
Illustration for article titled What Was Your Facebook Breaking Point?




Facebook is the first thing I’ve quit and felt really good about. Prior to this, I’d quit the field hockey team, several jobs, a band, carbs—and about all of these, I felt at least a twinge of remorse. Not so, Facebook! I can’t believe the devil’s network has existed for 15 years. I know people who have spent a minimum of five of those 15 curating their existences for an audience of people they should have stayed out of touch with. Think of all the epic poems those people have not written!



All Facebook has done for me is given my uncles and this one guy from college a platform on which to argue with me about capitali**. It’s also my one-stop shop for daily reminders of how I used to be married and my dog used to be alive, and a way for me to read mean comments about myself should regular comments secti*** not be enough. I guess the only reason I’m still on it is because it’s the only social media my mostly offline boyfriend uses (and I’m his only source of memes!), and it’s a good way to find out about shows in town. If not for Facebook, I probably wouldn’t have known about the Eric Bachmann show I went to last night. But I’m sure there are mailing lists for that kind of thing.



My facebook experience went from something I was excited to have when I got into college to something I never use. In-between, it was great when I lived in Milwaukee, and was part of a private moms group called Bayview Broads—it provided a community of 200 moms who had each others backs and gave great advice. But it also was a platform for family members, lacking proper posting etiquette, to add their two cents to my page. It is a wormhole of people-past, full of pictures that don’t matter that I don’t need to see. It’s a peeping tom’s playground, which ultimately is why I quit. Now, I can’t even remember the password, which is fine with me. It is home to the only photos of my 20's, which i’d like to hold on to.

heather hass, creative producer


In the past fifteen years, Facebook killed, directly or indirectly, nearly every other method of online communication I used to use. Opening Facebook is more convenient than visiting a bunch of Yahoo Groups or web forums or a bunch of different news websites. It replaced listservs and email announcement lists because spam has made our email inboxes unbearable. It thrives because we can get information on Facebook that 15 years ago was only available via phone calls. (Nobody likes phone calls except the generati*** that grew up with them being necessary.) We pay the price in data and privacy, but we pay it as a society, not individually. I could quit Facebook and lose touch with people, but Facebook will still have all my data. I love seeing all the baby pictures. I hate that if I post any, Facebook recognizes my children’s faces and asks me who they are.

Beth Skwarecki, health editor


I was always ambivalent about Facebook and only ever created one because some friends I met at Space Camp wanted to keep in touch. I’ve used it on and off over the years, but it never affected my relati***hips with friends or family in a notable way. I pretty much only used it to self-promote my projects. Even then, I feel I haven’t escaped the monumental ways in which Facebook reshaped society, and my personal data most definitely hasn’t escaped Facebook’s clutches. There was a time when the idea of having my life documented forever seemed appealing. But now my tweets are set to auto-delete, I haven’t posted to Facebook in almost 6 months (I only keep it around because I have to for random work stuff), and I only use Instagram stories. I’m over this whole social media thing.

abu zafar, video producer


For a while there, Facebook made it real easy to choose what events and parties to go to, based on who else was going. Which is a valid approach because that’s what parties are for. Now I visit Facebook once a week and get bombarded with “notificati***” that people I barely know have posted something. The site does a very good job convincing me to stay away.

nick douglas, staff writer


Facebook has been innocuous for me in the past several years, since most of my social media use is on Instagram and Twitter. These days, it can be a pleasant way to see what people I otherwise don’t stay in touch with are up to, and otherwise I barely use it. But my strongest emotional memory of Facebook is how crazy it made me in the first couple of years of college, looking at photos from parties or trips I hadn’t been a part of, and convinced everyone was c***tantly having a better time than me. Even now it’s embarrassing to admit how much I cared about it as an 18- or 19-year-old, and the amount of time and emotional energy I sunk into it makes me sad! I was so excited to have it at the time, but college would have absolutely been better without Facebook.

virginia **ith, managing editor


I still remember the day I signed up for “thefacebook.com.” I enough of an early adopter at my college to qualify for a silly “Facebook Member Since The Ground Floor” group someone started, which eventually went away along with those “member since” designati*** in each person’s profile. Ah, the good ol’ days. Now, almost every day I’m on Facebook, I think to myself, “Maybe I’ll quit this week.” I feel like I’m getting less and less useful information from the algorithmic feed Facebook stuffs in my face. And even then, it feels like most of my friends’ updates are related to one of the following topics: How great our jobs are, how rich we are, and how our great jobs enable us to flaunt our wealth for everyone else to see. It gets old. That said, Facebook is a useful tool for receiving direct information more newsy topics: ticket sales and promoti*** for my favorite bands, useful articles I might not have seen on my sprawling Feedly collection, new cute animal GIFs, et cetera. Maybe if I purge all my friends and just follow companies and brands I care about, Facebook will feel more useful as an RSS reader instead of a playground for oversharing .

david murphy, senior technology editor

  • 發表於 2021-05-14 07:05
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  • 分類:網際網路



我在Facebook上分享的帖子在哪裡?!聽起來熟悉嗎? ...

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...際網路也喜歡看影片,如果不是更多的話。YouTube、Vimeo、Facebook、Instagram或其他網站都會向你扔很多東西。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-14 17:54
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...事上達成一致意見時,你更容易保持觀點,而不是當你在Facebook和Twitter上關注的成百上千的人在說同一件事時。 ...

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... 像Facebook和MySpace這樣的應用程式最初的賣點是為你提供一種方式,讓你瞭解別人的生活。這可以說仍是當今社交媒體的主要優勢。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-19 04:29
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...道某個應用程式何時使用您的麥克風。現在,你肯定知道Facebook不會在你使用它的時候聽你說話,因為你的iPhone會告訴你是否在聽。 綠點表示您的相機處於活動狀態 當iPhone上的應用程式正在使用相機時,綠點指示燈就會出現。...

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...密碼。 有幾家公司的密碼儲存不當 因為Robinhood、Google、Facebook、GitHub、Twitter和其他公司都以純文字形式儲存密碼,所以您可能已經受到了糟糕做法的影響。 以谷歌為例,該公司對大多數使用者的密碼進行了充分的雜湊和鹽漬處...

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最近,iOS上的Facebook應用程式中出現了兩個新圖示,原來的聊天圖示是:一個小店面和一艘火箭飛船。小店面是一個快速連結到Facebook市場,火箭船的連結到Facebook的探索飼料。 相關:在科技上省錢的最好方法:買二手的 Marketp...

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...伙被鬼魂追著吃東西…不管那些小點是什麼,那麼谷歌有你的答案。 轉到Google搜尋,只需輸入“googlepacman”——這個復活節彩蛋最初是2010年的Google塗鴉,但仍將使用該搜尋命令推出一個可玩的版本。 android版本圖示   過去五年...

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...產品具有足夠的吸引力,而且增長速度也足夠快,以至於Facebook和其他公司已經開始嘗試對它們進行反向工程和複製。 對我來說,這似乎還不太真實,但我看到的每一個地方都有這樣的跡象:社交網路又開始競爭了。...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-16 13:37
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-17 16:48
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