





(Finally) take up a meditation habit

That meditation is good for me is something I’ve known for a while, but that didn’t lead me to actually meditate. Not even interviewing meditation experts Sharon Salzberg, Mark Epstein, and Daniel Goleman on The Upgrade could get me to do it. How would I begin? Did I have to sit in lotus position? What if I’m too attention-challenged to do it right? What if I, I don’t know, went insane? Finally, though, I read this article by our own Nick Douglas, which featured some useful advice from a redditor on how to start. It sounded practical and, well, easy, so I started. And what do you know? I’m a daily meditator, now. I can’t believe it took me this long.

alice bradley, deputy editor


Outsource your wardrobe choices to a bot

This week I’ve been letting a Facebook messenger bot called Epytom pick out my clothes. You answer some questi*** about what kinds of things you have in your closet, and every morning it sends you some ideas about how to combine them, illustrated by pics of gorgeous Instagrammers wearing the same kinds of things. It inspires me to think creatively about what I’ve already got, like oh yeah I have a scarf I could wear that way! Bonus: it tailors the suggesti*** to your weather forecast.

beth skwarecki, health editor


Catch up on your podcast queue

I finally listened to the Five Women episode of This American Life, and it’s such a nuanced look at how the #MeToo moment is affecting different women. I appreciated that it focused on their perspectives and journeys, and not the man’s. Also, I came across this Twitter thread on Wednesday (about the trope of the “gaze” in romance movies) and it was such a delight.

alicia adamczyk, staff writer


Accessorize strategically

I don’t like to wear jewelry at all, so I was often forgetting to wear my wedding ring when leaving the house. I felt really guilty about it, but having never worn any ring, I found it distracting and uncomfortable. So, I went and bought a cheap watch and a couple of bracelets to rotate through. Now I’m less distracted by my ring and I don’t forget to pop it on before leaving.

adam powers, video producer


Switch to a less-ridiculous phone plan

After the tl80 commenters roasted me for my old-people cell phone plan, I switched to AT&T so I can finally use my phone as a hotspot.

nick douglas, staff writer


Color-code your inbox within an inch of its life

This week, I decided to finally get my unruly Gmail inbox in check. I created a ton of different filters for various emails I receive on a daily (or semi-frequent) basis, which now automatically categorize, label, and color them. It’s delightful, and my inbox looks a little less scary, save for that “Promoti***” tab. You’re next.

david murphy, senior tech editor


Add more stuff to your morning coffee

The attentive reader may recall that recently, I decided to stop pretending that I was ever going to stop drinking coffee. Well, that is still true, but now with a TWIST. In an effort to make it less harsh on my stomach, and also cram in some nutrients in the process, I’ve started blending my morning coffee with coconut oil, collagen powder, and the occasional splash of vanilla extract. It’s creamy, delicious, and gives me a ton of energy—I’ve felt better every day since I’ve started doing it.

virginia k. **ith, managing editor

  • 發表於 2021-05-15 04:18
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  • 分類:網際網路



...了”已經是老生常談了,但我是來告訴你不要這樣做的。別再說了。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-16 13:49
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... 這款應用有一個很大的音訊庫,可以幫助你睡眠。這個應用程式有ASMR相關的內容,也有一些最著名的聲音講述的睡眠故事。史蒂芬·弗萊會給我讀一個民間故事來幫助我入睡嗎?是...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-24 17:48
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6月28日,一枚用於向國際空間站運送物資的SpaceX獵鷹9號火箭在途中爆炸。這是過去一年內第三次貨物補給任務失敗。2014年10月28日,軌道科學公司(Orbital Sciences)帶著補給開往空間站的“心宿二”(Antares)火箭在起飛後不久發...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-30 15:28
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  • 發佈於 2021-05-12 12:13
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...何原因沒有揚聲器,你就需要使用藍芽來聽到你的節拍。再說一次,別指望能用這個創造出下一個大熱的舞蹈,但這是一個有趣的小方法來鍛煉你的創造力鎖定在135 BPM左右,而你坐在那裡。如果幸運的話,也許有一天你會得到...

  • 發佈於 2021-05-13 04:19
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  • 發佈於 2021-05-14 00:20
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