


经过数月礼貌的推迟,桑达尔·皮猜终于在周二来到国会,在三个半小时的时间里,他尽可能少地说了些什么。众议院司法委员会(House Justicial Committee)的听证会是由我们立法者的普遍困惑所定义的,就像它之前的Facebook听证会一样。


News outlets reported on the Trump “idiot” results earlier this year. If you search the term now, in fact, you’ll mostly get pictures from stories explaining why it happened. It appeared to be the result of outside parties gaming Google’s search results, a well-known tactic known as “Google bombing.”

Trump isn’t the first president to get Google-bombed: in the mid-2000s, searches for “miserable failure” famously returned results about President George W. Bush. It can be a politicized (or just funny) extension of normal search engine optimization tactics. In this case, it’s convincing Google that a Trump picture is what most people want when they search for “idiot,” by upvoting or linking to posts with that combination of words and images.




It’s not clear what King was referring to, but it’s possible his granddaughter’s iPhone (or possibly Android phone) was displaying a notification card about a news story. The language around his photo may forever remain a mystery, but during campaign season, there was no shortage of writers with strong feelings about King’s numerous racist and anti-immigrant statements, or his endorsement of a Canadian white nationalist mayoral candidate. In any case, during the hearing, King also suggested that Congress should check Google employees’ social media profiles to monitor their political leanings — so some confusing troubleshooting requests were probably the least of Pichai’s worries.


Pichai repeatedly insisted that Dragonfly was an “internal effort” and the Google currently had “no plans to launch a search service in China.” Asked to confirm that the company would not launch “a tool for surveillance and censorship in China,” Pichai declined to answer, instead saying that he was committed to “providing users with information, and so we always — we think it’s ideal to explore possibilities. … We’ll be very thoughtful, and we will engage widely as we make progress.”

Pichai’s claim that the company does not have a plan to launch the search engine in China contradicted a leaked transcript from a private meeting inside the company. In the transcript, the company’s search chief Ben Gomes discussed an aim to roll out the service between January and April 2019. For Pichai’s statement to Congress to be truthful, there is only one possibility: that the company has put the brakes on Dragonfly since The Intercept first exposed the project in August.


为什么记者们今天在Pichai的运气比国会好?在我看来,希拉·奥维德(Shira Ovide)指责这些听证会的奇怪结构,使证人有最大的机会逃避审讯:

Pichai repeatedly fell back to saying that this China project is “exploratory” and that Google will be transparent if it moves ahead. That’s not a good enough answer. He needs to say how many employees are working on this project, what Google’s criteria are for returning web search to China and whether Google will build tools that will enable the Chinese government to surveil its own citizens without their knowledge.

To be clear, I don’t want to repeat the false idea that members of Congress are old luddites who aren’t able or willing to understand how tech companies work. Some members of Congress asked great questi*** on Tuesday. Some of them did not. This format, however, does not feel like a good way to decide public policy. 1 The thorny topic of the power of big technology companies deserves much better than this from all sides.







Russia fined Google 500,000 roubles ($7,530) on Tuesday for failing to comply with a legal requirement to remove certain entries from its search results, Russia’s communicati*** watchdog was quoted as saying by TASS news agency.

Russia said last month that it had opened a civil case against Google as it had not joined a state registry that lists banned websites that Moscow believes contain illegal information and was therefore not compliant with the law.


尼塔莎·蒂库(Nitasha Tiku)获得了3月份泄露的音频,谷歌在其中描述了他们争取保守派的努力:

In February, The New York Times Magazine published a cover story urging regulators to break up Google because the company abuses its dominance in search to crush promising compe*****s. The next day, representatives from two c***ervative think tanks published blog posts defending Google and attacking the article’s call for antitrust enforcement. Both think tanks have received funding from Google. Both blog posts referenced studies by a professor who has received funding from Google. In one post, the study referenced was published in a quarterly journal owned by third think tank, which has also received funding from Google.

In a company-wide meeting a couple of weeks later, on March 1, Google’s public policy team described the blog posts as the fruit of Google’s efforts to build deeper relati***hips with c***ervatives, according to an audio recording of the meeting reviewed by WIRED. The recording of a contentious hour-long meeting offers a window into how Google thinks about its relati***hips in Washington, DC, its sensitivity to claims of political bias, and how executives explain to employees acti*** that some view as at odds with Google’s values.




LinkedIn联合创始人里德·霍夫曼(Reid Hoffman)计划花费3500万美元为民主党人建立一个最终选民数据库,这增加了建立LinkedIn带来一些好处的可能性:

With tens of milli*** of dollars at their disposal, the people behind Hoffman-backed project could eventually create their own voter file, making the Democratic Party’s file less valuable. That process, however, would likely take several years and would be nearly impossible to complete by the 2020 election.

As a result, DNC officials say the committee is open to collaborating with Hoffman, or perhaps joining forces with him.



Craig Timberg、Elizabeth Dwoskin、Tony Romm和Andrew Ba Tran在内容类型上有一个新的条目,包括在YouTube上搜索可怕的东西,然后写下你发现的东西:

YouTube is particularly valuable to users of Gab.ai and 4chan, social media sites that are popular among hate groups but have scant video capacity of their own. Users on these sites link to YouTube more than to any other website, thousands of times a day, according to the recent work of Data and Society and the Network Contagion Research Institute, both of which track the spread of hate speech.

The platform routinely serves videos espousing neo-Nazi propaganda, phony reports portraying dark-skinned people as violent savages and c***piracy theories claiming that large numbers of leading politicians and celebrities molested children. Critics say that even though YouTube removes milli*** of videos on average each month, it is slow to identify troubling content and, when it does, is too permissive in what it allows to remain.



E;R’s videos are disturbing. They often use the guise of film, anime, or cartoon critici** to convey anti-Semitic and hateful thoughts or imagery. This is particularly disturbing when linked to Kjellberg, who dealt with his own controversy after showing men holding up a sign reading “Death to All Jews” in 2017.



Facebook wants to add a data scientist, a data engineer, and a couple of software engineers to its growing blockchain team, according to its careers page (via SludgeFeed).

“The blockchain team is a startup within Facebook, with a vision to make blockchain technology work at Facebook scale,” the ads say. “It’s a **all, fast-growing, but talented group of people who are passionate about changing the world. “



Overall, television is still the most popular platform for news c***umption – even though its use has declined since 2016. News websites are the next most common source, followed by radio, and finally social media sites and print newspapers. And when looking at online news use combined – the percentage of Americans who get news often from either news websites or social media – the web has closed in on television as a source for news (43% of *****s get news often from news websites or social media, compared with 49% for television).




“It’s been a tough year, and people have a lot of questi***,” Khaliah Barnes, a privacy and public policy manager at Facebook, told The Post. “We wanted to have the opportunity to connect with people face to face.”

Visitors to the kiosk, to be located next to Bryant Park’s Holiday Market, will be able to stop by without an appointment, speak with Facebook employees and drink free hot chocolate.


据Josh Contine报道,Facebook正在恢复搜索广告:

The reintroduction of search ads could open an important new revenue stream at a time when Facebook’s revenue growth is quickly decelerating as it runs out of News Feed ad space, the Stories format that advertisers are still adapting is poised to overtake feed sharing on social apps and users shift their time elsewhere. In Q3 2018, revenue grew 33 percent year-over-year, but that’s far slower than the 49 percent YOY gain it had a year ago, and the 59 percent from Q3 2016. Opening up new ad inventory for search could reinvigorate the sagging revenue growth rate that, combined with Facebook’s privacy and security scandals, has put intense pressure on Facebook’s leaders Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg.


Instagram正在推出“Creator Accounts”,为知名用户提供额外的控制和分析功能。


在《****》关于应用程序开发人员如何使用和滥用位置历史数据的报道之后,Jason Koebler建议是时候删除我们所有的应用程序了。大胆的

This problem is getting worse, not better: Facebook made WhatsApp, an app that managed to be profitable with a $1 per year subscription fee, into a “free” service because it believed it could make more money with an advertising-based business model.

What this means is that the dominant business model on our **artphones is one that’s predicated on monetizing you, and only through paying obsessive attention to your app permissi*** and seeking paid alternatives can you hope to minimize these impacts on yourself. If this bothers you, your only opti*** are to get rid of your **artphone altogether or to rethink what apps you want installed on your phone and act accordingly.


Shira Ovide希望Facebook不打算花90亿美元购买自己的股票:

If I were making a short list, I would put on it hiring more moderators to do the terrible, laborious work of actively sniffing out hoaxes, election-related tampering and calls to violence on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and other Facebook-owned hangouts. It might not hurt to increase investment on cybersecurity to do more to prevent foreign governments from using Facebook as a tool for propaganda or to prevent thieves from taking advantage of Facebook software loopholes to compromise accounts of tens of milli*** of people. Facebook could spend even more on policy wonks to shape and prepare for more heavy-handed regulation of tech companies. I could go on.


推特常常是一家公司不断自我打击的故事,在杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)最近公开抨击他在缅甸的冥想静修后,这位首席执行官决定再进行几次自我打击。



向我发送提示、评论、问题和国会证词:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-26 23:56
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...对Bell的反垄断行动是非常成功的。不过,目前尚不清楚国会民主党人将如何积极推动反垄断行动,作为监管科技公司更广泛努力的一部分。 “我们需要更好的技术平台保障吗?对。增加透明度?对。非歧视规则?“是的,”克...

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...断减少的预算和微薄的资源使其更难做到这一点。周四,国会议员表示,他们希望帮助他们对大型科技公司提起更多诉讼。 什么意思 在此前的听证会上,委员会主席、众议员戴维·西西林(David Cicilline)等人就为科技公司制定...

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vergecast:oneplus 9审查和今年第一次大型科技国会听证会

...是或否:这些技术听证会有什么用吗? 马克·扎克伯格在国会听证会前提议有限的230项改革 杰克·多西现在正在用推特民意测验来欺骗国会 丽娜·汗只是美国加强科技监管的第一步 国会试图让联邦贸易委员会保持战斗状态 微软...

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...无所作为。”。 《安全技术法案》是民主党继上个月对国会大厦发动致命攻击后提出的第一个内容宽泛的法案。骚乱发生后不久,从Twitter到Parler等科技平台就因涉嫌参与华盛顿发生的暴力事件而成为攻击目标。右翼原先青睐的*...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 08:22
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...误信息和造谣。” 多西和扎克伯格此前曾于11月被召集到国会,参加参议院司法部门关于节制和错误信息标签的即席听证会。然而,这将是自1月6日美国国会大厦遭袭以及随后的各种脱平台行动以来,他们首次参加听证会。此后...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 12:50
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 12:17
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 12:53
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...Apple)和谷歌(Google)的首席执行官将于本月晚些时候在国会作证,回答有关其对大型科技公司进行广泛反垄断调查的问题。这一计划首先由卡拉•斯威舍(Kara Swisher)报道,随后众议院司法委员会发言人向《****》证实了这一计...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 10:51
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...定,应用程序和网站对第三方内容不承担法律责任,这在国会引发了许多过热的言论。共和党参议员乔希·霍利(Josh Hawley)成功地将这一规定框定为“给大科技的礼物”,使社交媒体审查成为可能。虽然民主党人有着截然不同...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 16:20
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... 如果获得批准,这项法案将迫使大型科技平台解释它们如何以用户易于访问的方式调节内容,并发布季度报告,包括分类统计哪些内容被删除、非网络化,或其影响范围受到算法限制。然后,平台将被要求为用户推出一个正式...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 04:49
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