
9月27日,最高法院提名人布雷特·卡瓦诺(Brett Kavanaugh)在国会出庭,回答有关他实施性侵犯的指控。支持他的是他最好的朋友之一,乔尔·卡普兰,他也是Facebook的全球政策负责人。...

9月27日,最高**提名人布雷特·卡瓦诺(Brett Kavanaugh)在国会出庭,回答有关他实施***的指控。支持他的是他最好的朋友之一,乔尔·卡普兰,他也是Facebook的全球政策负责人。


Mr. Kaplan’s surprise appearance prompted anger and shock among many Facebook employees, some of whom said they took his action as a tacit show of support for Judge Kavanaugh — as if it were an endorsement from Facebook itself.

The unrest quickly spilled over onto Facebook’s internal message boards, where hundreds of workers have since posted about their concerns, according to current and former employees. To quell the hubbub, Facebook’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, last Friday explained in a widely attended staff meeting that Mr. Kaplan was a close friend of Judge Kavanaugh’s and had broken no company rules, these people said.

《华尔街日报》的迪帕·西塔拉曼(Deepa Seetharaman)也收到了一组类似的文件,她在自己的故事中得出了类似的结论。






安德鲁·博斯沃思(Andrew Bosworth)是Facebook的13年老手,也是扎克伯格的知己,他最初似乎鼓励员工在出门时遵循自己的原则。艾萨克又来了:

“If you need to change teams, companies or careers to make sure your day-to-day life matches your passi***, we will be sad to see you go, but we will understand,” Mr. Bosworth wrote. “We will support you with any path you choose. But it is your resp***ibility to choose a path, not that of the company you work for.”




每个人都在谈论乔丹·罗伯逊(Jordan Robertson)和迈克尔·莱利(Michael Riley)的故事。他们声称,中国间谍通过在服务器中**微型芯片,危害了美国的技术供应链,这些服务器已经覆盖了包括苹果和亚马逊在内的近30家美国公司。苹果和亚马逊都以最强烈的措辞否认了这一说法,深入探讨了为什么他们认为彭博社的说法是错误的。这是一系列非同寻常的事件——我希望我们能学到更多(Facebook似乎受到了黑客的轻微影响。)


副总统呼吁谷歌放弃其在中国的野心——这是美国**对字母表的压力的重大升级。Bender和Dustin Volz报告:

In a speech that outlined the White House’s long list of frustrati*** and grievances with Beijing, Vice President Mike Pence called on companies to rec***ider business practices in the world’s second-largest economy that involve turning over intellectual property or “abetting Beijing’s oppression.”

“For example, Google should immediately end development of the Dragonfly app that will strengthen Communist Party censorship and compromise the privacy of Chinese customers,” Mr. Pence said in his speech at the Hudson Institute, a c***ervative, Washington-based think tank focused on security and economic issues.


根据奈特基金会(Knight Foundation)的一项新研究,在总统选举期间传播虚假信息的账户中,近90%继续运作、传播或放大虚假故事:

Knight Foundation researchers examined milli*** of tweets and concluded that more than 80 percent of the accounts associated with the 2016 disinformation campaign are still posting — even after Twitter announced back in July that it had instituted a purge of fake accounts.

“The persistence of so many easily identified abusive accounts is difficult to square with any effective crackdown,” write authors Matthew Hindman of George Washington University and Vlad Barash of the social media ****ysis company Graphika.


“Firstly, this study was built using our public API and therefore does not take into account any of the acti*** we take to remove automated or spammy content and accounts from being viewed by people on Twitter. We do this proactively and at scale, every single day. Secondly, as a uniquely open service, Twitter is a vital source of real-time antidote to day-to-day falsehoods. We are proud of this use case and work diligently to ensure we are showing people context and a diverse range of perspectives as they engage in civic debate and conversati*** on our service.”



Senators Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission on Wednesday saying they were concerned that thousands of apps may “improperly track children and collect their personal information.”

The senators asked the agency to examine whether the apps, and the advertising companies they work with, were violating a federal law to protect children’s privacy online. The law requires sites and apps aimed at children under 13 to obtain verifiable permission from a parent before collecting personal details from a child like an email address, a precise location, a phone number or persistent digital ID codes that are used for behavioral advertising.




欧盟数据保护主管乔瓦尼·布塔雷利(Giovanni Buttarelli)告诉TechCrunch,科技巨头正在藐视新的隐私法规,他不会再接受了:

“I did not appreciate the tsunami of legalistic notices landing on the account of milli*** of users, written in an obscure language, and many of them were entirely useless, and in a borderline even with spamming, to ask for unnecessary agreements with a new privacy policy,” he tells us. “Which, in a few cases, appear to be in full breach of the GDPR — not only in terms of spirit.”

He also professes himself “not surprised” about Facebook’s latest security debacle — describing the massive new data breach the company revealed on Friday as “business as usual” for the tech giant. And indeed for “all the tech giants” — none of whom he believes are making adequate investments in security.




Researchers at the University of Michigan found that Snapchat was second only to face-to-face communication when it comes to generating positive feelings:

Snapchat interacti*** are associated with more positive emoti*** that Facebook and other social technologies, the researchers say.


Liana B.表示,Hootsuite是一个广泛使用的社交媒体管理平台,正在探索一项价值超过7.5亿美元的销售计划。贝克和卡尔·奥唐纳报道。



Its understanding of the sort of video content Facebook audiences want to watch enabled it to become the fourth-biggest publisher on the social network in August, according to data from the ****ytics company NewsWhip. Facebook recently said it would prioritise higher-quality news in users’ feeds.

Many viral publishers have struggled to translate their enormous reach into a profitable business model, owing to the high cost of making bespoke native ads. Sources in the advertising industry suggested many agencies had cut back their dealings with Unilad before Thursday.


前Instagram首席运营官、Facebook全球合作伙伴关系和业务发展部新任负责人玛恩·莱文(Marne Levine)上周在一次会议上简要谈到了她的前任老板离开公司的事。她承认这是“意外的”:

She added that, while the moment was unexpected, it was “only natural” that the founders, “whose vision… had fundamentally changed the way we connect and share,” would be thinking about what’s next after spending six years steering Instagram at Facebook. She pointed out that when the social media giant acquired Instagram, the photo-sharing platform had just 13 employees and “no business.” Today, it has more than a billion users and “a thriving and growing business” with more than two million active advertisers and more than 1,000 employees worldwide. “It’s is in a very different place,” she said.


历史学家尤瓦尔·诺亚·哈拉里(Yuval Noah Harari)和《时代周刊》的共同创始人特里斯坦·哈里斯(Tristan Harris)与《连线》的主编尼古拉斯·汤普森(Nicholas Thompson)讨论了人工智能的未来。这里当然有很多值得深思的地方,但这只是一个令人难以置信的故事,讲述了当今思想领袖们是如何开会的:

YNH: Funnily enough, on an expedition to Antarctica, we were invited by the Chilean government to the Congress of the Future to talk about the future of humankind and one part of the Congress was an expedition to the Chilean base in Antarctica to see global warming with our own eyes. It was still very cold and there were so many interesting people on this expedition

TH: A lot of philosophers and Nobel laureates. And I think we particularly connected with Michael Sandel, who is a really amazing philosopher of moral philosophy.


本周早些时候,Alyssa Bereznak在推特上发布了一组滑稽的Instagram账户,每天都发布相同的图片。事实证明,泰勒·洛伦兹已经在编写这个故事的一个版本,她今天发表了这个版本。这是令人愉快的:

And while these accounts post the same photo every day, their capti*** and Stories change. Some teenagers who run single-pic accounts use their page as a sort of diary or anonymous blog, posting about what’s happening in life and at school, or how they’re feeling. “I had to pack the whole day and today I was on an airplane for like 8 hours,” the owner of an account that posts the same photo of a watermelon every day wrote. “Ya girl graduated grade 8,” the owner of @same_picture_of_kun said. “Catch me being late to my first day of summer school,” they added on another pic.

Miranda, a 14-year-old who runs @same.picture.of.kumquat with two friends from her high school, said they started the account as a de-stressor and outlet. “It’s personal-life capti*** for not such a personal picture,” she said. “It takes the pressure off of having to post a pic of your face or something. We don’t have to edit any pics; the followers know what they’re getting. We can just post a quirky caption about our life at the moment and they relate.”









约翰·奥瑟斯(John Authers)发表了一篇长篇反思性文章,阐述了社交媒体是如何导致对新闻业的信任度下降的,以及在下一次金融危机期间这将是多么危险。悲伤而清醒:

All the most obvious policy resp***es come with dangers. Regulating social media from its current sick and ugly state would have advantages but would also be the thin end of a very long wedge. Greater transparency and political oversight for central banks might rebuild confidence but at the risk of politicising instituti*** we desperately need to maintain independence from politicians. And an overhaul of the prosecutorial system for white-collar crime, to avert the scandalous way so many miscreants escaped a reckoning a decade ago, might work wonders for bolstering public trust — but not if it led to scapegoating or show trials.

On one thing, I remain gloomily clear. Without trust in financial instituti*** themselves, or those who work in them, or the media who cover them, the next crisis could be far more deadly than the last. Just ask JP Morgan.




But food isn’t entirely the point here. The Pastagram is really playing up the social media angle, promising “photogenic” details in all of its dishes as well as bright, teal decor in the space. “Every single detail is thought of as to be the most photogenic as possible, catering to a customer base that— today more than ever — seems to give aesthetics as much importance as food quality,” its press release declares



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...路透社的一篇报道披露了印度电子和信息技术部给WhatsApp负责人Will Cathcart的电子邮件声明。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 02:14
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印度的ET现在报道说,Facebook印度政策主管安基·达斯(Ankhi Das)已经辞职,此前数月来自活动人士的压力不断升级。Facebook在一份声明中表示,Das将离开公司从事公共服务。 Facebook印度区董事总经理阿吉特·莫汉(Ajit ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 17:21
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...avanaugh)回避任何涉及Facebook的案件,因为他与Facebook现任公共政策副总裁乔尔·卡普兰(Joel Kaplan)是密友。

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 19:13
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...Feed新闻报道,Facebook的一名员工报告称,该公司负责全球公共政策的副总裁乔尔•卡普兰(Joel Kaplan)将保守派评论员查理•柯克(Charlie Kirk)在Instagram上发表的一篇博文标记为评论,该博文获得了第三方事实核查机构的“部分...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 04:51
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...谋杀案,以及鲁莽危害和非法持有**。 枪击事件发生后,Facebook因允许自称的民兵组织在平台上组织而受到批评,其中包括一个名为“基诺沙卫队”的组织,该组织曾为**当晚的一个活动征集武装参与者。几名Facebook用户报告说,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 09:45
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brett kavanaugh能公正对待facebook吗?

...ett Kavanaugh)回避涉及Facebook的案件,因为他与该公司负责公共政策的副总裁乔尔·卡普兰(Joel Kaplan)有着密切的友谊。 这起案件是由非Facebook用户Noah Duguid提起的诉讼,该诉讼认为Facebook发送未经请求的短信违反了反...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 16:37
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...上公开支持有争议的最高**大法官布雷特·卡瓦诺(Brett Kavanaugh)引起的内部骚动明显更为激烈。)周一的**不同之处在于,**活动首先是公开的——然后在一个竞争对手的社交网络上发布。对于Facebook的员工来说,选择在Twitter上...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 00:30
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  • 发布于 2021-04-19 00:48
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...一位与会者问道。另一位则指出,是否征求了Facebook诚信负责人罗森(Guy Rosen)的意见存在一些困惑。“我们不太清楚廉正副总裁是否参与了一项涉及选民镇压和社会暴力等公民事务的廉正决定,我认为这可能不太好,对吧?”...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 00:52
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前副总统拜登的总统竞选团队在给Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格的***中敦促这家社交媒体巨头停止“放大不可信内容”,称这会让总统唐纳德·特朗普散布恐惧和误导性信息。 竞选团队希望Facebook能够解决它所说的...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 02:25
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