
如果你’我一直在想什麼能把一個美國’ 三大移動運營商’ 能夠打電話和發簡訊— 一整天大部分時間都是這樣— T-Mobile現在有了一個部分答案,這與它週一在全國範圍內的大範圍停電有關。...

如果你’我一直在想什麼能把一個美國’ 三大移動運營商’ 能夠打電話和發簡訊— 一整天大部分時間都是這樣— T-Mobile現在有了一個部分答案,這與它週一在全國範圍內的大範圍停電有關。





June 16th, 2020 6:23pm PST

Update on T-Mobile Voice and Text Performance

Every day we see the vital role technology plays in keeping us connected, and we know T-Mobile customers rely on our network to ensure they have connecti*** with family, loved ones and service providers. This is a resp***ibility my team takes very seriously and is our highest priority. Yesterday, we didn’t meet our own bar for excellence.

Many of our customers experienced a voice and text issue yesterday, specifically with VoLTE (Voice over LTE) calling. My team took immediate action — hundreds of our engineers worked tirelessly alongside vendors and partners throughout the day to resolve the issue starting the minute we were aware of it. Data connecti*** continued to work, as did our non-VoLTE calling for many customers and services like FaceTime, iMessage, Google Meet, Google Duo, Zoom, Skype and others allowed our customers to stay in touch. Additionally, many customers were able to use circuit-switched voice connecti*** and customers on the Sprint network were unaffected. VoLTE and text in all regi*** were fully recovered by 10 p.m. PDT last night. I’m happy to say the network is fully operational… and we’re working day in and day out to keep it that way.

Our engineers worked through the night to understand the root cause of yesterday’s issues, address it and prevent it from happening again. The trigger event is known to be a leased fiber circuit failure from a third party provider in the Southeast. This is something that happens on every mobile network, so we’ve worked with our vendors to build redundancy and resiliency to make sure that these types of circuit failures don’t affect customers. This redundancy failed us and resulted in an overload situation that was then compounded by other factors. This overload resulted in an IP traffic storm that spread from the Southeast to create significant capacity issues across the IMS (IP multimedia Subsystem) core network that supports VoLTE calls.

We have worked with our IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) and IP vendors to add permanent additional safeguards to prevent this from happening again and we’re continuing to work on determining the cause of the initial overload failure.

So, I want to personally apologize for any inconvenience that we created yesterday and thank you for your patience as we worked through the situation toward resolution.

Neville Ray

T-Mobile President of Technology







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