
Věra Jourová是欧洲司法、消费者和两性平等事务专员。从前,她有一个Facebook账户。事情进展不顺利。”在很短的一段时间内,我有一个Facebook帐户,”Jourová在周四的新闻发布会上说那是一条泥路。我没想到会有这么多仇恨涌入。我决定取消这个账户,因为我意识到这样做后,欧洲的仇恨会减少。”...

Věra Jourová是欧洲司法、消费者和两性平等事务专员。从前,她有一个Facebook账户。事情进展不顺利。”在很短的一段时间内,我有一个Facebook帐户,”Jourová在周四的新闻发布会上说那是一条泥路。我没想到会有这么多仇恨涌入。我决定取消这个账户,因为我意识到这样做后,欧洲的仇恨会减少。”



“I want #Facebook to be extremely clear to its users about how their service operates and makes money. Not many people know that #Facebook has made available their data to third parties or that for instance it holds full copyright about any picture or content you put on it.”



与此同时,Facebook显然存在欧洲问题。在《华尔街日报》上,Valentina Pop和Sam Schechner提醒我们最近针对该公司的所有其他监管行动:

The sharply worded salvo comes on top of a series of legislative proposals and regulatory acti*** from Europe aimed at reining in the power and perceived excesses of a cadre of big tech companies. The EU in May implemented a sweeping new privacy law, GDPR, and its parliament recently approved a draft copyright bill aimed at making Silicon Valley companies pay more money to support music firms and news publishers.

与此同时,BuzzFeed的Alex Wickham报道说,英国内政部和数字、文化、媒体和体育部正在起草自己的新法规:

BuzzFeed News has obtained details of the proposals, which would see the establishment of an internet regulator similar to Ofcom, which regulates broadcasters, telecoms, and postal communicati***.

Home secretary Sajid Javid and culture secretary Jeremy Wright are c***idering the introduction of a mandatory code of practice for social media platforms and strict new rules such as “takedown times” forcing websites to remove illegal hate speech within a set timeframe or face penalties. Ministers are also looking at implementing age verification for users of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


本·汤普森(Ben Thompson)经常提出的一点是,像这样的要求往往只会巩固现任者的地位。如果一家英国初创公司想要建立一个社交网络,那么它多久会有一个全球调节团队,能够在几个小时内完成发布?建立年龄验证需要多少资金?







On Wednesday, Facebook told Motherboard it had received the committee’s letter, and it was reviewing the specific policy. In its letter, the committee pointed to a Facebook Page promoting white nationali** called “It’s okay to be white” which had over 13,000 followers; another called “American White History Month 2” that posts supremacist, nationalist, and separatist memes with over 254,000 followers; and “Nationalist Agenda,” a page focused on “Preserving [European] Racial and Cultural Heritage with over 8,000 followers. Facebook told Motherboard it has now taken action against the violating content and the individuals behind it.


哈珀·内迪格(Harper Neidig)向我们介绍了科技公司努力通过一项国家隐私法,以削弱加利福尼亚州消费者权益倡导者刚刚通过的隐私法:

Chester, who says public interest groups are banding together to come up with their own legislative principles, believes the frameworks being pushed by industry lobbyists don’t go far enough.

“What has to happen is the basic business practices have to change,” he said. “We believe there need to be restricti*** on how these companies engage in data collection. These so-called principles are really principles to undermine privacy, not to protect it.“



The company will still offer technical support and basic training to candidate campaigns and political advocacy organizati***, but it won’t visit campaign headquarters with as much frequency or provide as much strategic support as it did for Trump ahead of the 2016 election. Instead, Facebook officials said they are working to improve the company’s political advertising website to give free advice to campaigns more equitably.


香农·瓦夫拉(Shannon Vavra)详细介绍了该国正在采取哪些措施保护自己免受外国巨魔和黑客的攻击:

In the absence of an overarching cybersecurity doctrine, government agencies have been limited in how they can legitimately deter foreign adversaries and respond to cyberattacks — even as the attacks are escalating exponentially

This comes at a time when the administration has been bleeding cyber talent and facing critici** for its approach to election security — it eliminated the role of cybersecurity coordinator earlier this year, and the FBI has been losing cyber talent as well.


这一新的网络战略非常必要:安迪克罗尔报道,加州民主党人布莱恩·卡福里奥(Bryan Caforio)是最新一位可能遭遇外国网络攻击的人。


据Shannon Liao报道,亚马逊旗下的直播网站Twitch目前在中国被屏蔽:

The major game streaming site is largely no longer accessible and its app has been removed from Apple’s local App Store, after it saw a noticeable boost in popularity last month, as spotted by Abacus.

Last month, Twitch hit the No. 3 spot among free apps in China, as locals began downloading the app to watch e-sports matches at the Asian Games. State-run broadcaster CCTV chose not to air the Asian Games, so users had to find alternative ways to watch the competition, especially as China performed well during the event and brought back two gold medals. Although the performance wasn’t streamed through the major broadcaster, China’s two wins were later covered by state-run media.



The letter, citing my newly published report by the Tow Center for Digital Journali**, lists a variety of journalists who have continued to pursue stories on Silicon Valley despite possible penalty under the CFAA. For instance, the Knight letter cites a Gizmodo report that explored Facebook’s algorithms identifying “people you know” and a New York Timesarticle that exposed fake accounts. The letter also names a PBS Newshour reporter whose story about political advertisements was completely stymied for fear of penalty.

Facebook was asked to respond to the Knight letter by last Friday. To date there has been minimal public resp***e by the company. A statement by Campbell Brown, the head of the company’s global news partnerships, reads: “We do have strict limits in place on how third parties can use people’s information, and we recognize that these sometimes get in the way of this work.” The company has not, however, amended or removed those limits. (Editor’s note: The Knight Institute informed the author, after posting, that Facebook reached out to them in resp***e to the letter. The Institute and Facebook are in continuing discussi*** about the “safe harbor” proposal.)


拉克兰·马凯(Lachlan Markay)发现“一个由Facebook页面组成的庞大网络,运行着由少数几家公司付费的广告,这些公司追踪到科罗拉多州的一家民主党律师事务所。”这些广告非常粗俗:

A pair of posts promoted this week on a Facebook page titled The Keg Bros contained two videos, one attacking Republican megadonor Rebekah Mercer and one hailing Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. “Hawaii’s Tulsi Gabbard makes us want to go Democrat,” reads text in one of the videos, interspersed with footage of Mike Myers’ Austin Powers mouthing “hot hot hot.” It adds, “America’s voted, and she’s the hottest member of Congress on either side of the aisle.”




Adi Robertson回顾了一部关于谷歌和Facebook的纪录片《骇人听闻的线》,该纪录片将对隐私和echo chambers的批评变成了反保守审查的阴谋:

In other words, the film epitomizes a popular claim that Silicon Valley is censoring American c***ervatives on web platforms. This claim plays on bipartisan fears about the power of internet gatekeepers, and it’s sparked several lawsuits, multiple congressional hearings, and a few tweetstorms from President Donald Trump. But the evidence has been mostly speculative or anecdotal, and The Creepy Line is supposed to provide a rigorous, scientific ****ysis to back it up. Instead, it’s a blinkered and misleading guide to how internet platforms work.



The American media has printed guesses and lies about celebrities for as long as the two have existed; that’s hardly Google or Amazon’s fault. But because “the internet” has become our default source for information, it is easier for tabloid facts to circulate under credible logos. The trivia that results can be hard to dispel.

And a high reported net worth can make a difference out here in the real world. According to Jonathan Greenberg, a former Forbes writer, Donald Trump often tried to game the Fortune 400 list, repeatedly inflating reports of his wealth in order to bolster the impression of him as an iconically rich guy. That tactic has worked out pretty well for him so far.


詹姆斯·塔米(James Tarmy)说,将原材料混凝土结构突然升值的原因归咎于Instagram:

That renewed attention, McLeod says, translated into c***ervation efforts. “Brutali** sort of came into its own with these groundswell, grassroots movements.” Perhaps most prominent, the SOS Brutali** campaign (#so**rutali**), which in turn became an exhibition, which in turn produced a book, became a global effort to save dozens of the world’s brutalist buildings.

“Just the act of simply ‘liking’ something meant that those ‘likes’ turned into c***ervation campaigns,” McLeod says. The Sirius apartment building in Australia, for instance, faced demolition last year, but was ultimately saved by a campaign—#saveoursirius—that logged 2,964 posts on Instagram.



我与阿什利·卡曼(Ashley Carman)合作,她密切关注我们的约会应用程序,并就Facebook约会在哥伦比亚的推出撰写了以下文章:

Facebook Dating is now a reality. Four months after announcing that it would add dating features, the social network said today that it has begun testing its new dating product in Colombia. At first glance, Facebook Dating closely resembles compe***** Hinge. Both depart from the swiping model popularized by Tinder in favor of asking users to answer question prompts and start conversati*** based on something in a person’s profile. What sets Facebook Dating apart is its integration with Groups and Events, drawing on other aspects of Facebook to expand the dating pool and encourage users to meet in public.

“Dating has been a behavior that we’ve seen on Facebook for a really long time,” product manager Nathan Sharp said in an interview with The Verge. “We want to make it easier and more comfortable for people to engage in. We just thought that now was the right time.”



Kanye West关于社交媒体粉丝数量的看法是正确的

Madison Malone Kirchner写道,Kanye West的推特减去粉丝数的概念是一个好的概念(对位:否则我该如何衡量我的自我价值?)

Are there merits to metrics? Sure. Of course. Follower and like counts can help approximate credibility: The accounts that many Twitter users deem worth following are more likely to be credible. But there are many excepti*** to that rule — super-viral accounts with milli*** of followers and crap content. And most of us aren’t boasting follower counts in the milli*** and retweet counts in the hundreds of thousands anyway. Instead, we play a calculation game, tweeting for our **all audiences and watching — and hoping — our various numbers go up. And when you really stop to think about that … it’s a weird, potentially damaging, way to live.





Chamath Palihapitiya在Facebook发展的早期曾领导过它的成长团队,去年他说社交媒体正在撕裂社会,这引起了轰动。今年,他开始在他的风险投资公司社会资本流失合伙人。在将公司内部混乱的可信报道斥为“假新闻”后,他在信息中心接受了里德·阿尔伯格蒂的采访,以澄清他真正站在哪一边。事实证明,他所站的那一边是查玛斯的:

“I would rather spend time with the people that are 100% aligned with what I want to do and the person that’s most aligned with what I want to do is me,” he said.



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  • 发表于 2021-08-25 12:45
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... 然而,有一点很清楚:在过去的六年里,Facebook越来越多地试图将自己定位为一个新闻门户网站。在这样做的过程中,它有义务实现诸如诚信和可靠性之类的基本原则。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-26 23:14
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... 从目前的情况来看,提供约会服务的名单似乎越来越大。Tinder、铰链、Bumble和大量鱼类已经为寻找爱情的用户提供了大量的选择。而现在Facebook已经将其约会功能扩展到欧洲,它可以加强对在线约会行业的控制。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-30 00:38
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 16:23
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  • 发布于 2021-04-24 18:12
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...报》(Financial Times)三文鱼粉版,在意见部分,你会发现Facebook公共政策主管理查德•艾伦(Richard Allan)对欧洲监管的尖锐批评。可悲的是,美国大公司与试图控制它们的欧洲监管机构之间的裂痕并没有什么不寻常之处,但这种...

  • 发布于 2021-04-29 17:02
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  • 发布于 2021-04-29 18:57
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  • 发布于 2021-04-30 22:39
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  • 发布于 2021-05-02 19:31
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...ing、Xbox Live和office365。为了继续扩张,这些类型的公司正越来越多地进入基础设施业务,无论是亚马逊(Amazon)及其航运网络,还是Facebook和微软(Microsoft),它们的数据业务将覆盖全球其他地区。

  • 发布于 2021-05-05 04:32
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  • 发布于 2021-05-05 21:40
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