


斯坦福大学商学院助理教授Michal Kosinski是继Facebook最喜欢的自卫咒语之后的最新一位。在《****》的一篇广为分享的专栏文章中,科辛斯基认为Facebook承诺不**你的数据是对它从中获得巨大利润这一事实的干扰:

When the company argues that it is not selling data, but rather selling targeted advertising, it’s luring you into a semantic trap, encouraging you to imagine that the only way of selling data is to send advertisers a file filled with user information. Congress may have fallen for this trap set up by Mr. Zuckerberg, but that doesn’t mean you have to. The fact that your data is not disclosed in an Excel spreadsheet but through a click on a targeted ad is irrelevant. Data still changes hands and goes to the advertiser.

Facebook’s claiming that it is not selling user data is like a bar’s giving away a free martini with every $12 bag of peanuts and then claiming that it’s not selling drinks. Rich user data is Facebook’s most prized possession, and the company sure isn’t throwing it in for free.


Facebook广告副总裁罗伯·戈德曼(Rob Goldman)今天在推特上反驳了这篇评论。”你当然有权发表你的意见,但我们不**人们的数据。他写道这不是闪避或语义学,而是事实。我们不**或共享个人信息。”







We don’t want irrelevant ads or ads that are too relevant. We don’t want anyone to know what we bought but we want the advertiser to know we already bought that. And we refuse (mostly) to pay but we don’t really want ads anyway. Our feelings about online ads are pretty unresolved




山姆·莱文(Sam Levin)探究了一些Facebook事实核查人员对其事实核查程序的不满。该公司发表了长篇大论的回复。一般来说,我对事实核查的有效性表示怀疑,但作为打击错误信息的更大工具的一部分,我认为Facebook可能仍应该继续推进(并改进)它。

Kim LaCapria recently left Snopes as a content manager and fact-checker partly due to her frustrati*** with the Facebook arrangement. She said it quickly seemed clear that Facebook wanted the “appearance of trying to prevent damage without actually doing anything” and that she was particularly upset to learn that Facebook was paying Snopes: “That felt really gross … Facebook has one mission and fact-checking websites should have a completely different mission.”

Binkowski said that on at least one occasion, it appeared that Facebook was pushing reporters to prioritize debunking misinformation that affected Facebook advertisers, which she thought crossed a line: “You’re not doing journali** any more. You’re doing propaganda.”


亚当·萨塔里亚诺(Adam Satariano)和埃利安·佩尔蒂埃(Elian Peltier)关注法国的互联网扫盲计划:

Since 2015, the French government has increased funding for courses about the downsides of the online world. About 30,000 teachers and other educational professionals receive government training on the subject every year. In some places, the local authorities require young *****s to complete an internet literacy course to receive welfare benefits, such as a monthly stipend.

The French Culture Ministry has doubled its annual budget for the courses to 6 million euros (about $6.8 million), and the Education Ministry is adding an elective high school course on the internet and the media to the national curriculum, making it available to thousands of students. Some educators are calling for the courses to be mandatory, taught alongside history and math.


Greg David指出了亚马逊寻求在纽约建立地区办事处1的潜在障碍:

Blocking Amazon’s arrival won’t be easy. The City Council was cut out of the approval process by putting the state in charge of overseeing the project. The Cuomo Administration has also claimed it has existing funds to pay for the incentives and won’t be required to seek legislative approval.

However, most experts say that at some point the administration will have to seek approval of the state Public Authorities Control Board, which c***ists of representatives of the governor, Senate majority leader and Assembly speaker. The PACB is the body that killed the Bloomberg administration’s Olympic stadium bid but approved the Atlantic Yards development in Brooklyn. It is through the PACB that Gianaris could exercise the most influence.


Davey Alba和Caroline O'Donovan试图通过面部识别技术弄清亚马逊与ICE的潜在关系:

Approached by BuzzFeed News after the subject came up during a hearing between Amazon policy representatives and New York City Council members Wednesday morning, Amazon would not say outright that the company does not work with ICE. A company spokesperson said it was policy for Amazon to not talk about its clients.

The question of whether Amazon provides facial recognition services to ICE arose when Brian Huseman, Amazon’s vice president for public policy, brought up the company’s Rekognition platform and tools in resp***e to a question from council Speaker Corey Johnson about its work with ICE. Johnson did not mention Rekognition in the question, but Huseman brought up the service voluntarily.


Karen Weise查看了纽约向亚马逊提交的数据,作为其求爱过程的一部分,发现虽然该数据大部分是公开的,但将其放在一个地方可能需要很多工作:

Amazon asked for detailed information on the availability of machine-learning specialists, user-experience designers and hardware engineers — three jobs critical to its growth. The proposal says that New York University awarded 64 undergraduate and 63 graduate degrees in integrated digital media, which includes design, in the past three years. Amazon also learned that Columbia University has outreach programs for STEM programs for K-12 schools in the Bronx and Upper Manhattan that reached 3,682 students last year, and that Columbia planned to expand the offering.

The data, while not flashy, is core to the ability to understand where the best pool of potential employees live and could be developed, which drove the search for the new headquarters.



More than 7.8 million of those videos were taken down because they violated community guidelines. The other 50.2 million were taken down as YouTube removed 1.67 million channels.

The online video platform said 72 percent of the videos removed for violating guidelines in the latest quarter were “spam or misleading,” 10.2 percent were removed out of concern for “child safety” and 9.9 percent were removed for including “nudity or sexual content,” according to its latest report.



The latest Twitter Transparency Report shows that Twitter received approximately 80% more global legal demands, impacting more than twice as many accounts compared to the previous reporting period. Similar to the last reporting period, roughly 87% of the total global volume originated from only two countries: Russia and Turkey.

Twitter also received 10% more government information requests (combined emergency disclosure requests and non-emergency requests), which is the largest percentage increase since our July-December 2015 report.





杰西卡·图克尔(Jessica Toonkel)、汤姆·多坦(Tom Dotan)和比约利·沙阿(Beejoli Shah)报告说,Facebook已经计划减少对个人新闻节目的资助,出版商不知道如何利用公司现有的广告工具为其提供资金:

At least two media executives said privately any cutback in funding could make it difficult for them to continue producing their shows. While they’re happy with the audiences their shows have drawn, the news executives complain that the ad revenue has been underwhelming. Some have begun discussing other ways to make money on their shows, such as sp***orships.


据Peter Kafka报道,Facebook正与HBO、Showtime和Starz等付费电视频道就在Facebook上**这些公司的流媒体电视服务的提议进行磋商:

Industry executives believe TV programmers will expect Facebook to shell out advance payments for multiple-year deals, which Facebook would recoup by pocketing some of the channels’ subscription fees. Platforms like Apple and Amazon generally keep 15 percent to 30 percent of any subscription revenue they generate.

脸谱网的Carolyn Everson:隐私是“我们公司的基础”

在Facebook在布莱恩特公园开设了一个为期一天的弹出式信息亭来回答用户的隐私问题之际,首席营销官卡罗琳·埃弗森(Carolyn Everson)对克里·弗林(Kerry Flynn)说了一些非常有思想性的表情符号:

EVERSON: We learned a lot of less*** post Cambridge Analytica, but one of the most important ones is that we do have a tremendous amount of tools for c***umers to control those privacy settings and yet except most c***umers, or many c***umers don’t know how to use them, or we have not yet done all we can do to make sure that people are comfortable with our privacy checkup. We care deeply, as deep as a company can care about privacy. It’s the foundation of our company, and we want people to know that we care. We want them to use the tools that we built and know how serious we are about it.


危险的激进分子丹尼尔·奥伯豪斯(Daniel Oberhaus)一个月没有使用苹果、微软、谷歌、Facebook和亚马逊的产品。这基本上是不可能做到的——AWS拥有很多网站——但奥伯豪斯发现,退出Facebook是最容易的:

I have been off Facebook for a few months now and my only regret is that I didn’t leave sooner. Although there is admittedly something of a phantom-limb effect right after leaving—pulling out my phone in resp***e to imaginary pings from Messenger or reflexively navigating to the Facebook login page only to realize I no longer had a profile—the feeling that I was always missing something quickly subsided. I go out with friends and attend events just as much as I did before. I have no qualms about missing events that I would’ve received a mass Facebook invite to because now I live in blissful ignorance of their occurrence. Contrary to my expectati***, my FOMO is at its lowest point in years.


Owen Thomas写道,杰克·多西在2015成立了一个“慈善基金会”,它实际上是一个捐助者建议基金,它不需要公开披露——但也许从来没有做过任何事情。

YouTube Rewind 2018正式成为YouTube上最不受欢迎的视频

每个人都对YouTube的每件事感到愤怒,他们的不满也没有出现在2018年YouTube内容营销视频中,现在每个人都对这件事感到愤怒。朱莉娅·亚历山大(Julia Alexander)报道说,这段视频现在已经收到了1000多万条不喜欢的内容:创历史记录。


拉尼·莫拉(Rani Molla)在这里发布了很多不错的图表,但最应该让社交公司感到寒心的是他们的用户群正在下滑。




“gilets jaunes”运动不是Facebook革命

Jen Schradie说,“不知从哪里冒出来的民粹主义运动在数字时代并不新鲜”——Facebook在黄背心**活动中的作用被夸大了:

The problem with the pendulum swing of “Hooray, the Internet connects!” to “Boo, the Internet deceives!” is that neither explanation for protest takes into account the community ties before the protests began but more importantly, the broader structural crisis that brought people together in the first place.

This is a movement that is linked to power and economic differences – not just people feeling a financial squeeze at the end of the month but also eyeing the growing inequality between the elites and the working class all over France. And they’re not spending valuable time at protests or risking arrest because they are dupes to fake news. They are embedded in a societal context that drives their participation.

“gilets jaunes”和民粹主义神话(美元)

西蒙·库珀(Simon Kuper)认为,从总体上看,黄背心**活动甚至没有那么有趣:

Populist movements may be the past, not the future. In November’s midterms, Trump’s Republicans lost the popular vote for the House of Representatives by 8.6 per cent — the biggest defeat for a majority party since records began in 1942. Meanwhile, as Brexit becomes increasingly hilarious, polls c***istently show that most Brit*** now oppose it. Approval of the EU across the rest of Europe is the highest since 1983, says the European Commission’s polling wing.


约翰·赫尔曼(John Herrman)想知道Facebook的终结是否有一天会把它连同你的所有数据一起卖给一家广告技术公司:

The advertising data exposed in a user’s personal Facebook archive is, of course, just a sliver of what is available to the company. Facebook’s real profile of who you are — the one that it uses to fill your feeds and show you ads — is far more comprehensive. The company’s relentless accumulation of user data isn’t just a grab for power or a default behavior. It’s a long-term investment. You may forget Facebook; it could happen sooner than you expect. But it’s not likely to forget you.


Gillian Brockell写道,科技平台发现她怀孕了,随后又无法发现她的婴儿是死胎,这让基本的网络冲浪变得异常令人担忧:

But didn’t you also see me Googling “braxton hicks vs. preterm labor” and “baby not moving”? Did you not see my three days of social media silence, uncommon for a high-frequency user like me? And then the announcement post with keywords like “heartbroken” and “problem” and “stillborn” and the 200 teardrop emotic*** from my friends? Is that not something you could track?


Rose Eveleth说Google Glass的失败是人类的胜利:

The end of privacy can feel a bit like climate change: two dystopian futures we’re hurtling towards with no exit in sight. They both feel impossible to resist, impossible to change with our individual decisi***. But only one of them actually is. While real soluti*** to climate change live or die in the hands of a **all number of mega-corporati***, security and privacy is actually something we can all impact. Unlike switching to a metal straw, drawing lines in the sand for always-on listening devices does make a difference. A legal difference even. And that’s worth fighting for, if only so we can trash-talk Google Glass in the privacy of our own homes, without our Google Assistant tattling on us.


卡贝尔·萨瑟是著名的软件工作室恐慌的联合创始人。在本周一条颇受欢迎的推特帖子中,他透露自己是前XBox Live支持论坛的粉丝。在该论坛上,被禁用户将向版主请求恢复原状,并经常收到深思熟虑的回复。



向我发送销售提示、评论、问题和个人数据:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-27 00:38
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  • 发布于 2021-03-13 09:14
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...目的:广告。广告仍然是Facebook最大的收入来源。这就是为什么收集大量的数据对他们的商业模式至关重要,即使是在多元化进入其他科技领域之后。在收集了你多年的数据之后,Facebook对你了解多少? ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-19 14:26
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...项,或者通过一段称为Facebook像素的不可见代码。这就是为什么,当你浏览亚马逊寻找类似烤面包机的东西后,你的Facebook页面上突然出现了同样的烤面包机广告。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-19 18:57
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... 我们不知道为什么会有人选择这个选项,这是一个隐私噩梦。你故意让这些公司访问你所有的Facebook数据。但我们离题了。很多人使用这种登录方法。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-25 02:07
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什么是vero true social?加入前需要考虑的9件事

... 为什么人们现在谈论维罗? ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-25 03:24
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在剑桥Analytica丑闻之后,Facebook正在努力重建自己的声誉。对于不知情的人来说,数千万Facebook用户的数据被卖给了第三方。而这一数据随后被用于2016年美国总统大选。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-25 07:01
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Facebook正在收集和**你的浏览数据。这几乎不是秘密,这家公司是世界上最大的广告公司之一。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-26 13:08
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...纵我们公众言论的渠道。想象一下2016年的大选吧,除了Facebook在莫斯科被合并——这是基本的恐惧驱使了很多关于TikTok未来的讨论——我不能说这感觉特别不合理。 最好的结果是进行严格的调查,可能还有国会听证会,然后是...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 06:44
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...,集中化将有助于创建一个更简单的调节过程,但不清楚为什么不能在内部进行精简。 Facebook在声明中说,大部分Oculus用户已经使用Facebook帐户登录。因此,鼓励更多的社会参与或避免维持两个独立的账户体系,可能值得受到强...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 07:19
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  • 发布于 2021-04-30 22:21
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