






(顺便说一句,这是一项匆忙的工作,它创造了其他匆忙的工作:《华尔街日报》。杂志和Fast Company最近都对创始人进行了采访,并在他们的话完全过时之前将他们赶了上来。)



今天所做的大部分报道都追溯了收购后的生活中常见的故事:突然爆发的紧张局势。正如库尔特·瓦格纳(Kurt Wagner)和卡拉·斯威舍(Kara Swisher)在Recode上所报道的那样,最近决定从重新共享到Facebook的照片中删除Instagram品牌,这是导致创始人与其母公司关系恶化的轻蔑行为之一。

迪帕·西塔拉曼(Deepa Seetharaman)对这些紧张局势如何加剧的描述是我今天读到的最权威的一篇。今天有多份报告称,创始人离职的最直接原因是扎克伯格今年春天决定重组科克斯旗下的所有产品部门,Systrom现在将向科克斯报告。在Instagram对Facebook的未来比以往任何时候都更加重要的时候,这在Systrom和扎克伯格之间增加了一层复杂的关系。


Mr. Systrom had previously technically reported to Mike Schroepfer, Facebook’s chief technology officer, but that reporting structure wasn’t widely known. Some within Instagram believed the new structure would give Mr. Systrom much less access to Mr. Zuckerberg, with whom he previously interacted frequently. “It was always Kevin and Mark,” said a person familiar with the situation.


随后,Facebook在北美达到饱和点,原创帖子的分享率下降,2016年美国总统大选相关的一系列危机也打击了其形象。只有Instagram幸存下来,其声誉几乎完好无损。作为Facebook产品阵容中的皇冠宝石,它成为母公司经常干预的对象(我的同事克里斯·韦尔奇(Chris Welch)在这里总结了一些最突出的例子。)


每一个问题都会引出另一个问题,很明显,Systrom和Krieger花了越来越多的时间问自己能接受什么。正如本·汤普森(Ben Thompson)所说,创始人的命运在他们**给Facebook的那天就注定了。但仍然:它不必像这样结束。


当然,许多有才华的员工仍然留在Instagram。这是一个令人垂涎的工作在脸谱网,尤其是因为它的新办公室在旧金山市中心。产品管理总监Robby Stein和Vishal Shah以及负责设计工作的Ian Spalter经常被称为组织中的新星。亚当·莫塞里(Adam Mosseri)也同样很受欢迎,他以前负责新闻订阅。但他们的任务将越来越多地是为Facebook的广告网络建立一个前端。Instagram曾经享有的自主性已经消失。

创始人的仓促离职使得许多项目处于不断变化之中。Systrom的宠物项目IGTV因担心与Facebook Watch竞争过于激烈而差点被杀,它可能会被扼杀在摇篮中(正如我本月早些时候首次报道的那样,Instagram也正在开发一款独立的购物应用程序。Instagram Direct的命运也有待决定。





Brian Fung和Tony Romm回顾了Jeff Sessi***和一组首席检察官关于加强对科技公司审查的会议。听起来好像有什么行动即将到来:

Most in the meeting agreed that the Justice Department would probably play a role in any legal action against the tech industry. Still, much of the group’s momentum now appears to be driven by an emerging multistate inquiry — not the Justice Department — with Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson expected to coordinate the attorneys general’s conversation.

“[The] AGs are really focused on understanding more as to what c***umers are truly c***enting to and what they may not know is going on with their data,” Racine said in an interview.

谷歌首席执行官Sundar Pichai将会见共和党议员

Sundar Pichai已同意前往华盛顿,但只是与共和党议员进行私下会晤。



Facebook has removed over a dozen American hyperpartisan liberal and c***ervative pages with more than 30 million combined fans after discovering they were administered by the same fake account and were in violation of policies against spamming, a company spokesperson told BuzzFeed News.

All of the removed pages had recently, and almost exclusively, been promoting links to, the c***ervative website founded by Fox News host Laura Ingraham. It was sold last year to Canadian billionaire Daryl Katz, though Ingraham maintains a minority stake in the company, according to CNN. LifeZette’s content continues to be heavily promoted on Ingraham’s social media accounts. (Her Facebook page and the main LifeZette page were not removed by Facebook. The company did not respond to requests for comment.)


Deepa Seetharaman报道称,前Facebook员工迪帕扬·戈什(Dipayan Ghosh)有一份新报告指出,硅谷应该受到更严格的监管,特别是在获取用户方面:

Over the course of the year, the tech companies have announced changes to their privacy practices and have tried to take steps to shore up user trust. But those changes don’t go far enough to address the deeper problems of the platforms, which are still reliant on maintaining user attention, according to Messrs. Ghosh and Scott, who wrote a separate report in January critical of the big tech companies.

“I think we both felt at the beginning of the year, there was potential to talk to the industry,” said Mr. Ghosh, who previously served as a White House technology adviser under President Barack Obama. “We are increasingly disillusioned now.”


埃图,狩猎?Charlie Warzel发现,该浏览器推广了Pizzagate视频、否认大屠杀的文章和揭穿种族科学的帖子。


娜塔莎·辛格(Natasha Singer)预演了周三关于数据隐私的听证会,并建议国会更好地审查科技公司的商业行为:

In a surveillance economy where companies track, ****yze and capitalize on our clicks, the issue at hand isn’t privacy. The problem is unfettered data exploitation and its potential deleterious c***equences — among them, unequal c***umer treatment, financial fraud, identity theft, manipulative marketing and discrimination.

In other words, asking companies whose business models revolve around exploiting data-based c***umer-influence techniques to explain their privacy policies seems about as useful as asking sharks to hold forth on vegani**.


基思·恩莱特(Keith Enright)是谷歌新任首席隐私官,他上任之际,谷歌正面临着数据处理方面的潜在联邦监管。



The migration to Gab started with Twitter hashtags. Hashtags promoting Gab appeared a few days after Twitter suspended both Brazilian accounts and that of right-wing c***piracy theorist Alex Jones. The most popular hashtag, #MeSegueNoGab (Follow Me on Gab), was tweeted 25,000 times between August 20 and 23 and trended in Brazil.

The hashtag was championed by Twitter profiles historically linked to Jair Bolsonaro. Among the main influencers sharing the hashtag were the Movimento Brasil C***ervador (C***ervative Brazil Movement), and hyper-partisan websites Conexão Política and Portal Terça Livre. There was no evidence of automated amplification.





Louise Matsakis与Del Harvey谈论新规则:

Generally speaking, my view is that if there is a behavior that is likely to result in real-world harm we really should be looking at what are the guardrails around something like that. How can we do a good job of making sure that we are taking our role seriously in terms of trying to protect people?

Part of the reason I think we’re talking about this now is we’ve made a lot of changes over the last couple of years to really improve our enforcement opti*** past just suspension. Some time ago, you were suspended or you were not suspended. That was pretty much all we had. We’ve tried to add a lot of new enforcement opti***. Now that we have some of those additional opti***, and now that we’re working on developing more, it gives us the opportunity to really dig into some areas that were maybe grey areas in the past that we didn’t have policy coverage for.


乔什·康斯特尼(Josh Contine)关于克里希特(Krexit)的帖子中包括了这些金块:Instagram的公共政策总监妮可·杰克逊·科拉科(Nicole Jackson Colaco)和Instagram的AR/摄像头产品负责人基思·佩里斯(Keith Peiris)都于今年早些时候离职。



EVERSON: The way we think about it is it’s a series of acti*** that you do every single day, just like if it was a personal relati***hip. That’s how we talk about it internally. When you’re sitting with [Facebook chief product officer] Chris [Cox] and [Facebook CEO] Mark [Zuckerberg], it’s like, how do you build trust with a friend, a partner, a spouse? You build it every day by actually doing what you say, being very transparent, being humble, having full acceptance of resp***ibility.

If I added up all the product things that we have done, everything from changing privacy settings to doing more education to c***umers to giving them full control over how their data is being used to saying that if you want to take all your photos out of Facebook and move them out, you can do that. Each one of those things, we’re hoping, adds up to ensuring that we either regain it or continue to have it with those that we didn’t lose. It’s a total focus of the company.


Instagram向其浏览器应用程序和Instagram Lite添加通知




Losing the founders doesn’t mean that all the psychic, strategic and financial benefits of owning Instagram are wiped away. Facebook will put its trusted people in charge of the asset. Life at Instagram will move on after a while, as presumably it has at WhatsApp. But we and Facebook will never really know what might have been lost for the company and for the health of the internet.




Instagram的Kevin Systrom在他为10亿用户构建的平台上运行

Kevin Systrom是如何度过他的一天的?这是《华尔街日报》杂志采访中的一条线索,采访是在他穿过门罗公园的一堵墙离开库尔·艾德之前进行的。

He told me he’s taken personality tests that suggest he’s an introvert and that he finds great joy in disappearing on long, solo bike rides. “I gain my power, my energy, by being alone in reflection,” he says. “That’s why I love cycling. Because I can be out in the middle of nowhere on my bike and let it all go.”



发送Mike和Kevin离开Instagram的真正原因,实际上没有其他内容!!![email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-25 14:02
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...时,也不能保证你最喜欢的猫病毒视频会在第二天出现在Instagram或Twitter页面上。有时候,从社交网络下载你最喜欢的视频是个好主意,可以作为纪念品,也可以与不在Twitter或Instagram上的朋友分享。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-13 04:01
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Instagram用户发现自己被无缘无故地锁在账户之外。有些人甚至在尝试访问其用户配置文件时收到“抱歉,此页不可用”消息。然而,Instagram将问题归咎于一个bug,并承诺尽快解决这个问题。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 04:12
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多年来,Instagram逐渐从照片分享平台转变为成熟的社交网络。Instagram内置了即时消息、专门的视频服务等等,现在你需要的社交工具应有尽有。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-21 08:48
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Instagram过去以美食和美女的照片而闻名。现在,它已经演变成不同的东西。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-21 21:49
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就在你觉得你的Instagram故事再有趣不过的时候,Instagram却加入了音乐。没错,各位,现在您可以在Instagram故事中添加一个声带,并从数千首知名歌曲中选择。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-24 11:16
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如何在raspberry pi上运行doom(没有模拟器)

... 是的,没错:覆盆子派的末日。有人吗? ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-31 08:21
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  • 发布于 2021-04-08 01:04
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...让微软的xCloud服务在三星智能冰箱上运行。 Instagram用户Richard Mallard成功实现了这一现代工程的壮举,他将Android版的Xbox Game Pass应用程序放到冰箱上。这款应用程序在三星的智能冰箱上以肖像模式运行,但游戏会以正...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 14:10
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...心,但我有一件迷人的事情吸引了我的注意力:周二我和Instagram负责人亚当·莫塞里(Adam Mosseri)的一次谈话。这是公司今天上午宣布成立一个新公司的时候“股权团队” 这项任务将是检查应用程序如何为不同人群提供服务。(...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 20:44
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 23:34
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