Fox News as their primary news outlet than those who named Facebook. And Trump support was highest among demographics whose social media use was lowest.

Our data repeatedly show Fox as the tran**ission vector of widespread c***piracy theories. The original Seth Rich c***piracy did not take off when initially propagated in July 2016 by fringe and pro-Russia sites, but only a year later, as Fox News revived it when James Comey was fired. The Clinton pedophilia libel that resulted in Pizzagate was started by a Fox online report, repeated across the Fox TV schedule, and provided the prime source of validation across the right-wing media ecosystem.


我一直说,那些花很多时间批评“媒体”的人,结果证明他们是容易被攻击的。Joshua Benton报道了一项支持这一思路的新研究:

Don’t like the media? Think it’s all “lies” or “fake”? Then you’re probably not as good at reading the news as your less perpetually annoyed peers.

That’s one finding from a new study from the News Co/Lab at Arizona State, in collaboration with the Center for Media Engagement at the University of Texas. Those who have negative opini*** of the news media are less likely to spot a fake headline, less likely to differentiate between news and opinion — but more confident in their ability to find the information they need online.


Raymond Zhong报道了中国如何不负众望,创建了一个非常受欢迎和成功的互联网,同时也将其转变为一个大规模的监控系统,以压制异见:

If people in the West didn’t see this coming, it was because they mistook China’s authoritariani** for hostility toward technology.

But in some ways Chinese tech firms are less fettered than American ones. Witness the backlash against Big Data in the United States, the calls to break up giants like Facebook and the anxiety about digital addiction. None of those are big problems for Chinese companies.




Facebook is experiencing a rare outage that is making the popular social network site — along with Facebook Messenger and Instagram — unavailable to users across the United States as well as parts of Europe and South America, according to third-party site Down Detector’s outage map.


据Gerrit De Vynck和Sarah Frier报道,Facebook的广告购买系统周二也出现了一次时间不恰当的停机:

The technology, which companies and agencies use to buy Facebook ads, was down for some major users earlier in the day on Tuesday, according to a media buyer and another person familiar with the situation. The system is now back up but working slower than normal, the people said.

“Campaigns that are live and running should not be affected and are still being delivered. However, advertisers may experience issues creating new campaigns and making changes to existing campaigns,” a spoke**an for Facebook said in email.



“Over the past two weeks we’ve experienced a higher volume of Download Your Information requests than usual,” a Facebook spokesperson told Recode when we noticed a few complaints that download requests seemed to be taking a long time. “This means it is taking longer to process the requests. We are working on it and appreciate people’s patience.”


马特·菲利普斯(Matt Phillips)报告称,几个月来,大型科技公司的股票表现不佳:

Shares of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, are down more than 10 percent since the market peaked, while Facebook and Amazon have dropped more than 20 percent.

Investors’ faith has been eroded by slowing growth and a trade war with China, as well as a steady stream of revelati*** about privacy lapses, security issues and mi**anagement. If tech stocks cannot shake the fears, the rest of the market could feel the pain.



Benchmark partner Mitch Lasky, a Snap director until August, on occasion would challenge CEO Evan Spiegel about the company’s failure to meet Wall Street expectati*** for user growth and profits. Mr. Spiegel, who spends most board meetings looking at his phone and messaging people on Snapchat, was di**issive of Mr. Lasky’s concerns, according to people with knowledge of the board discussi***


但是,嘿,Snap即将推出一些新眼镜,Alex Heath报道:

Snap is planning to release a new version of its Spectacles glasses with two cameras and a higher price point of $350 by the end of the year, Cheddar has learned.

The new Spectacles, internally codenamed Newport, will feature an all-new design with a more premium frame made of aluminum and cameras capable of producing augmented reality effects in videos, according to people familiar with the matter. With a $350 price point, the new glasses will be more than double the cost of the first iteration of Spectacles, which were released in 2016.


Libby Torres调查了一组模仿黑人风格的Instagram影响者的文化挪用行为:

Hallberg is merely one of many white or white-passing women on Instagram who’ve gained attention in recent weeks for their controversial styling that mimics the skin tone, hair, and aesthetic of many black women, and their unwillingness to be transparent about their non-black heritage—a practice dubbed “blackfishing” on social media. Most of these white women have significant Instagram followings, and most of them feel immune to critici**s of cultural appropriation—at least until a controversial Twitter thread called them out last week.


Jenna Wortham报道说,社交媒体对非二进制的人来说是一个福音:

Her research found that social media is a gathering place for discussing the logistics of gender — providing advice, reassurance and emotional support, as well as soliciting feedback about everything from voice modulation to hairstyles. The internet is a place where nonbinary people can learn about mixing masculine and feminine elements to the point of obscuring concrete identification as either. As one person she interviewed put it, “Every day someone can’t tell what I am is a good day.”



Tumblr says that child ****ography was the reason for its app’s sudden disappearance from the iOS App Store. The app has been missing from the store since November 16th, but until now the reason for its absence was unclear — initially Tumblr simply said it was “working to resolve the issue with the iOS app.” However, after Download.com approached Tumblr with sources claiming that the reason was related to the discovery of child ****ography on the service, the Yahoo-owned social media network issued a new statement confirming the matter.


Brian Feldman列举了在几秒钟内播放多个身份的做法,这种做法在Vine和现在的TikTok等短格式视频应用程序中很常见:

Perhaps the most important thing that Klumping does is it provides a level of intimacy and authenticity that multi-actor Vines do not. As Viners blew up, they started appearing in each others Vines — Logan Paul would hang out with King Bach who’d hang out with Lele P*** and so on and so forth, cross-pollinating in a way that felt like naked self-promotion, a digital circle-jerk.

Those who Klump, on the other hand, were afforded authority because of how low-effort their vines look. It signals that “this is just for fun” and feels spontaneous, and it has faith in the viewer to figure out who is who.





以下是YouTube利用其巨大平台对抗第13条的最直接的例子。摘自Julia Alexander:

If you watch YouTube videos without a YouTube Premium subscription, you’re familiar with the tiny pop-ups that appear in the bottom left-hand corner of the stream that prompt users to sign up for YouTube’s ad-free service.

It seems that YouTube has replaced that pop-up with a new message that warns users about the European Union’s proposed copyright directive. It also offers an explainer on one particular act known as Article 13. The pop-up brings YouTube viewers to the company’s standalone website detailing the possible effect of Article 13, which puts the onus on YouTube to prevent copyrighted material from appearing on the platform.


Alex Jones案让Zeynep Tufekci对平台的力量感到紧张:

If the unaccountable manner in which the tech platforms can amplify harmful content has led to a crisis, so has the facility with which they can eject it. Jones delivered eyeballs for many years. Then the platforms succumbed to pressure and banned him, all within the span of a few weeks.

The tech platforms have arbitrary power to decide what to amplify, and thus what to bury, and they have the power to banish as they wish. There is nothing aside from backlash to stop them from deplatforming, say, tech critics or politicians who call for shutting tax loopholes for massive corporati***. Without due process or accountability, a frustrated public is left with appealing to a few powerful referees—and crossing our fingers.






A LinkedIn spokesperson tells us the motive behind the feature is to get students sharing their academic experiences like internships, career fairs and class projects that they’d want to show off to recruiters as part of their personal brand. “It’s a great way for students to build out their profile and have this authentic content that shows who they are and what their academic and professional experiences have been. Having these videos live on their profile can help students grow their network, prepare for life after graduation, and help potential employers learn more about them,” Patel says.



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... 上个月,社交网络一直在美国测试这一系统,并“根据我们通过主动检测工作收到的报告,与第一反应者合作进行了100多项健康检查。”在某些情况下,地方当局得到了通知以便提供帮助。 ...

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...影响的指控。正如Pasquale De'Silva在Twitter上指出的,Vero的大多数开发团队似乎都是俄罗斯人: ...

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... 被认为是被隔离和没有朋友 ...

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...使用的服务和网站。甚至可以用你的全名来表现真实。对大多数人来说,这些有针对性的攻击很难被发现,你只需要被愚弄一次。 ...

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...不是意味着什么。 i、 竞争是如何结束的 如果我要确定美国社交网络之间的竞争何时结束,我会选择2016年8月2日。就在那时,Instagram推出了Snapchat故事的复制品,削弱了新贵挑战者的势头,并给初创企业的生态系统带来了寒意。...

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