
昨天我写了关于布赖恩·阿克顿(Brian Acton)和大卫·马库斯(David Marcus)对收购WhatsApp的看法有多么不同,以及这对Facebook的未来意味着什么。不过,还有几个人注意到了马库斯备忘录的另一部分,这也值得注意。...

昨天我写了关于布赖恩·阿克顿(Brian Acton)和大卫·马库斯(David Marcus)对收购WhatsApp的看法有多么不同,以及这对Facebook的未来意味着什么。不过,还有几个人注意到了马库斯备忘录的另一部分,这也值得注意。


As a former lifelong entrepreneur and founder, there’s no other large company I’d work at, and no other leader I’d work for. I want to work on hard problems that positively impact the lives of billi*** of people around the world. And Facebook is truly the only company that’s singularly about people. Not about selling devices. Not about delivering goods with less friction. Not about entertaining you. Not about helping you find information. Just about people. It makes it hard sometimes because people don’t always behave in predictable ways (algorithms do), but it’s so worth it. Because connecting people is a noble mission, and the bad is far outweighed by the good.


Any world view that, no matter its motivati***, leaves no room for doubt is problematic. To imbue such a world view with missionary fervor and an “ends justify the means” mentality is fraught. Elevating that world view to the executive ranks of a company with the power and reach of Facebook is downright dangerous.


If Facebook’s goal is to maximize revenue by selling targeted ads to clothing companies, and you find out that it has features that enable genocide, then you shut down those features because the ads just aren’t worth it. If Facebook is about the “noble mission” of “connecting people,” then the tradeoffs are murkier. If “Facebook is truly the only company that’s singularly about people,” then … what even … how do you measure how about-people it is being? If you’re the singular company whose focus is people, then whatever you do is sort of necessarily good; your end is so vague and noble that it can justify any means. And for all that Facebook’s meddling with Instagram and WhatsApp seems to be driven by straightforward ad-revenue-maximization c***iderati***, it’s worth saying that Facebook isn’t really answerable to shareholders and that its explicit ideology rejects shareholder value as a goal. “Facebook was not originally created to be a company,” Mark Zuckerberg wrote when it went public. “It was built to accomplish a social mission.” Okay!



现在他们走了。Kara Swisher在《****》的最新专栏文章中指出了这一点:

Mr. Systrom and Mr. Krieger were dubbed by some at Facebook as not “team players.” Inside the freakishly cohesive culture of the company, they were c***idered an irritant.

That’s a shame, since that’s exactly what Facebook needs. Which is to say, people willing to challenge the groupthink that for too long included a stubborn resistance to admitting and addressing the company’s flaws.





乔尔·卡普兰在今天的听证会上支持他的朋友布雷特·卡瓦诺。马特·伊格莱西亚斯(Matt Yglesias)认为,作为Facebook的全球政策负责人,考虑到公司面临的监管问题,不存在“以个人身份”支持卡瓦诺的情况。你认为呢?


Melanie Ehrenkranz有关于越南反民主趋势的新闻:

The conviction is reflective of Vietnam’s efforts to repress speech critical of the government. According to the ministry, Dong was guilty of “abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the state,” according to Reuters, and that, according to police, his posts “hurt the prestige and leading role of the party and the state.”

Dong’s imprisonment comes just days after a similar sentence for Facebook posts. On Monday, 42-year-old Doan Khanh Vinh Quang, an activist, was sentenced to 27 months in jail for “abusing democratic and freedom rights,” police said, stating that he had admitted to posting and sharing posts on Facebook over the past few years that authorities said criticized the country’s Communist Party. And in May of this year, 56-year-old Vui Hieu Vo was sentenced to four and a half years in jail for Facebook posts that allegedly “distorted” the country’s political state of affairs.




Daisuke Wakabayashi和Cecilia Kang预览了Sundar Pichai周五与议员的会议:

On Friday, Sundar Pichai, Google’s chief executive, will meet with Representative Kevin McCarthy, of California, the Republican House majority leader and a vocal critic of Google, and more than two dozen Republicans to discuss complaints the company is trying to silence c***ervative voices.

“Google has a lot of questi*** to answer about reports of bias in its search results, violati*** of user privacy, anticompetitive behavior, and business dealings with repressive regimes like China,” Mr. McCarthy said in a statement.








Bumble responded to Match Group’s lawsuit from earlier this year that involved the alleged infringement of certain Tinder patents. Bumble is now saying these Tinder patents are invalid and can’t be acted upon in court.


Snap最早聘用的人之一玛丽·里蒂(Mary Ritti)正在紧随战略和财务主管的脚步走出家门。玛丽对我总是很冷淡。玛丽,干杯!


这个可怜的女人(叫玛丽!)给一个她认为是布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀(Bruce Springsteen)的人寄去了11500美元,他在Facebook上用一个假账户联系了她。令人有点不安的是,当一个新的Springsteen帐户出现并开始向随机的人发送好友请求时,Facebook自诩的虚假帐户检测软件并没有启动:

“Fake Bruce” texted her a picture of his stash of gold, saying he needed money to ship it home from Dubai. He said it was a huge amount of gold, worth milli***.

“My mind was just so, so like maybe brainwashed or something I said okay how much money,” Mary recalled.


阿曼达·赫斯(Amanda Hess)探索了目前流行的弹出式体验现象,例如颜色工厂和冰淇淋博物馆,它们基本上只是Instagram的背景:

The central disappointment of these spaces is not that they are so narcissistic, but rather that they seem to have such a low view of the people who visit them. Observing a work of art or climbing a mountain actually invites us to create meaning in our lives. But in these spaces, the idea of “interacting” with the world is made so slickly transactional that our role is hugely diminished. Stalking through the colorful hallways of New York’s “experiences,” I felt like a shell of a person. It was as if I was witnessing the total erosion of meaning itself. And when I posted a selfie from the Rosé Mansion saying as much, all of my friends liked it.



A woman in a Lyft is talking with her driver about struggling to explain what she wants to a hairdresser when she spots another woman on the street with the exact look she’s seeking. The driver, in a move akin to something your embarrassing mom or dad might have done to you in middle school, rolls down the window to let the woman on the street know that the woman in the car digs her look. The woman in the car tweets about this interaction. Meanwhile, the woman on the street also tweets about this interaction. She thanks “the lady in the Hyundai Sonata” for making her day.

That might have been the end of the story of the embarrassed woman and the complimented woman — Stephanie and Denice, respectively — if not for Twitter’s ability to make the world very, very tiny. Which is how a user following Stephanie happened to see her tweet and also Denice’s tweet. And then somebody following that person screenshotted them both, tweeting them together as a delightful story of Twerendipity.


Oculus Quest让我们陷入了一场“竞技场规模”的西部狂野枪战,真是太棒了



库尔特·瓦格纳(Kurt Wagner)想知道,克里希特退出是否会让未来的创始人不太可能向Facebook**产品(乔什·康斯特恩也是如此。)我认为他们会继续向Facebook**产品,只要这是他们和员工的最佳选择。考虑到**公司是最后手段的频率,以及他们在这一点上通常只有很少的选择,如果我是Facebook,我不会太担心。


Patrick Soon Shiong反对社交媒体:

Soon-Shiong, a former surgeon, told “Squawk Alley” that fake news is the “cancer of our time and social media is a form of metastasis of news. We need to change that.”

He said people cannot differentiate from “fake news,” “real news” or “opinion news” on Facebook.



我在昨天的时事通讯中加入了这个链接,但忘了告诉你原因:它是由Alex MacGillivray合著的,更出名的是Amac,他在Twitter最自由的言论日担任首席顾问。他和合著者约书亚·盖尔泽(Joshua Geltzer)认为,美国应该采取类似北约的方式打击选举干预行为:

An effective government-to-government resp***e in this case would establish an international norm against Moscow’s behavior, build a coalition in support of that norm (perhaps initially through its articulation by an entity like the G-7), and ensure that countries in that coalition were prepared to act swiftly and decisively each and every time Russia or other actors violated the norm. While some have questioned whether what Russia did in 2016 is really distinguishable from past American interventi*** in foreign electi***, we think there is a difference between promoting democracy and assaulting it. More to the point, we think that it’s surely possible to articulate at least a threshold norm to which the U.S. and other governments should subscribe going forward.

At a fundamental level, governments should not attempt to influence foreign electi*** through disinformation, whether by spreading false information (i.e., “Pope Francis Shocks World, Endorses Trump”) or spreading true information under false attribution (i.e., no identity theft or manufacturing). That would, at a minimum, reject the types of interference that the U.S. experienced in 2016 and that other democracies have been experiencing with their electi*** as well. At this perilous moment for democracies worldwide, it’s imperative to make clear, quickly, that Moscow’s democracy-wrecking behavior must cease and to ensure that countries agree ahead of time on what the “red line” should be, so that they can respond swiftly, forcefully, and concertedly when violati*** occur.


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  • 发表于 2021-08-25 14:48
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一。 去年12月,美国联邦贸易委员会以3票对2票通过起诉Facebook非法垄断社交网络。这起诉讼还附带了一项由49名美国总检察长参加的单独诉讼,指控Facebook利用收购和对开发者的软件限制来阻止竞争对手取得成功。 我...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 02:19
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... Thompson)尖锐的框架下,近年来主流科技报道已成为理性怀疑论者的主导;A16z发现了市场的一个缺口,现在试图用理性乐观来填补这个缺口。A16z可以通过博客和播客建立自己的媒体帝国来服务于这些受众,在Sonal Chokshi的领导下...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 07:24
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...婴儿身上采集血液样本)的录音显示,莫夫·吉迪恩似乎正在试验用尤达婴儿的血液——以及血液中的迷迭香——注射受试者,以**他自己的部队动力士兵。 回溯一下,midi-chlorians的概念最初是在《幽灵的威胁》中引入的,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 09:40
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一。 本月平台上最大的趋势是改变你的想法。Facebook迟来禁止了卡农。Twitter在转发上踩了刹车。而在周一,Facebook做出了历史上最大的政策逆转之一,禁止发布否认或歪曲大屠杀的帖子。 今天,让我们来谈谈公司在...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 14:35
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  • 发布于 2021-04-24 10:28
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  • 发布于 2021-04-25 02:49
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...德拉·**(Sandra Maler),这些人的身份运营着Twitter账户、Facebook页面、Wordpress博客和LinkedIn个人资料,其中一些现在已经被删除。Twitter的核心账户@NewsOnAir2似乎是几个月前发布的。

  • 发布于 2021-04-26 12:38
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...eting and content funding."
 据说,对谷歌霸权的主要威胁是Facebook和新的视频创业公司Vessel,后者已于今年夏天由Hulu前首席执行官杰森·基拉尔(Jason Kilar)宣布成立。据报道,Vessel的计划是通过在新视频上提供72小时独家视频的丰...

  • 发布于 2021-04-28 01:14
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...3; 当你考虑到这一切都发生在印刷杂志和网站正被苹果和Facebook等反**政策的应用程序所取代的时候,就不难理解为什么《****》可能会放弃其顽皮的一面,去冒险成为更主流的杂志。印刷品可能正在消亡,但要想让它成为一种安...

  • 发布于 2021-05-01 16:29
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  • 发布于 2021-05-01 19:39
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