
Photo by Windell Oskay





In case you couldn’t tell, I’m a fan of organizing and rearranging my software, files, and apps. I usually spend an hour or two every weekend renaming, tagging, and sorting through photos I take or find online. My **artphone’s homescreen is pretty sparsely populated. I’ve got folders full of GIFs, impeccably tagged family photos encompassing the past decade or so, and a few zip files serving as archives of all my time spent tediously batch editing metadata.

Patrick Austin, Staff Writer



I sort the books in my bookshelf by color, which I admit is something I learned on Pinterest, but I’ve been doing it for years and it works for me. I believe it reduces the visual “noise” and makes the living room feel less cluttered. Also it is pretty, and I enjoy pretty things.

Alice Bradley, Deputy Editor


Books, Too

I’m rather messy TBH, but I do organize my books into multiple **all stacks all around my house, in order of importance to read next. They only go on a bookshelf when they’re finished or already reread.

Adam Powers, Video Producer



I obsessively organize my laundry. Not my clothes in my closet— specifically my clean laundry as I fold it. There’s a pile for pillowcases, one for dress socks, one for exercise socks, one for undershirts, one for T-shirts I can wear out, etc ... It makes putting everything away much faster, and then it all gets disorganized again as I pull stuff out throughout the week.

joel kahn, senior video producer



I mostly store all of my stuff in loosely themed piles and clusters, but I do enjoy curating very specific playlists. I also sort my records by genre, and then alphabetically within each genre, rather than alphabetizing the whole collection.

claire lower, food & beverage editor


Music, Too

I don’t really sort anything obsessively either (I don’t feel like I have enough stuff to sort). I guess I try to keep my Spotify playlists in order of “most often listened” to “least often listened” for convenience: daily listening at the top down to seasonal stuff at the bottom.

Patrick Allan, Staff Writer



The closest thing I do to organizing happens in my notebooks. I may own several dozen, but I dedicate just one at a time to being my main planner/journal/scratch pad. (This already takes a lot of discipline and restraint.) I number the pages. Most of what I write is ephemeral and/or garbage, but on the rare occasion I’ll want to refer to something later, I add a line to my table of contents in the front.

beth skwarecki, health editor


To-Do Lists

I keep at least half a dozen different to-do lists at any time: my work to-dos; apartment to-dos; ‘life’ to-dos (anything from “renew passport” to “set up a password manager”); etc. Working in tandem to these are various running lists of things I need to buy, from clothes to groceries to home goods. There’s probably a tidier way to do it, but I like having lists for different categories, and a place to dump ideas or necessities that occur to me on the fly so I don’t lose them, but also don’t have to keep thinking about them.

virginia k. **ith, managing editor



Living in a tiny apartment means I don’t have a ton of stuff, but I am particular about what I have. I sort my books in the order I read them, and my unread books in the order I would like to read them. My closet is color-coordinated (following the rainbow), and then ordered by sleeve-length within each color, with skirts and dresses at the “end.” I also get frustrated when people don’t load the dishwasher how I like it; luckily, my current apartment is dishwasher-free so I can spare my roommates that headache. Tech-wise, I hate grouping apps in a folder on my phone, I prefer to be able to see all of them laid out in rows, and they are organized by category: finance, social, health, news, games, etc., and my music is organized by the month and year I “discover” it.

alicia adamczyk, staff writer



I’ve got nothing. I under-organize in every department.

michelle woo, parenting editor



I personally DON’T think this is over-organizing, but my boyfriend begs to differ. In our pantry and fridge, different food categories have their own areas: cheese has a spot, bread has a spot, etc. This isn’t just about organizing for the sake of organizing, it helps a lot with meal planning and grocery shopping. If we have a general sense of where things are located, it’s way easier to do a quick check on how much rice we have or whether we used all the cilantro (we didn’t, we never ever do). It also helps with food waste, because when things are semi-tidied, we’re less likely to forget about the mushrooms shoved in the back behind a case of La Croix and three different jars of pickles.

Caitlin Schneider, Social Editor



I have this vague mental hierarchy of every coffee mug in my home, which I impose on the cupboard, putting the “good” mugs (bigger, prettier) up front, the “bad” mugs (**aller, uglier, one painful reminder of Election Day) in the back. If someone else empties the dishwasher, I come in after and patiently and pointlessly re-order the mugs.

nick douglas, staff writer


Everything, Subtly

Bottles of moisturizer, tubes of Retin-A, jars of pomade—all must be facing label-side forward on the bathroom shelves. They need to be set with purpose in a controlled disarray—not all pressed up against the wall, not organized by height, but loosely organized by type (face stuff, hair stuff, etc.) I do this with jars and cans in the pantry and products in the fridge as well. It’s as much about being able to see and identify the products easily as it is about trying to have an effortlessly Mayfair-filtered life. A di**al product of the social media era is that we’re all simultaneously living our lives while also seeing our lives through the eyes of an envious friend. Curating my shelves makes me feel in control and superior at the same time. If someone were to go looking for Q-tips in my medicine cabinet, I would like them to appreciate how easily they were able to find them—lined up of course on the shelf next to the face wash I’ve decanted into a more attractive glass bottle and labeled with the P-touch—and also nod approvingly at the Nounos yogurt jar in which they are arranged.

Melissa Kirsch, Editor-in-chief

  • 發表於 2021-05-15 07:22
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共沸(azeotropic)和共沸混合物(zeotropic mixture)的區別

...不同的露點和氣泡曲線特徵。這些露點和氣泡曲線是在溫度組成圖中繪製的。 目錄 1. 概述和主要區別 2. 什麼是共沸混合物 3. 什麼是共沸混合物 4. 並列比較-共沸與共沸混合物的表格形式 5. 摘要 什麼是共沸混合物(an azeotropic mixt...

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... 什麼是你過聖誕節嗎(you doing this christmas)? ...

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...止,所有的驚奇漫畫電影都集中在迪斯尼+上,而沒有對組織給予太多考慮。現在情況已經不是這樣了,因為所有的MCU電影都被分成了不同的類別。 ...

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...的形象,如在這張照片。 當你吹你的高光你做相反的:你過度曝光你的影象,有大面積的純白色。 壓碎陰影和吹高光的問題是,即使拍攝原始影象,也無法在後期**中恢復它們。這張曝光不足的照片變亮了,看陰影怎麼還是黑...

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...可能是一件好事。 另一個選擇是開啟“閃爍”,這樣當你過度曝光影象時,你的相機就會顯示出來,而不必檢查直方圖。 安全射擊 有時,由於光照條件困難或不斷變化,要確定可靠的曝光是一件非常困難的事情。在這種情況下...

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Even if you’re not a die-hard Star Wars fan just about everyone is aware of how poorly received the prequels were and how much the changes and tweaks to the story upset loyal fans. The Machete Order proposes watching the films in a new sequence to save the story. 羅德·希爾頓有99個問題...

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...際足聯是世界上眾多職業聯賽和協會的最高管理機構,它組織了世界盃等賽事。 Riot表示,中國、韓國、歐洲和北美四大地區今年的收視率上升了129%,開發商認為這部分是由於粉絲們“越來越全球化的觀看習慣”(也就是說,...

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...生活中的黑人是一種威脅嗎?我為我的黑暗和佔用空間而過度道歉。 我在一個叫做#BlackAFinSTEM的社群裡,我們所代表的是在各自的領域裡毫無歉意地成為黑人。當這段影片直播時,顯然有公眾的強烈**,也有國際間關於克里斯蒂...

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...,但它也成為了90年代在網際網路上傳播的Geocities網站上過度使用的眼中釘。這一切在過去十年左右都發生了變化——一個位置良好的GIF是網際網路的樂趣,而且可以甚至把它的創造者彈射到小名氣。 為了慶祝,每日...

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