





制片人西蒙·阿德勒(Simon Adler)在节目中说:“如果规则是,任何时候提到一个受保护的类,它都可能是仇恨言论,那么在这一点上,你所做的就是公开所有在Facebook上对任何人发表的评论,都可能是仇恨言论。”。

这一政策已经改变,黑人儿童现在受到保护,免受最恶劣形式的仇恨言论的伤害。”Facebook产品和反恐政策主管莫妮卡·比克特(Monika Bickert)对阿德勒(Adler)说:“我们知道,无论我们把这条线划在哪里,总会有一些我们不喜欢的结果。”总会有伤亡的。这就是我们继续改变政策的原因。”



I think it was a mistake. Because I felt like, like why do we have these rules in place in the first place? And and it’s not the only reason, but it’s decisi*** like that that are the thing that precipitated me leaving.







Now users will be able to request that the company review takedowns of content they posted personally. If your post is taken down, you’ll be notified on Facebook with an option to “request review.” Facebook will review your request within 24 hours, it says, and if it decides it has made a mistake, it will restore the post and notify you. By the end of this year, if you have reported a post but been told it does not violate the community standards, you’ll be able to request a review for that as well.

同一个月,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)告诉埃兹拉·克莱因(Ezra Klein),他可以想象有一天Facebook会有一个独立的最高**来做出温和的决定:

Over the long term, what I’d really like to get to is an independent appeal. So maybe folks at Facebook make the first decision based on the community standards that are outlined, and then people can get a second opinion. You can imagine some sort of structure, almost like a Supreme Court, that is made up of independent folks who don’t work for Facebook, who ultimately make the final judgment call on what should be acceptable speech in a community that reflects the social norms and values of people all around the world.




上周五,我写了一篇关于谷歌重新进入中国的计划如何可能引发公司危机的文章。当天晚些时候,根据对员工的采访,Ellen Huet为整个故事提供了有价值的新线索。这里的主要观点包括:许多谷歌人希望他们从未放弃过中国;首席执行官Sundar Pichai认为谷歌进入中国可能会对中国产生未指明的“积极影响”;而联合创始人谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)——最初带领冲锋队离开该国——现在基本上保持中立。这也值得考虑:

Now, the business case for engaging with China has grown, while the issue of censorship online has become more nuanced, according to the person. Germany has strong anti-hate speech rules, Thailand limits what can be said about its royal family online, and Europe has a right-to-be-forgotten law that lets people ask Google to remove old information about them from search results. To free-speech purists, these are also undesirable forms of online censorship, the person noted.


周五晚些时候,路透社报道称,作为刑事调查的一部分,FBI正试图迫使Facebook允许其监听Messenger应用程序上的语音对话。我的同事Russell Brandom表示,Facebook可能要比2016年的苹果更难应对这一问题,当时它在圣贝纳迪诺枪击案后成功地抵御了类似的压力:

There are crucial differences in this new case, and most of them are unfavorable to Facebook. While San Bernardino used a novel legal argument against a hardened device, Facebook’s case uses a well-tested legal procedure against a protocol that wasn’t built with this attack in mind. Not all encryption is the same, and every indication is that Facebook’s Messenger encryption simply wasn’t designed to maintain privacy in the face of a court-compelled wiretap. As a result, Facebook is facing a much tougher legal fight with a much less predictable result.




大卫·英格拉姆(David Ingram)报告称,学术界出于研究目的对数据的访问将仅限于2017年1月1日之后发布的内容——许多研究人员希望研究的2016年选举期之后。


Sam Biddle报道,Facebook关闭了委内瑞拉官方媒体Telesur的英文页面,原因尚不清楚。

In an emailed statement to The Intercept, a company spokesperson said, “The Page was temporally unpublished to protect it after we detected suspicious activity.” The term “suspicious activity” does not appear in Facebook’s terms of service. The spokesperson would not explain what “suspicious activity” was observed on Telesur’s page, or define the term, or explain why it was initially blamed on rule-breaking by Telesur and then technical problems on the social network’s end.



Personality conflicts inevitably happen in almost any workplace, including those of feel-good activists. Ross’s erasure from the lore of the law’s passage isn’t necessarily nefarious or a deliberate attempt to avoid giving a woman credit for her accomplishments. Those involved may have genuinely felt like she didn’t need to be mentioned because she didn’t support the compromise they’d made and wasn’t going to be part of the group moving forward.

“Mary Ross was an important part of the campaign team when we were all working full steam ahead to pass a ballot measure,” Robin Swanson, the campaign c***ultant for the group, told me by email. “Roles shifted when she made it clear she did not support a legislative compromise because she felt it wouldn’t go far enough.”




Mike Caulfield介绍了Pinterest的推荐引擎对Qanon和其他阴谋理论家的好处:

The UI-driven decontextualization that drove Facebook’s news crisis is actually worse here. Looking at a board, I have no idea why I am seeing these various bits of information at all, or any indication where they come from.

Facebook minimized provenance in the UI to disastrous results. Pinterest has completely stripped it. What could go wrong?

Twitter存在“有毒”内容的问题。首席执行官杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)说,他正在想尽一切办法解决这个问题

杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)的2018年巡演在周末被CNN的可靠消息来源阻止。在信中,他承认推特员工存在“左倾”偏见,说主动调节推特的成本太高,并承诺公司将重新考虑如何显示喜欢和转发。如果你在Twitter从事通信工作,想让我了解公司战略,我会洗耳恭听。



琳达·金斯勒(Linda Kintsler)有一篇关于TripAdvisor历史的长篇文章,讲述了TripAdvisor如何也没有计划应对成功。该网站被虚假评论和企业攻击所困扰,这些企业希望删除不好的评论。值得通过其他平台类似斗争的棱镜阅读:

On 1 November 2017, an investigation by Raquel Rutledge, a journalist at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, found that TripAdvisor had a habit of deleting posts detailing sexual assaults and other violent crimes on the grounds that they either violated the family-friendly policy, contained second-hand information, or hearsay, or they were deemed “off topic” by site moderators. “There’s no way to know how many negative reviews are withheld by TripAdvisor; how many true, terrifying experiences never get told; or for site users to know that much of what they see has been specifically selected and crafted to encourage them to spend,” Rutledge wrote.

On 7 November, TripAdvisor’s market value crashed by $1bn when its stock price dropped from $39 to $30 per share, its worst-ever day on the stock market. A couple of weeks later, the US Federal Trade Commission opened an ongoing investigation into the company’s business practices. “For a long time, [companies] could claim that their role was largely proactive, that all they had to do was put safeguards in place to reduce the risks of bad things happening,” says Bot**an. “We’ve seen a massive pendulum swing – it’s now their resp***ibility when things go wrong. This is a whole new era of corporate accountability.”



The summer of scam has a new hero, and her name is Natasha Aponte. What did Ms. Aponte do to warrant this title? She used Tinder to con dozens of men into believing they were meeting her for a one-on-one date in Union Square. When the men arrived, they discovered that instead of a date … they’d be competing against each other to win it.



“Nationally ranked teams” from California, Nevada, Indiana, Georgia, and Florida will be part of the series, and will start on September 7th and will finish on November 9th. TechCrunch notes that NFL games have been popular on the site, and that this is the first time that high school games will be streamed in this fashion. The games will be available on @adidasFballUS on both mobile and desktop devices, and will be accompanied by a Twitter timeline with additional coverage and tweets.


Matt McFarland指出,纽约大学医学院正在向Facebook提供一个包含10000次MRI检查的匿名数据集,希望Facebook的人工智能团队能够创建一个更快的测试版本。请欣赏Facebook人工智能研究组(emphasis mine)负责人在这里无意中投下的阴影:

Facebook started talking to NYU about the project last year because its AI team wanted to work on something with real-world benefits even as it performs basic research, said Larry Zitnick of the company’s Artificial Intelligence Research group. It plans to open-source any findings in the hope that sharing the data will encourage others to expand upon its work.



The initiative, called the LinkedIn Economic Graph Program, is an expansion of an earlier collaboration with outside economics researchers that the company created in 2015. That effort resulted in several path-breaking findings, the company said.

For example, researchers from the World Economic Forum used LinkedIn’s data to explore the gender gap. Jessica Jeffers, an assistant professor of finance at the University of Chicago, used LinkedIn data to examine the impact of non-compete agreements, determining that they hurt new firms and entrepreneurship.

Jeffree Star、Laura Lee、Gabriel Zamora&YouTube的种族主义推特剧




Richard Gao写道,安卓系统的更快的Snapchat现在是alpha。


Issie Lapowsky报道了SurfSafe,这是一个由两名加州大学伯克利分校本科生创建的浏览器扩展,有助于在互联网上找到图像的来源。这有助于确定呈现为新内容的内容是否来自另一个时间或环境,或者仅仅是一个骗局。浏览器扩展通常是DOA,但在激发实际浏览器功能方面可能很有用。那么,让我们在这里抄送Chrome、Safari和Firefox团队。


Kia Kokalitheva写到了Islands的重新启动,这是一个以大学为中心的社交网络,模仿Facebook、Snapchat和Slack的各个方面:

In the new version of Islands, users will be able to join and create group chat rooms on their campus, have a profile page that includes their Snapchat and Instragram handles, see other students who are nearby (within about 1 mile of them), and view a directory of students in their school who have signed up for the app.

Currently, 5-25% of students on active campuses are using Islands, according to Isenberg, and each user invites two others. At the end of this past spring semester, Islands’ users were sending thousands of messages per day, and Isenberg predicts that when the app rolls out in every U.S. college, users will be sending 2 million messages every day.


我读了我同事Dami Lee的故事,然后尖叫道“为什么?!”一直如此。向“花得好的时间”的反面打招呼:

Now Giphy is announcing that it’s refreshing its homepage to prominently feature Stories, which will be curated by an editorial team. Stories will be centered around the day’s trending subjects, told through GIFs. One story will be published every hour, curated by categories of Entertainment, Sports, and Reacti***.

Despite the obvious connection to Instagram Stories in its name, Giphy Stories are a little more like a cross between a Twitter Moment and Snapchat’s Discover content. There’s episode recaps like “The Bachelorette Finale in GIFs” which are reminiscent of Tumblr GIF sets, and reaction packs like “The best GIFs for your summer out of office email” which read like a Buzzfeed listicle in GIF form.



Dorsey has spent much of the summer attempting to head off this type of critici**. In June, the Twitter C.E.O. dined at the upscale Georgetown restaurant Cafe Milano with a group that included White House communicati*** adviser Mercedes Schlapp and Fox News commentator Guy Benson, in what quickly devolved into an airing of grievances. His most recent media tour began on Sean Hannity’sradio show, where he sought to reassure listeners that Twitter would not “shadow ban” them. C***ervatives praised his transparency, and Hannity himself has since claimed to have a direct line of communication with Dorsey. But Dorsey should have known his time in the right-wing sun would be short-lived; the likes of Hannity and Jones have proven over and over again that they will never let up on the social-media giant, even when Twitter appears to skew explicitly in their favor. In admitting to “left-leaning” bias, and promising to stamp it out when enforcing rules, Dorsey effectively handed c***ervatives more ammunition, perpetuating the cycle that forces him to continually tiptoe around the right.



This is a strategy in general that we should all expect to see more and more in the world. It is, I would argue, the aggressively technologically correct strategy to run for the future. Don’t prevent leaks or try to lock down everything. Just build self-serving networks of people or bots to put out enough false information to obscure reality.

If you are a private person, don’t try to avoid having a social media profile. Instead try to have many fake ones, all sharing contradictory information about “you.”





向我发送提示、问题、评论、调节策略:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-25 05:11
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为了赚钱,Facebook不仅仅需要用户。它需要积极参与的用户。它不仅需要知道你可能会点击哪个链接,还需要知道是什么让你或多或少会点击它。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 21:31
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近年来,Facebook、Google和Twitter等互联网巨头的处境发生了转变。审查制度是全世界人民口口相传的一个词。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-22 21:43
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  • 发布于 2021-04-15 22:07
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...不完整的图片。 “这些信息将帮助研究人员更好地分析为什么极右内容更吸引人,”研究人员写道。例如,需要进一步研究,以确定Facebook算法在多大程度上融入了这一趋势,并跨YouTube、Twitter和TikTok等其他流行平台进行分析。...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 00:40
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...在类似的内容上工作,与我们一样安全,允许在家工作。为什么我们不?” Halawa和Moshfeghi都强调,Facebook的其他版主希望站出来,但由于NDAs工作人员被迫签署的严格规定,他们感到害怕。 在一份发给《边缘》的声明中,Facebook...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 22:24
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 23:14
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Facebook期待已久的监督委员会周四宣布,目前正在受理案件。这家社交媒体巨头于2018年首次宣布成立该董事会,旨在对Facebook的稳健决策进行独立检查。 该委员会由来自世界各地的独立成员组成,他们将在尊重****和...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 16:25
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 16:48
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最高法院将审理facebook robocalling案

在上诉**裁定Facebook违反反机器人化规则后,最高**同意听取其辩护。**将审查Facebook的自动提醒短信是否算作“自动电话拨号系统”,对非法电话垃圾邮件做出更明确的定义。 Facebook在2015年被非Facebook用户Noah Duguid起诉...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 12:45
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  • 发布于 2021-04-19 12:14
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