什么是反映的意义?(reflected meaning?)



place names place names

“反映意义”一词由语言学家杰弗里·利奇(Geoffrey Leech)首创,他将其定义为“当一个词的一个意义构成我们对另一个意义的反应的一部分时,在多重概念意义的情况下产生的意义……一个词的一个意义似乎与另一个意义“摩擦”(语义学:意义研究,1974)。当喜剧演员在他们的笑话中使用反映的意思时,这就是文字游戏的一个例子。这个笑话通常很有趣,因为它使用了一个在技术上适合这种情况的词,但会在听者的脑海中产生一个不同的、往往相反的形象。


"In the case of reflected meaning, more than one meaning surfaces at the same time, so there is a kind of ambiguity. It is as if one or more unintended meanings were inevitably thrown back rather like light or sound reflected on a surface. For instance, if I use the medical expression chronic bronchitis, it is difficult for the more colloquial emotive meaning of chronic, 'bad,' not to intrude as well. . . . Sometimes, such coincidental, 'unwanted' meanings cause us to change a lexical item for another. Thus, if I think that dear in my dear old car may be misinterpreted as meaning 'expensive,' I can substitute 'lovely' and eliminate the potential ambiguity. . . . "Reflected meaning may be used deliberately. Newspaper headlines exploit it all the time: DISASTER TANKER ADRIFT IN A SEA OF BAFFLING QUESTIONS THE ZAMBIAN OIL INDUSTRY: NOT JUST A PIPE DREAM Naturally the success of such word play will depend on the standard of education, linguistic experience or mental agility of the readership."

来自Brian Mott的《西班牙语英语学习者语义学和语用学导论》


"Perhaps a more everyday example [of reflected meaning] is 'intercourse,' which by reason of its frequent collocation with 'sexual' tends now to be avoided in other contexts."



"[S]uggestive [ trademarks] are marks that call to mind--or suggest--an association related to the product they name. They imply strength or softness or freshness or flavor, depending on the product; they are subtle marks, created by marketers and ad people who are very skilled at making artful associations. Think of TORO lawn mowers, DOWNY fabric softener, IRISH SPRING deodorant soap, and ZESTA saltine crackers. None of these marks is obvious, but we perceive nonetheless the strength of TORO lawn mowers, the softness DOWNY fabric softener imparts to laundry, the fresh scent of IRISH SPRING soap, and the zesty taste of ZESTA saltines."

摘自Lee Wilson的《商标指南》


"A [baseball] player with an unfortunate name was pitcher Bob Blewett. He pitched five games for New York during the 1902 season. Blewett lost both of his decisions and gave up 39 hits in only 28 innings."

来自Floyd Conner的棒球头号通缉犯II

  • 发表于 2021-10-15 20:55
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关键区别:当光落在任何表面上时,光的一部分被送回同一介质。这就是所谓的反射。光线被偏转;意思是当它被重力弯曲时,它会在平面上反弹回来。 根据Dictionary.com,反射是: 反映反映的行为或被反映的状态。 形象;代...

  • 发布于 2021-07-13 16:08
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关键区别:当光落在任何表面上时,光的一部分被送回同一介质。这就是所谓的反射。当光线从其正常车道反弹回来时,它被称为折射。 根据Dictionary.com,“反射”是: 反映反映的行为或被反映的状态。 形象;代表性;对应...

  • 发布于 2021-07-13 16:26
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