什么是搜查令?(a search warrant?)

Search warrants make it legal for a person or place to be searched.


A search warrant may include looking for weapons, depending on the situation.


A search warrant isn't required to collect evidence at a crime scene.


A search warrant might help police collect evidence needed to get a confession from a suspect.

在搜查过程中,警察通常被限制在他们可以调查的范围内。例如,如果搜查令允许警官检查 "无名氏的办公室",那么警官就不能搜查整栋办公楼。此外,警官在搜索什么类型的物品方面也受到限制。例如,如果他们被允许搜查内幕交易的证据,他们就不能搜查武器。然而,警察可以扣押在合法搜索搜查令中所列物品时发现的证据。

Search warrants might be obtained to gather evidence about someone who was recently arrested.


  • 发表于 2022-02-17 11:54
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  • 分类:法律



...这两个术语的基本理解并突出其区别。 什么是搜查令(a warrant)? 逮捕令通常是由法官或司法官员签发的,目的是通过为执法人员建立一个执行诉讼程序的框架来确保司法公正。合法范围内的认股权证有多种用途。主要有三种类...

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...些搜查令对有关罪行的描述不够具体。 "The warrants did not adequately describe the offences to which they related. Indeed they fell well short of that. They were general warrants, and as such, are invalid." **还裁定,联邦调查局在扣押Megaupload创始人的...

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..., as a matter of policy, law enforcement agencies must now obtain a search warrant supported by probable cause and issued pursuant to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (or the applicable state equivalent), except as provided below.

  • 发布于 2021-05-01 07:05
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... badge or identification through the window or peephole.Ask if they have a warrant signed by a judge. If they say they do, ask them to slide it under the door or hold it up to a window so you can inspect it.Don’t lie or produce any false documents. Don’t sign anything without speaking with a law...

  • 发布于 2021-05-13 18:52
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...传票和搜查令的区别。 内容:召唤(content: summon) vs. 保证(warrant) 对比图 定义 关键区别 结论 对比图 Basis for ComparisonSummonWarrant 意义传唤是指司法人员向被告人或证人发出的与法律程序有关的法律命令。搜查令是由**签发...

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... so is the trunk and the back And I know my rights so you gon' need a warrant for that "Aren't you sharp as a tack are some type of lawyer or something?" "Or somebody important or somethin?" Nah i ain't pass the bar but i know a little bit Enough that you won't illegally search m...

  • 发布于 2021-08-03 04:25
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... against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." 受英国援助令的激励 第四修正案...

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什么是不同类型的认股权证?(the different types of warrants?)


  • 发布于 2021-12-19 12:13
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什么是绿色搜查令?(a green warrant?)


  • 发布于 2021-12-19 16:13
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什么是轻罪逮捕令?(a misdemeanor warrant?)


  • 发布于 2021-12-19 17:24
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