



在Wired,Steven Levy推测董事会可能会听到一个关于Facebook反对发送政治广告进行事实调查的案例。

A complaint by a target of a bogus political ad is bound to come before the board eventually, which will certainly take on the case. Or Facebook itself might send the issue to the board. After all, this issue satisfies almost all the factors listed by Facebook itself when assessing important cases. (A subset of the board’s members will sit on a selection committee.) According to an explanation of the board’s charter written by Facebook, these include severity (“the content reaches or affects someone else’s voice, privacy or dignity”); public discourse (“the content spurs significant public debate and/or important political and social discourse”); and difficulty (“there is disagreement about Facebook’s decision on the content and/or the underlying policy or policies”). It’s almost as if the whole project was created specifically to rule on Zuckerberg’s stance on political ads.

Nick Clegg, the former UK deputy prime minister who is now Facebook’s head of global policy and communicati***, confirms this. “I think this political ads issue of how do you treat political speech is exactly the kind of thing where it would be very interesting to see how the board thinks,” he says.


在Lawfare,伊芙琳·杜克(Evelyn Douek)详细介绍了董事会的一个更为独特的特点,至少在启动时是这样的:它只审查个人认为其内容被错误删除的案例。如果一个帖子被允许出错——例如,关于健康危机的病毒性错误信息——董事会最初将没有管辖权(Facebook表示,它将在未来获得这样的管辖权,但不会指定时间范围。)杜克写道:

Limiting the board’s jurisdiction to take-down decisi*** stacks the deck somewhat. It is like introducing video appeals to tennis to make calls more accurate but allowing players a review only when balls are called “out” and not when a ball is called “in,” no matter how erroneous the call seems. For those in favor of longer rallies — which probably includes the broadcasters and advertisers — this is a win, because only those rallies cut short can be appealed. For those in favor of more accurate calls generally, not so much. Indeed, on a press call, Facebook made this bias toward leaving things up explicit: The limited ambit of operati*** to start is “due to the way our existing content moderation system works, and in line with Facebook’s commitment to free expression” (emphasis added). Maybe so, but it is a disappointing limitation and represents an uncharacteristically incremental approach from a company famous for “moving fast.” It is important to hold Facebook to its commitment that this will be changed in the near future.




Facebook’s proposed Oversight Board, a group of people from outside the company who will determine whether controversial user posts violate the social network’s rules, could take months to make these decisi*** — indicating the panel won’t play a role in quickly stopping the viral spread of misinformation or abuse on the service.

Instead, the board will take on cases that “guide Facebook’s future decisi*** and policies,” the company wrote Tuesday in a blog post. “We expect the board to come to a case decision, and for Facebook to have acted on that decision, in approximately 90 days.” The company also said it could expedite some decisi*** in “exceptional circumstances,” and that those would be completed within 30 days, but could be done faster.










⭐ 特朗普总统的连任竞选活动将大部分精力集中在数字广告上,这些广告旨在捕捉潜在选民的数据。《卫报》深入探讨了这一战略的运作方式,以及它为什么会吓到民主党人。这是朱莉娅·凯莉·王:

An ad that ran after the impeachment inquiry began used images of Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro and members of the fringe group the Revolutionary Communist party burning an American flag to suggest that Democratic candidates were “destroying American values”. “Only one man can stop this chaos,” the ad announces, before Trump appears under blue skies.

But it’s not just doom, gloom and fearmongering. Many of Trump’s ads are the kind of cheerful, patriotic marketing that one would expect from a discount furniture showroom’s Fourth of July sale. These ads may not be getting under the skin of Trump’s Democratic rivals, but they appear to be helping to drive the re-election campaign’s substantial fundraising.

Facebook ads are designed to induce online acti***, and almost all of the Trump campaign’s ads are clearly intended to produce one of four: donating money, attending a rally, buying campaign merchandise, or providing the campaign with a user’s email address or mobile phone number.




面部识别公司Clearview AI声称拥有超过30亿张照片的数据库,在《****》和BuzzFeed的调查之后,面临着要求禁止和不断增加的法律威胁(Ryan Mac、Caroline Haskins和Logan McDonald/BuzzFeed)

反瓦克斯主义者正在Instagram上寻找新的受众,他们使用流行的标签,如#maga2020和乔·拜登最喜欢的口号“不要胡言乱语!”这一策略使他们得以逃避Facebook的检测,Facebook自去年以来一直试图阻止反vaxx标签(David Uberti(副总裁)


⭐ Facebook工程副总裁Jay Parikh宣布他将离开公司。Parikh被认为在创建数据中心基础设施方面发挥了重要作用,Facebook在该基础设施上构建了许多应用程序和服务。CNBC的萨尔瓦多·罗德里格斯解释了下一步:

David Mortenson will replace Parikh in leading Facebook’s infrastructure organization, a company spoke**an told CNBC. Mortenson has been at Facebook since 2011. Parikh’s other resp***ibilities will likely be divided among several engineering leaders, he added. [...]

“A lot of what we’ve achieved over the past eleven years just wouldn’t have been possible without you,” said Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a comment on Parikh’s post. “I don’t think we even had a data center when you joined, and now we share our designs so the rest of the world can catch up!”



Match Group的首席执行官曼迪·金斯伯格(Mandy Gin**erg)宣布她将辞职。Match是约会服务的母公司,包括铰链和火柴(Dan Primack/Axios)





The substance — dubbed “Miracle Mineral Solution” or “MMS” — has long been promoted by fringe groups as a combination miracle cure and vaccine for everything from auti** to cancer and HIV/AIDS.

The Food and Drug Administration has repeatedly warned c***umers not to drink MMS, last year calling it effectively a “dangerous bleach” that could cause “severe vomiting” and “acute liver failure.” But those warnings haven’t stopped QAnon devotees—who believe in a world where Donald Trump is at war with shadowy deep-state “cabal”—from promoting a lethal substance as a salve for a health crisis that speaks to the darkest recesses of fringe thought.



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  • 发表于 2021-08-13 13:40
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Facebook将前总统唐纳德·特朗普账户的命运交给其监督委员会。在国会大厦发生骚乱后,特朗普被无限期停职于Facebook和Instagram。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 01:10
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  • 发布于 2021-04-15 22:07
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...种族灭绝暴力事件更为积极的方式。与此同时,它的监督委员会(supervision Board)已经做出了第一批裁决,其中包括一项关于反***仇恨言论的决定。该委员会是专门针对Facebook最棘手的问题提供指导的独立机构。

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 03:31
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...的批评,但近几个月来,随着立法者和该公司自己的监督委员会考虑对Facebook算法实施更具侵入性的监管,批评越来越尖锐。考虑到这一点,公司有必要让用户能够选择完全不使用算法排序。 但正如Facebook经常遇到的情况一样,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 06:36
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 11:03
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...总统特朗普在其平台上的职务的决定提交给新成立的监督委员会进行全面审查。特朗普在1月6日煽动追随者攻击美国国会大厦后,他的Facebook帐户在1月7日被无限期暂停。在随后的骚乱中有6人死亡。 Facebook首席执行官...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 19:52
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Facebook的监督委员会发布了第一轮裁决,支持一项免职,推翻了涉及仇恨言论、**和错误信息的四项决定。基于对模糊规则和保护网上****的担忧,这些裁决对用户在当前政策下可以发布的内容采取了广泛的看法。 监督...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 21:51
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Facebook的监督委员会是一个独立机构,有权审查社交网络最复杂的平台审查决定,目前正接受公众对该公司在1月6日美国国会大厦袭击事件后“无限期”禁止前总统特朗普的决定的评论。 有关的两个帖子包括特朗普1月...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 22:33
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 23:14
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...的到来对我来说有点超现实。但事实是这样的:联邦贸易委员会以3票对2票通过起诉Facebook非法维持社交网络的垄断地位,认为Facebook利用收购和对第三方开发商的严厉限制,阻止竞争对手站稳脚跟。 如果成功的话,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 01:53
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