



  • 这项研究,你可以在这里看到,没有经过同行评审。
  • 这项研究的作者无法测量Facebook的实际使用情况,因为Facebook是私有的,所以他们依赖有问题的代理。他们对Facebook的非意识形态平均使用率的代表是Nutella Germany页面,拥有3200万追随者,但他们只收集了21915名与该页面交互的用户的数据,他们的德国位置可以得到验证。
  • 这项研究的数据是每周绘制的,而不是即时绘制的。正如本·汤普森(Ben Thompson)和其他人所指出的,反难民暴力激发了Facebook帖子,而不是Facebook帖子激发了暴力。
  • 文章报道说,Facebook与50%的难民袭击事件有关;该研究的最新结果将这一数字下调至35%。
  • 这篇文章代表了一个确认偏见的案例。人们(像我一样!)分享者倾向于赞同大量使用Facebook会腐蚀民主国家内部的观点,因此我们没有适当的怀疑就接受了这一观点。

其中一些批评对我来说似乎比其他的更公平(每周的年表问题最困扰我;我已经联系了这项研究的作者,并将在这里分享我从他们那里听到的任何消息。)但没有一篇文章颠覆了原文——或者承认《****》记者阿曼达·塔布(Amanda Taub)和马克斯·费舍尔(Max Fisher)通过他们自己的现场报道支持了这项研究的发现(汤普森确实注意到了额外的报道。)



但正如许多人今天在网上指出的那样,进一步的研究是困难的,因为Facebook的数据默认是私有的。正如纽约的马克斯·里德(Max Read)所说:“围绕Facebook仇恨犯罪研究的合理狡辩令人沮丧的是,Facebook本身可以在几个小时内整理出一份全面的数据报告,回答所有问题。”



Of course at best this sort of study will be done for internal c***umption; I suspect it is more likely it won’t be done at all. Facebook has publicly buried its head in the sand about filter bubbles at least twice that I can remember, first in 2015 with a questionable study whose results were misinterpreted and last year on an earnings call.

The reason why seems clear: unlike fake news or Russian agents, which involve a bad actor the company can investigate and ban, the propagators of filter bubbles are users ourselves. To fix the problem is to eliminate the temporary emotional comfort that keeps users coming to Facebook multiple times a day, and that is if the problem can be fixed at all. Indeed, perhaps the most terrifying implication of this study is that, if true, the problem is endemic to social networks, which means to eliminate the former necessitates the elimination of the latter.




Sheera Frenkel和Jonathan Martin报道,仍有人试图攻击民主党全国委员会:

A cybersecurity researcher from a firm called Lookout contacted the D.N.C. on Tuesday about the attempted intrusion, said two officials briefed on the matter who were not authorized to speak publicly.

The F.B.I. is investigating, according to one of the officials. But the attempted hack, which was described as sophisticated, was not successful, the committee said.




脸谱网已经暂停了400个应用程序,作为其后剑桥分析审计的一部分,其中包括来自剑桥大学的一个,其中有400万个用户,脸谱网的Ime Archibong说:

It’s clear that they shared information with researchers as well as companies with only limited protecti*** in place. As a result we will notify the roughly 4 million people who chose to share their Facebook information with myPersonality that it may have been misused. Given we currently have no evidence that myPersonality accessed any friends’ information, we will not be notifying these people’s Facebook friends. Should that change, we will notify them.


Facebook联合创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)和达斯汀·莫斯科维茨(Dustin Moskovitz)正在支持11月份的住房和刑事司法改革,大卫·麦卡贝(David McCabe)报道:

Both organizati*** have given $1 million each to a group supporting an Ohio ballot initiative that would institute criminal justice reforms, including reclassifying drug possession crimes from felonies to misdemeanors.

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative gave $250,000 to support a ballot measure in California that would fund affordable housing projects.

Facebook恢复了Crimson Hexagon,但问题依然存在

上个月,《华尔街日报》报道称,Facebook与美国**和一家与克里姆林宫有关联的非营利组织合作,违反了其政策,Facebook关闭了一家名为Crimson Hexagon的数据挖掘公司的API访问。但现在它又回到了平台上,Alex Pasternack报道:

The reinstatement, which began earlier this month, followed “several weeks of c***tructive discussion and information exchange,” said Dan Shore, Crimson’s chief financial officer. But the companies didn’t specify the results of the inquiry or explain why access was restored, raising more questi*** about how Facebook and other platforms police third parties like Cambridge Analytica and Crimson Hexagon.





Sarah Frier获得了一些与Evan Spiegel的难得的采访时间,他用这段时间向每个人保证,他正在努力学习,以成为一名CEO。这个故事充满了美好的细节,但心形的“会说话的片段”geode是你想读的部分:

On the second floor of the new headquarters of Snap Inc. in Santa Monica, Calif., is a room dedicated to helping employees open up. It’s round and lined with potted plants. “Speak from the heart,” reads a framed sign on the wall. “Listen from the heart.” Employees show up in groups of about a dozen, sit cross-legged on black cushi***, and take turns with the “talking piece,” a heart-shaped purple geode that gives the bearer the right to confidentially share deep thoughts.

This is the inner sanctum for what Snap calls “Council,” a sort of New Age corporate retreat that uses a technique Chief Executive Officer Evan Spiegel learned in childhood. It was also where I found myself on a Friday morning in July. Council meetings, I’d been told by the company’s communicati*** chief, are “sacred.” They’re also a real-life example of what Spiegel wants people to do with his **artphone app, Snapchat: share intimately, without fear of judgment from the outside world.


据Deepa Seetharaman报道,在苹果抱怨其违反数据收集政策后,Facebook计划将其数据安全应用程序Onavo从应用商店中撤出。来自Onavo的数据有助于Facebook监控竞争社交网络的增长,并被视为一项重要的竞争资产:

Apple’s decision widens the schi** between the two tech giants over privacy and is a blow to Facebook, which has used data gathered through the app to track rivals and scope out new product categories. The app, called Onavo Protect, has been available free download through Apple’s app store for years, with updates regularly approved by Apple’s app-review board.


我的同事阿什利·卡曼(Ashley Carman)对Tinder联合创始人的最新诉讼有了新的细节:

Meanwhile, a source close to Tinder says that Rad actually sold a great deal of stock following the merger between Tinder and Match Group, and suggested that the co-founder didn’t have much faith in the future of the dating app and that Match’s valuation was accurate. According to SEC filings, Rad exercised about half of his stock opti*** in Match on August 4th and 6th, which Match repurchased for a net pay out of $94,413,552.06 based on a closing price of $18.89 per share. His other half was exercised on August 9th and he received net 816,805 shares of IAC stock.

Oculus计划在2019年第1季度发布Santa Cruz,Rift港口

据David Jagneaux报道,Facebook的下一款虚拟现实耳机将是最近发布的Oculus Go的高端版本:

The headset is designed to function on its own without the need for a PC, similar to Oculus Go, but with cameras added for inside-out tracking of 6DOF head movement and two Oculus Touch-style controllers. The last time we went hands-on with Santa Cruz was at the Oculus Connect 4 conference last year. The release window lines up with the two year anniversary of the original Rift’s launch at the end of Q1 2016, March 28th.



At the outset, Facebook said developers would receive 70 percent of the Instant Games revenue, with 30 percent going to Facebook. But on Android, developers also had to share 30 percent of their revenue with Google. In fact, Google took 30 percent of the total, and then Facebook took 30 percent of what was left. Developers were left getting only 49 percent of the total revenue on games they had created.

After evaluating this, Facebook has decided to roll back its revenue share, so the developers only have to pay Google on Android.


Taylor Lorenz报道,越过柠檬水摊,青少年的热门新趋势是sponcon:

With “jobs you need to do a lot of training,” says Lucy, a 13-year-old in Pennsylvania who asked to be referred to by a pseudonym. “Then you have to, like, physically go out and do the job for hours a day. Doing this, you can make one simple post, which doesn’t take a while. That single post can earn you, like, $50.” Last month, she started posting brand-sp***ored Instagrams for her more than 8,000 followers. So far, she says, she’s earned a couple hundred dollars.


艾米丽·德雷福斯(Emily Dreyfuss)报道说,与情人共享Instagram账户听起来像是一场噩梦,但一些迷失的灵魂正在这样做,她现在就是其中之一(扭曲:泰勒·洛伦兹也是,他在这个故事中扮演了重要角色!)

Yes, I still feel a twinge of embarras**ent about sharing an account with Seth sometimes. But so far, my tiny hang-up is the only real downside to our new joint-account life. If you’re c***idering it and you’re sensitive to the judgment of others, you should know that when I asked on Twitter whether anyone knew people who did this, the common resp***e was “ew” and “I assume anybody who replies to this in the affirmative gets arrested.” But you know what? Lock me up, folks, because I love love and I love our joint Instagram account.



Shannon Liao向我们介绍了Facebook在坦桑尼亚的一项互联网连接工作:

Facebook gave an update yesterday on its efforts to expand Express Wi-Fi, an app that lets unserved communities pay for internet service. The company is still working on efforts to reach the 3.8 billion people in the world who don’t have internet access, in order to grow its potential market.


刚刚辞去Facebook首席安全官职务的亚历克斯·斯塔莫斯(Alex Stamos)对美国**表示不满,因为他未能在改善国家网络安全防御机制方面做出更多努力:

If the weak resp***e of the Obama White House indicated to America’s adversaries that the U.S. government would not respond forcefully, then the subsequent acti*** of House Republicans and President Trump have signaled that our adversaries can expect powerful elected officials to help a hostile foreign power cover up attacks against their domestic opposition. The bizarre behavior of the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Rep. Devin Nunes, has destroyed that body’s ability to come to any credible c***ensus, and the relative comity of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has not yet produced the detailed ****ysis and recommendati*** our country needs. Although by now Americans are likely inured to chronic gridlock in Congress, they should be alarmed and unmoored that their elected representatives have passed no legislation to address the fundamental issues exposed in 2016.


帕特里克·杰拉德(Patrick Gerard)有你今天的算法失败:



请向我发送有关暴力侵害难民行为的提示、问题、评论和其他理论:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-25 05:40
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  • 分类:互联网




  • 发布于 2021-04-16 17:14
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...支持上拔下医院病人的插头” 帕勒称自己是Facebook和Twitter的一个更为宽容的替代品,尤其是在这些网站打击总统唐纳德•特朗普及其支持者试图暴力推翻美国大选结果之际。这一立场引起了数字基础设施公司的强烈...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 17:20
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 21:55
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 22:34
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据《华尔街日报》报道,Facebook正计划在11月3日美国总统大选前后,利用此前在斯里兰卡和缅甸等国使用的内部工具,应对可能出现的混乱局面。 这些计划可能包括在帖子开始传播的时候减缓其传播速度,改变新闻提...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 16:58
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今天,让我们来谈谈围绕在Facebook上组织民兵的争议,随后发生的暴力事件,以及这使得该公司本周进入总统计划访问威斯康星州基诺沙(Kenosha),可能引发更多骚乱。 基诺沙警方上周向雅各布·布莱克背部开枪7次,导...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 18:44
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...节,接口将关闭。 一、公告 经过数月的审议,Facebook对那些要求它对政治广告施加新限制的批评者给出了答案。该公司表示,在11月3日美国总统大选前的7天内,将不接受新的政治广告,但将允许那些已经获得批准的广...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 19:37
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据英国《金融时报》报道,Facebook表示,如果美国总统大选引发暴力骚乱,它可能会大力限制内容。全球事务负责人尼克·克莱格(Nick Clegg)对英国《金融时报》表示,Facebook正在研究“如果真的存在极端混乱、更糟糕的暴力环...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 01:14
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该公司印度办事处的一名Facebook政策主管对一名记者Awesh Tiwari提起刑事诉讼,指控他在社交网络上发表的批评文章构成性骚扰、刑事恐吓和诽谤。然而,根据保护记者委员会(CPJ)的一份报告,这项申诉没有提供证据证明蒂瓦里...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 07:27
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Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)上周五在个人主页上发表长篇声明,表示支持“黑人生命”物质运动,并将开始对公司政策进行一系列审查。具体来说,扎克伯格说,他和公司领导层将重新审视其围绕“威胁国...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 01:33
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