
去年9月17日,WhatsApp创始人Brian Acton退出该公司创办了一个非营利性基金会。六个月后,在几位前Facebook高管站出来批评该公司后,阿克顿在推特上写道:“是时候了#从那以后,我们一直想知道到底是什么让他发推特的。...

去年9月17日,WhatsApp创始人Brian Acton退出该公司创办了一个非营利性基金会。六个月后,在几位前Facebook高管站出来批评该公司后,阿克顿在推特上写道:“是时候了#从那以后,我们一直想知道到底是什么让他发推特的。



在推特上,专家们大多对阿克顿的心意转变嗤之以鼻。卡拉·斯威舍(Kara Swisher)引用一位匿名消息人士的话,对阿克顿的“罪过”进行了最滑稽的模仿:“我每天都带着这种罪恶感生活在斐济的这个海滨地产上。我几乎看不到我那艘崭新的200英尺长的游艇在港口里,因为我为我的用户的隐私流下了眼泪。”


大卫·马库斯(David Marcus)曾是Facebook Messenger的负责人,现在掌管着该公司的实验性区块链部门,他被阿克顿的放肆激怒了。在一篇引人注目的帖子中,马库斯填写了他所谓的“故事的另一面”——WhatsApp创始人对于偿还马克·扎克伯格收购该公司所花费的220亿美元几乎没有什么可行的想法,而且无论如何,他们似乎都没有对其中任何一个付出过多努力。马库斯写道:

During this time, it became pretty clear that while advocating for business messaging, and being given the opportunity to build and deliver on that promise, Brian actively slow-played the execution, and never truly went for it. In my view, if you’re passionate about a certain path — in this case, letting businesses message people and charging for it — and if you have internal questi*** about it, then work hard to prove that your approach has legs and dem***trate the value. Don’t be passive-aggressive about it.


I find attacking the people and company that made you a billionaire, and went to an unprecedented extent to shield and accommodate you for years, low-class. It’s actually a whole new standard of low-class.



马库斯填补了Facebook做出的其他一些让步,其中一些让步是由Kirsten Grind和Deepa Seetharaman在6月份的一篇文章中首次报道的。WhatsApp要求不同的办公室,更大的办公桌,以及禁止在工作区大声说话的政策——据马库斯说,扎克伯格本人对此进行了辩护(创办人还要求厕所的门能到达地板,以保护隐私,《卫报》的奥利维亚·梭伦(Olivia Solon)今天将这一特点描述为“端到端的包围”(end-to-end Encropation)

另一方面,阿克顿的叙述揭示了扎克伯格对过去的耐心:有时间限制地承诺等待创始人的原则。在推特上,Facebook刚刚离职的首席安全官Alex Stamos为扎克伯格将WhatsApp货币化的兴趣进行了辩护(冒着重蹈覆辙的风险,他为此付出了220亿美元!)

斯塔莫斯在推特上写道:“指望FB股东永远资助免费的文字/语音/视频全球通信网络是愚蠢的。”如果阿克顿和他的联合创始人简·库姆(Jan Koum)关心创收问题,他们大概会在离开Facebook之前就开始尝试创收。





Zack Whittaker在周三的参议院商务委员会听证会上报道,苹果、亚马逊、谷歌和Twitter,以及at&T和Charter,在听证会上讨论了隐私问题。两大收获:他们都希望国家隐私法取代(并削弱)加利福尼亚州最近通过的隐私法;谷歌也在中国遭受了打击:

Google to date has refused to confirm or comment on the reports, but Enright said that “there is a Project Dragonfly.”

“We are not close to launching a search product in China,” he said, in resp***e to one lawmaker. Later, he said that he didn’t think the company “could or would launch a product” without including its privacy and security policies.


前谷歌科学家杰克·鲍尔森(Jack Poulson)要求参议员推动该公司实施备受争议的中国搜索引擎计划(泰德·克鲁兹做到了!)


与Facebook&Cambridge Analytica数据丑闻有关的加拿大公司AggregateIQ违反了新的通用数据保护条例,可能面临罚款。



The British newspaper industry’s trade body has said the government should force social media sites such as Facebook and Google to pay an annual financial levy to fund journali**, and set up a regulator that would force them to take legal resp***ibility for all the content on their platforms.


凯文·鲁斯(Kevin Roose)探索了UsaRealy,一家伪装成新闻机构的RT式宣传机构。创始人否认自己做了任何不愉快的事情,但本周Reddit刚刚禁止了这项活动:

The *******ish appearance of USAReally has led some critics to assumethat it is either a bizarre vanity project or a decoy meant to attract attention away from more covert Russian campaigns happening elsewhere. But some cybersecurity experts believe the website may be a part of a retooled Russian propaganda operation that is experimenting with new tactics ahead of November’s midterm electi***, and testing the boundaries of what American social media companies will allow.

“It’s a very overt operation,” said Lee Foster, an intelligence ****ysis manager with the cybersecurity firm FireEye. “Perhaps it’s an attempt to move this type of activity more into the mainstream, to try to legitimize it as a media entity so that it’s tougher to take action against it.”


有些人在被禁止后会不惜一切代价重新使用Reddit。特别是俄罗斯黑客,Ben Collins报道:

Reddit users last week were able to trace links posted to a pro-Trump community back to a Russian propaganda website that shares web infrastructure with the Kremlin’s Internet Research Agency (IRA). The links appeared to have been custom-made to appeal to a particular community, /r/The_Donald, which is known to be the most fervent and active in support of the president.

The address-changing effort highlights how propagandists continue to push disinformation on digital media platforms, employing new strategies to hide their origins as companies begin to crack down on foreign influence campaigns.


金·泽特(Kim Zetter)在一篇新的专题文章中指出,美国的电子投票系统比以往任何时候都更加脆弱。那么为什么没有人试图修复它们呢?

Two years later, as the 2018 electi*** approach, the American intelligence community is issuing increasingly dire warnings about potential interference from Russia and other countries, but the voting infrastructure remains largely unchanged. D.H.S. has now conducted remote-scanning and on-site asses**ents of state and county election systems, but these are still largely Band-Aid measures applied to internet-facing servers. They don’t address core vulnerabilities in voting machines or the systems used to program them. And they ignore the fact that many voting machines that electi*** officials insist are disconnected from the internet — and therefore beyond the reach of hackers — are in fact accessible by way of the modems they use to tran**it vote totals on election night. Add to this the fact that states don’t conduct robust postelection audits — a manual comparison of paper ballots to digital tallies is the best method we have to detect when something has gone wrong in an election — and there’s a good chance we simply won’t know if someone has altered the digital votes in the next election.





莎拉·弗里尔(Sarah Frier)巧妙地将Instagram创始人的离职视为马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)冒险整合权力的最后一步:

Instagram will probably become more integrated behind the scenes, sharing some teams and product goals with Facebook, people familiar with the matter said. No longer will anyone have founder-level authority to challenge Zuckerberg’s ideas with a discrete vision for the app’s future and brand. While absorbing Instagram more completely could help Facebook reach the goals it’s set for the app’s contribution to revenue growth targets, it may also threaten the unique culture that Instagram’s founders sought to preserve. Amid mounting scrutiny around Facebook’s data practices and its role in the spread of misinformation and hate speech, people have flocked to Instagram as an alternative. Any shift to become more Facebook-like could risk the very thing that has attracted new users and kept them coming back to Instagram.




Josh Contine报道了Facebook的little Love Stories产品,尽管它是用户打开应用程序时看到的第一件事,但在市场上运行了18个月后,它的日用户数仅为3亿(每月22亿用户)。不过,这显然足以开始在故事中销售广告,所以Facebook正在这样做(这里最有趣的是lede,它揭示了Facebook沙盒应用程序Blink的存在,员工可以在该应用程序中测试新功能。我很想找个时间看看!)



It could be that centering the technology in these cases obscures more important soluti*** in the civic, governmental, or social realms. WhatsApp might be successful, and, therefore, heavily used now, but its basic utility is duplicated by several other services. “If it weren’t WhatsApp, it would be Telegram. If it weren’t Telegram, it’d be iMessage. If it weren’t iMessage, it would be Signal,” Riana Pfefferkorn, a cryptography fellow at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society, told a Brazilian publication. “Fake news is spreading, and it would spread whether it was any other communicati*** app that people want to use.”


Lizza Dwoskin调查Instagram的毒品问题(她的研究结果非常丰富,足以引发Facebook的莫妮卡·比克特(Monika Bickert)在博客上的回应。)

Recent searches on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, for hashtags of the names of drugs — such as #oxy, #percocet, #painkillers, #painpills, #oxycontin, #adderall and #painrelief — revealed thousands of posts by a mash-up of people grappling with addiction, those bragging about their party­going lifestyle and enticements from drug dealers.

Following the dealer accounts, or even liking one of the dealer posts, prompted Instagram’s algorithms to work as designed — in this case, by filling up a person’s feed with posts for drugs, suggesting other sellers to follow and introducing new hashtags, such as #xansforsale. Ads from some of the country’s largest brands, including Target, Chase and Procter & Gamble, as well as Facebook’s own video streaming service, appeared next to posts illegally selling pills.


科技巨头正在大量购买设备,Shira Ovide报道:

Google parent Alphabet Inc. and the other four dominant U.S. technology companies—Apple, Amazon​.com, Microsoft, and Facebook—are fast becoming industrial giants. They spent a combined $80 billion in the last year on big-ticket physical assets, including manufacturing equipment and specialized tools for assembling iPhones and the powerful computers and undersea internet cables Facebook needs to fire up Instagram videos in a flash. Thanks to this surge in spending—up from $40 billion in 2015—they’ve joined the ranks of automakers, telephone companies, and oil drillers as the country’s biggest spenders on capital goods, items including factories, heavy equipment, and real estate that are c***idered long-term investments. Their combined outlay is about 10 times what GM spends annually on its plants, vehicle-assembly robots, and other materials.


Oculus Quest是一款售价399美元的全新独立VR耳机,将于明年上市

今天出席Facebook虚拟现实大会的Adi Robertson报告说,Oculus的下一款耳机是Quest:一款售价399美元的独立虚拟现实耳机,将于2019年春季推出:

Zuckerberg says that the Oculus Quest combines “the key attributes of the ideal VR system” — a wireless design, virtual hand controllers, and full positional tracking. “If we can bring these three qualities together in one product, we think that will be the foundation of a new generation of VR.”

The Oculus Quest is a c***umer version of what was previously known as Project Santa Cruz. It uses motion controllers similar to Oculus Touch, and four wide-angle cameras provide positional tracking that lets people walk through virtual space. It’s supposed to support “Rift-quality” experiences, with a starting catalog of over 50 titles, including well-known existing games like climbing simulator The Climb and adventure-puzzle game Moss. Oculus VR head Hugo Barra describes the Oculus Quest as “made for games,” distinguishing it from Oculus’ other, more video-focused mobile headsets. “We are going to invest significantly in this new platform,” he says.


Nick Statt报道说,Oculus的新头像将更加逼真,使用“模拟的眼和嘴运动以及微表情”。





Not only was Facebook slowing its efforts to grow Instagram, it appears the company was increasingly doing the opposite: using Instagram to drive Facebook usage, both in terms of users (through notification in the Instagram app) and content (through cross-posting without indicati*** that the content was from Instagram).

For me this is a huge red flag: it reminds me of late Ballmer-era Microsoft trying to use Office to prop up Windows, when the core of the company’s business model had always been the other way around. In this case, yes, I understand that Facebook ads still monetize better than Instagram ads, but Facebook should be able to handle its own growth and engagement while Instagram continues to ramp up. That there appears to be a pressing need — so pressing that Zuckerberg was willing to risk losing Systrom and Krieger — to leverage Instagram to prop up the blue app suggests that usage and engagement for the latter are at best flat-lining, and most likely deteriorating.



加布里埃尔·冈达克(Gabriel Gundacker)在Vine上**了80万粉丝,Twitter将其扼杀。现在,他又回到了作家乔纳·恩格尔·布罗姆维奇(Jonah Engel Bromwich)所谓的“后葡萄藤”(post Vine Vine):这是一段略微延伸的即兴段,与传统的YouTube视频相比仍有一点差距。冈达克的《后藤藤藤》(post Vine Vine Vine)是达达主义者对一张电影海报的致敬,该海报以女演员泽达娅(Zendaya)饰演的一个名叫米奇(Meechee)的角色为主角,为这一天的结束提供了一个恰到好处的荒谬结局。


向我发送提示、评论、问题和Brian Acton故事:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-25 14:29
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  • 发布于 2021-04-25 10:22
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上个月,Facebook斥资160亿美元收购WhatsApp后,鉴于Facebook自身在隐私方面的曲折历史,该应用超过4.5亿用户的隐私问题很快被外界猜测。联合创始人简·库姆(Jan Koum)今天在WhatsApp博客上撰文“澄清事实”,形容有关收购的猜测破...

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