什么是偏执狂?(a paranoid personality?)

Paranoid psychosis can cause people to misinterpret their environment and the actions of people around them.


People with paranoia can meet with a mental health professional to talk about treatment options.


Someone with a paranoid personality will often assume infidelity when it comes to romantic relationships.


Pananoia typically accompanies a mental health condition, such as schizophrenia.


Someone who has a paranoid personality often has trust issues when getting involved with romantic partners.


  • 发表于 2022-01-13 03:54
  • 阅读 ( 103 )
  • 分类:健康医疗


情绪障碍(mood disorders)和人格障碍(personality disorders)的区别

...过这篇文章,我们来看看情绪和人格障碍之间的区别。 什么是情绪障碍(mood disorders)? 我们都经历过生活中的情绪波动。然而,这些不能被认为是情绪障碍。情绪障碍是一种心理状态,它会导致个人情绪的严重变化。这些都可以...

  • 发布于 2020-10-23 12:13
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... way we can use the wireless anywhere on the resort, not just in our room. Paranoid, not really(in Cuba I was paranoid). I’m just cheap, paranoid was a simple addon to cheap. 尽管你尽了最大努力,但有时Wi-Fi热点还是会阻碍你: For quick access, an ssh SOCKS proxy to my home ser...

  • 发布于 2021-04-12 10:16
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从提示框:自动耳机音量调整,紧凑的windows readyboost,和安全的手机充电

... miles on my **artphone. I need to top up the battery frequently but I’m paranoid about losing my phone and/or exposing it to security risks. Here’s my two-part strategy: I always have a **all wall charger that accepts the battery for the phone. This way I can plug in the primary or secondary ba...

  • 发布于 2021-04-12 20:27
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... or their customers, to provide me with a secure wireless experience. Am I paranoid? Yes, very. But then again if I’m away from home and *need* greater bandwidth than my **artphone can provide for Internet access, I ain’t likely using it to check the weather or if the Mudhens won; I’d be doing...

  • 发布于 2021-04-12 20:41
  • 阅读 ( 192 )


...to show up and make good on the kind of threats I've received that make me paranoid to walk around a convention alone. I haven't been able to stomach the risk of being afraid to get out of my car in my own driveway because I've expressed an opinion that someone on the internet didn't agree with.&#13...

  • 发布于 2021-04-27 17:46
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...13; 伊恩·博格斯特说,如果这些对科技的恐惧可以追溯到偏执狂,那就更容易了,因为这意味着一个复杂的阴谋。”他说:“我会好起来的。”。事实上,“这比这更糟糕,因为它太随意了。”博格斯特,一个游戏设计师,佐治...

  • 发布于 2021-05-01 17:07
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这个android rom数据库可以帮助您选择最适合您的rom

...,比较了一些最流行的Android ROM的特性,包括CyanogenMod、Paranoid Android、AOKP和其他一些。这是一个正在进行的工作,他已经向公众开放了数据库,所以那些没有看到自己喜欢的ROM的人可以帮助编辑和更新它。不过,对于可用的ROM,...

  • 发布于 2021-05-23 03:07
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这个人是个顽固分子(the a bigot)和种族主义者(a racist)的区别

什么是偏执(bigotry)? 正如许多词典所定义的那样;所谓偏执,是指对不同的人或对自己有不同看法和看法的人的不容忍。它是对人的强烈而不合理的信仰行为,带有贬损的气氛。偏见常常被误认为是偏见或种族主义,但实...

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...ideo with one of these five most popular video players.Why I Stopped Being Paranoid and Started Using Mint The idea of giving anyone my online banking usernames and passwords sends shivers up my spine, but after having examined different money management soluti***, personal finance webapp Mint still...

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...Union and Warsaw Pact centered in Europe. Today that kind of conflict is a paranoid fantasy. Consequently, the premium for registration "insurance" would be better spent elsewhere. 20世纪90年代初,美国国会研究服务局(Congressional Research Service)的一份报告称,扩大预...

  • 发布于 2021-09-05 01:37
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