如何向量加減(add and subtract vectors)




Suppose we need to add the two vectors,   and  . 

如何向量加減(add and subtract vectors)

Graphically, we place the “tail” of one of the vectors on the “nose” of the other vector. The resultant vector, i.e. the vector   , is the vector that goes from the tail of the first vector to the nose of the last vector. Note that we can repeat this procedure to add any number of vectors. In practice, to do this, one may need to make a scale diagram of the vectors on a paper.

如何向量加減(add and subtract vectors)

Vector addition is commutative, i. e.  . Graphically, we can show this by starting with  and then adding  to it. Since the resultant vector in both cases have the same size and direction, the resultant vectors are equal. This shows that the order in which vectors are added does not matter.

如何向量加減(add and subtract vectors)

Also, vector addition is associative, i.e.  . This means that the order in which vectors are grouped during addition does not matter.


Suppose the vector  and the vector . Then, the vector .


Two forces and  act on a body. The forces are given by the vectors  and  . Find the resultant force  .




For a given vector  , the negative vector  has the same magnitude as  but points in the opposite direction.

如何向量加減(add and subtract vectors)


Subtracting a vector is equivalent to adding the negative vector. i.e.  . Graphically, we can show this as follows:

We need to subtract  from  .

如何向量加減(add and subtract vectors)

We identify the negative vector of  . Then,  :

如何向量加減(add and subtract vectors)


Suppose the vector  and the vector . Then, the vector .



  • 發表於 2021-06-27 03:00
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  • 分類:科學


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