
周二,谷歌首席执行官Sundar Pichai将在众议院司法委员会作证。在某些方面,听证会将代表一个时代的结束。这是民主党明年接管众议院之前,我们最后一次看到一位科技高管在共和党控制的国会发表讲话。幸运的是,这可能意味着我们将再过两年,不会召开众议院听证会,调查关于政纲对保守派“偏见”的虚假说法。...

周二,谷歌首席执行官Sundar Pichai将在众议院司法委员会作证。在某些方面,听证会将代表一个时代的结束。这是民主党明年接管众议院之前,我们最后一次看到一位科技高管在共和党控制的国会发表讲话。幸运的是,这可能意味着我们将再过两年,不会召开众议院听证会,调查关于政纲对保守派“偏见”的虚假说法。

Makena Kelly告诉我们期待什么:

Pichai is anticipated to face intense questioning from Republican lawmakers who are concerned with the Silicon Valley giant’s algorithms and how they may be biased to more c***ervative content.

Lawmakers are also expected to grill Pichai on issues related to data privacy and anti-competitive market behavior. In September, Pichai traveled to Washington, DC to meet privately with Republican lawmakers over concerns involving algorithms and the company’s Dragonfly search engine project, but he has not formally sat before the panel for a public hearing.




在信息中,Sarah Kuranda考察了过去两年如何重塑Pichai在公司内外的形象(美元):

Over the past year, he has struggled with employee revolts over Google’s handling of haras**ent allegati***, his plans to return to the Chinese market and the company’s work with the U.S. military. And he has grappled with the political fallout from a decision to fire a c***ervative Google employee for publishing a controversial essay.

Mr. Pichai’s penchant for c***ultation, once seen as a key ingredient in his success, is now viewed as indecision by some colleagues. Arguably, he has the most difficult job in Silicon Valley after that of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, a fellow besieged tech leader.

9月,随着围绕“蜻蜓计划”(Project Dragonfly)的问题纷至沓来,皮猜拒绝了出席国会的邀请,引发了一轮负面报道。其结果是,在谷歌面临其历史上最困难的一些问题之际,它缺乏强大的公众声音。





亚历克斯·伊森斯塔特(Alex Isenstadt)和约翰·布雷斯纳汉(John Bresnahan)报告说,未知实体——可能是一名外国演员——成功侵入了全国共和党竞选委员会高级官员的电子邮件账户:

The House GOP campaign arm suffered a major hack during the 2018 election, exposing thousands of sensitive emails to an outside intruder, according to three senior party officials.

The email accounts of four senior aides at the National Republican Congressional Committee were surveilled for several months, the party officials said. The intrusion was detected in April by an NRCC vendor, who alerted the committee and its cybersecurity contractor. An internal investigation was initiated and the FBI was alerted to the attack, said the officials, who requested anonymity to discuss the incident.


据Leigh Thomas报道,欧盟财长周二未能就数字收入征税达成协议。

In the original European Commission proposal, the tax was intended to be a temporary “quick fix” until a broader solution could be found among OECD members.

But this was opposed by Ireland and some Nordic countries, leading French and German finance ministers to focus solely on online advertising revenues instead. While this met with misgivings and outright opposition from at least four other ministers at a meeting in Brussels, they agreed to keep talking, said Austrian Finance Minister Hartwig Loeger, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency.




据Josh Contne报道,Facebook此举可能是为了规避监管,Facebook将开放API访问应用程序,复制其自身应用程序的核心功能,包括让用户找到Facebook好友并将其添加到其他服务的功能。





Sal Rodriguez报道说,在经历了几年的痛苦之后,Facebook员工寻求退出的人数有所上升。他还透露,离职的员工要么被贴上“遗憾”(就像Facebook希望他们留下一样)要么被贴上“不遗憾”的标签,后者永远不会回来。

Another former Facebook director said he has seen a rise in the number of his ex-colleagues who have reached out to ask about openings at his current company, and these employees often ask about advice on the best way to leave Facebook. He’s also experienced an increase in calls from other companies that are running references on current Facebook staffers.

“Once it becomes weird to tell people that they work at Facebook, or once their moms aren’t proud of them anymore, that’s when people are going to head to the exits,” he said. “I think we’re already getting there.”




Louise Matsakis写到一家动物收容所Facebook页面的管理员,她无助地看着自己的账户不断遭到黑客攻击,Facebook无视她的帮助请求(直到她在推特上向一位提供帮助的高管发了信息)。更大的问题是筹资欺诈和缺乏客户支持,即使是拥有超过100万粉丝的账户。

Desperate, Alana reached out to Facebook for help by every method she could imagine. She sent emails, tweets, and even mailed letters to Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, and the company’s board of directors. She says she also tried contacting the FBI and the Better Business Bureau. Weeks went by before she reached anyone who could help. Finally, on September 29, Alana heard back from someone via Twitter: Guy Rosen, Facebook’s vice president of product management. It was the day after Facebook announced a cybersecurity breach that impacted around 30 million users.


每个人都喜欢这个关于谷歌传奇人物杰夫·迪恩和桑杰·格马沃特的迷人故事,他们在电脑上共同编写代码,改变了人类历史的进程。詹姆斯·萨默斯(James Somers)的故事充满了关于谷歌早期的精彩轶事:

When a car goes around a turn, more ground must be covered by the outside wheels; likewise, the outer edge of a spinning hard disk moves faster than the inner one. Google had moved the most frequently accessed data to the outside, so that bits could flow faster under the read-head, but had left the inner half empty; Jeff and Sanjay used the space to store preprocessed data for common search queries. Over four days in 2001, they proved that Google’s index could be stored using fast random-access memory instead of relatively slow hard drives; the discovery reshaped the company’s economics. Page and Brin knew that users would flock to a service that delivered answers instantly. The problem was that speed required computing power, and computing power cost money. Jeff and Sanjay threaded the needle with software.



A lot what Tumblr is banning is just gratuitous **** GIFs, and the internet is not lacking opti*** when it comes to free ****ography. But Tumblr is also a thriving place for the kind of sexual expression that you won’t find on Pornhub. “Tumblr sex sites created spaces for ALL KINDS of people who don’t have access to sexual community elsewhere,” wrote Steven Thrasher. It has always been a safe haven for young people exploring and expressing their sexuality. There is tasteful erotica, supportive places for people to post their own bodies — including those that don’t look like typical **** bodies — and to c***ume and engage with the wide swath of human sexual experience that can’t be replicated by logging on to xHamster and being greeted with a blast of extremely aggressive heterosexual facials.

And of course, where else could one go to see erotic fan art of the Laughing Cow cow having sex with the Lactaid cartoon cow? Personally, I enjoyed the funny crude/nude humor on Tumblr (I do a joint Tumblr, along with a few of my colleagues, called “Worst Things on the Internet,” which is very NSFW), and I’ll miss that. But I care more about the massive loss of internet history that will happen when all these images vanish forever.



According to Dan Colarusso, executive editor at Reuters TV and, Twitter now brings in “significant revenue,” in line with what his company gets from Google AMP. “In terms of one product on one platform, Twitter is contributing the most,” said Colarusso, but he was unable to share specific revenue details in time for publishing.






与Caroline Sinders游戏前后的在线骚扰历史

与此同时,在Vergecast,Nilay Patel和我谈论了网络骚扰的起源以及平台与互联网历史学家Caroline Sinders进行斗争的努力(她总结了我最近在这里联系到的骚扰的伟大历史。)




Facebook announced today that it’s rolling Group Stories out globally, after initially debuting them last year. The feature allows Group members to contribute to a collaborative story. The company’s also launching reacti*** in Group Stories, so users can respond to other people’s contributi*** with a variety of emoji as they watch.





YouTube has announced it’s trickling down a feature from its YouTube Premium apps, though it’s not the background playback that everyone really wants. Rolling out now, Autoplay on Home is a new default for YouTube’s Android and iOS apps that will automatically start playing videos you see on your Home tab. Google will allow the option to disable it, or only keep it on when connected to Wi-Fi, but the company appears convinced that Autoplay on Home is a better way to experience and browse YouTube on the move.


Thenmozhi Soundarajan,他创造了“粉碎”。婆罗门的。推特首席执行官在一张引发国际事件的照片中提到的“父权制”,认为多尔西站出来支持达利特阶层是正确的——达利特阶层的故事是推特上每一个代表性不足和被骚扰的群体的故事:

India, with almost eight million active Twitter users, is the platform’s fastest growing market. An increasing number of these users are Dalits or belong to other religious, cultural and gender minorities. There are over 260 million Dalits in India, and for many, Twitter truly represented a platform where they could speak and be heard while offering an alternative to mainstream Indian media, which has scant Dalit representation.

But India’s entrenched structures of caste privilege and power replicated on Twitter and forced caste-oppressed communities off the platform, traumatizing many in the process.


迈尔斯·克莱(Miles Klee)描述了Tumblr角质的独特现象,并对其即将逝去表示哀悼:

A quick search of the not-yet-deleted archive yields all kinds of curiosities you’re unlikely to find anywhere else. There’s the Anarcho-Feminist, curated by an anthropology student who went on to direct a multidisciplinary alternative-**** festival in Switzerland. Oldenskin collects vintage nudes going back decades. Here’s an account that blends steamy lingerie spreads with astrology — and here’s one exclusively for admiring men’s sculpted butts. All of them reach for an aesthetic familiar to anyone who has used Tumblr over a sustained period: lush, gentle, dreamy, intimate. In a word, arty. Users wanted the same palettes and contours, the same cinematic angles and black-and-white exposures, as they did for their photos of architecture and Sunday morning coffee. In fact, I just found a Tumblr dedicated to naked people drinking coffee.


这是一张关于一位政治家亚历山大·奥卡西奥·科尔特斯(Alexandria Ocasio Cortez)的惊人图表,他一手支持保守派出版商。他们的观众对她了解不够:



向我发送有关Sundar的提示、评论、问题和深入思考:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-26 21:12
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...尼·奥沙利文(Donie O'Sullivan)首先注意到了帕勒公司首席执行官约翰·马茨(John Matze)的一条信息,现在该网站的URL上出现了一张显示“技术困难”横幅的图片和一条信息。 “现在似乎是时候提醒你们所有人——无...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 19:08
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...(Amazon)、Facebook、苹果(Apple)和谷歌(Google)的首席执行官将于本月晚些时候在国会作证,回答有关其对大型科技公司进行广泛反垄断调查的问题。这一计划首先由卡拉•斯威舍(Kara Swisher)报道,随后众议院司法委员会发...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 10:51
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关键科技反垄断听证会正式推迟 Capital)任职,与Facebook、谷歌、亚马逊和苹果公司首席执行官的国会听证会正式推迟。 众议院司法委员会最初将这场轰动一时的听证会安排在周一中午举行,为这两家公司所面临的各种反垄断问题的戏剧性公开播...

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...场奇怪的听证会,四家截然不同但同样成功的公司的首席执行官将回答有关垄断、收购和竞争的问题。(按照共和党的传统,保守派的偏见也会有不诚信的问题。) 今天似乎是思考蒂姆·库克、杰夫·贝佐斯、马克·扎克伯格和...

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...家“实时观察我们的缓和政策。” TikTok首席执行官Kevin Mayer在周三发表的一篇博客文章中说,这些变化使其“领先于行业一步”,并要求竞争对手效仿。梅耶尔写道:“我们认为,我们的整个行业都应该达到一个非常...

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  • 发布于 2021-04-18 20:30
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...在开发竞争对手的扬声器产品。今年早些时候,Sonos首席执行官帕特里克·斯彭斯(Patrick Spence)在众议院反垄断委员会作证说,谷歌已经阻止公司同时启用亚马逊的Alexa助手和谷歌助手。 “我们已经准备好了,我们把它展示给了...

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  • 发布于 2021-04-22 07:53
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作者:Nilay Patel和Adi Robertson 苹果有地图问题。 苹果新推出的iOS 6移动操作系统的主要新功能是一个由苹果自己开发的新地图模块——它取代了谷歌提供的地图,自2007年推出以来,这些地图一直是iPhone的标准配置。这...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 04:22
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谷歌的android for work增加了美国四大运营商blackphone

谷歌的使命是让Android成为世界各地公司的首选,如今这一使命正获得一些新的动力。今天,该公司宣布其Android for Work计划正在扩大,将包括40个合作伙伴。新的设备**商已经签约,但更大的消息可能是,美国四大运营商也都加入...

  • 发布于 2021-04-30 22:52
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