


在《****》上,德克兰·沃尔什(Declan Walsh)和苏利曼·阿里·兹韦(Suliman Ali Zway)研究了利比亚的“键盘战士”是如何利用Facebook猎杀敌人的。”根据人权组织和利比亚活动人士的说法,武装团体利用Facebook寻找反对者和批评者,其中一些人后来被拘留、杀害或被迫流亡大摇大摆的指挥官夸耀他们的战场功绩和奇特的假期,或者通过散布分裂和种族仇恨来团结支持者。伪造文件广泛传播,目的往往是破坏利比亚仅存的几个国家机构,尤其是其中央银行。”


The New York Times found evidence of military-grade weap*** being openly traded, despite the company’s policies forbidding such commerce. Human traffickers advertise their success in helping illegal migrants reach Europe by sea, and use their pages to drum up more business. Practically every armed group in Libya, and even some of their detention centers, have their own Facebook page. […]

“The most dangerous, dirty war is now being waged on social media and some other media platforms,” Mahmud Shammam, a former information minister, said last week as fighting ripped through the Tripoli suburbs. “Lying, falsifying, misleading and mixing facts. Electronic armies are owned by everyone, and used by everyone without exception. It is the most deadly war.”

与此同时,在菲律宾,BuzzFeed的戴维·阿尔巴(Davey Alba)发现独裁者罗德里戈·杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)发现Facebook在骚扰批评者和营造普遍的不真实感方面非常有效。这有助于掩盖该国自杜特尔特上台以来估计有12000起由国家支持的法外处决。

九个月前,劳伦·埃特(Lauren Etter)在彭博社(Bloomberg)发表了一篇精彩的报道,概述了杜特尔特(Duterte)和Facebook的故事。Alba的故事通过关注三位有影响力的Duterte粉丝(其中一人成为**付费发言人)如何协调传播错误信息和针对这位强人的政治对手的有针对性的骚扰来推进这一点:

Nieto does publish news as well, both to his blog and directly on Facebook, where he posts “10 to 20 times a day,” he told BuzzFeed News. That news is typically unverified; sometimes it’s dem***trably inaccurate. Beyond the c***piracies noted above, Nieto has misquoted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a way that made it appear Trudeau supported a massive garbage dump in the Philippines. He’s promoted a falsified 1979 psychiatric report on the former Philippine president Noynoy Aquino, which claimed that the reason Aquino wanted to become president was “to heap a measure of revenge” on those who imprisoned his father, Benigno Aquino Jr., the rival of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos, and a national hero who was assassinated in 1983. Nieto has also tried to artificially deflate the number of Filipinos murdered in Duterte’s bloody war on drugs. He has used Facebook Live footage of child autopsies in a crusade to blame a health crisis on the former administration.

Nieto speaks to an audience of more than 2 million Facebook followers. Each of his posts gets thousands of likes and shares, c***istently more than the political commentators he’d be most comparable to in the US. He touts all this as evidence that everything is just fine in the Philippines. “They’re saying that freedom of speech is under threat. No,” he said. “It’s never been more democratic.”





In preparation for this hearing and to better inform the members of the Committee, our data scientists ****yzed Tweets sent by all members of the House and Senate that have Twitter accounts for a 30 day period spanning July 23, 2018 until August 13, 2018. We learned that, during that period, Democratic members sent 10,272 Tweets and Republican members sent 7,981. Democrats on average have more followers per account and have more active followers. As a result, Democratic members in the aggregate receive more impressi*** or views than Republicans.

Despite this greater number of impressi***, after controlling for various factors such as the number of Tweets and the number of followers, and normalizing the followers’ activity, we observed that there is no statistically significant difference between the number of times a Tweet by a Democrat is viewed versus a Tweet by a Republican. In the aggregate, controlling for the same number of followers, a single Tweet by a Republican will be viewed as many times as a single Tweet by a Democrat, even after all filtering and algorithms have been applied by Twitter. Our quality filtering and ranking algorithm does not result in Tweets by Democrats or Tweets by Republicans being viewed any differently. Their performance is the same because the Twitter platform itself does not take sides.

Sheryl Sandberg的新工作是修复Facebook的声誉——以及她自己的声誉


Urged by his board to be more proactive, Mr. Zuckerberg quietly asked her to lead the company’s efforts to identify and prevent future blowups on the platform. The new job, insiders say, is at least as challenging as the company’s transition to mobile several years ago, which was late and rocky. Ms. Sandberg’s role is likely to be complex, expensive and thankless, people close to the company say, with any failures very public.


彼得·卡夫卡(Peter Kafka)在出席明天的听证会时为杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)担心:

The best-case scenario for Dorsey is a very long day on Capitol Hill. But there are lots of ways for this to go badly for him. Part of this is a matter of seasoning and temperament: Dorsey does some public appearances, but he isn’t a professional talker. And when he does talk, he tends to approach questi*** with what can scan as a … detached affect. The bigger problem: While Dorsey and Twitter are well-versed in handling questi*** about election interference, the bias story is a new one, and Dorsey is going to spend an entire afternoon, by himself, handling it, at a session dedicated to “Twitter: Transparency and Accountability.”



I was going to ask them why Google is building a search engine for China to allow Chinese censorship. Maybe they don’t want to answer some of those questi***. But if Google thinks we’re just going to go away, they’re sadly mistaken. I’ve had a great working relati***hip with Google over the years, but I’ve been generally surprised that they might not want to be part of the conversation about how we fix this and get soluti***.









乔治亚·威尔斯(Georgia Wells)和柯尔斯滕·格兰德(Kirsten Grind)在周末的一篇报道中引起了轩然**,报道称杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)亲自参与了是否禁止亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)等决定。推特否认多尔西这样做,这在某种程度上更加奇怪。比如,首席执行官只是举手说“你们都明白了”?来吧。周二,当Politico问多西这个问题时,多西更加模棱两可:“我问问题。我认为我从来没有否决过任何事情,”他说。


乔恩·凯尔(Jon Kyl)目前正在领导对Facebook保守偏见投诉的“调查”,他将在2020年之前担任约翰·麦凯恩的老参议员席位。


Ajit Pai写了一篇恶意的媒体帖子,呼吁技术平台对他们的决定更加“透明”,这实际上只是一种向他们施压以促进保守声音的方式,我的同事Jake Kastrenakes写道:

But Pai comes at it from the same approach as President Trump, cherry-picking examples to make it seem like these are liberal companies out to silence c***ervative voices, rather than platforms keeping their sites safe. One example he pulls out is YouTube demonetizing videos from PragerU, a nonprofit (which is not a university) that the Southern Poverty Law Center described as offering “dog whistles to the extreme right.” Among the videos pulled were several with Islamophobic titles like “Is Islam a Religion of Peace?”


凯文·鲁斯(Kevin Roose)研究了最近被定位为解决公司某些问题的潜在解决方案的Facebook群组是如何导致比公开帖子更多的不良行为的:

When it comes to more private forms of communication through the company’s services — like Facebook groups, or the messaging apps WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger — the social network’s progress is less clear. Some experts worry that Facebook’s public cleanup may be pushing more toxic content into these private channels, where it is harder to monitor and moderate.

Misinformation is not against Facebook’s policies unless it leads to violence. But many of the private groups reviewed by The New York Times contained content and behavior that appeared to violate other Facebook rules, such as rules against targeted haras**ent and hate speech. In one large QAnon group, members planned a coordinated haras**ent campaign, known as Operation Mayflower, against public figures such as the actor Michael Ian Black, the late-night host Stephen Colbert and the CNN journalist Jim Acosta. In the Infowars group, posts about Muslims and immigrants have drawn threatening comments, including calls to deport, castrate and kill people.


Charlie Warzel报道说:“谷歌表示,它正在保护其广告平台,防止外国插手,但只要花35美元,冒充俄罗斯巨魔的研究人员就可以毫无障碍地投放政治广告。”。


J莱斯特·费德(Lester Feder)和帕斯卡·安塞尔米(Pascal Anselmi)考察了Facebook在最近德国种族暴力事件中所扮演的角色:

One of the engines for pumping out false information about the Chemnitz killing was the Facebook page of a group called Pro-Chemnitz, which has three seats on the local city council and organized the protest on Monday that ended in mob violence. In calling for the protest, it claimed the victim in Sunday’s stabbing was “a brave helper who lost his life trying to protect a woman.” The post is still online.

The group knows just how important Facebook is to its political fortunes. “We are completely social-media based,” said Benjamin Jahn Zschocke, the group’s spokesperson. “If our Facebook page were to be deleted, we would disappear completely.”


Jo Ling Kent and Michael Cappetta talk to Samidh Chakrabarti, who helps lead the effort in fighting against influence campaigns, and learn that Facebook is building a physical “war room” to monitor threats in real time. (There’s a picture of the current “war room,” and it looks like a standard Facebook conference room.) Elsewhere, CNN talks to Facebook’s “top troll hunter,” Nathaniel Gleicher, who makes similar noises.

With less than two months to go, Chakrabarti said Facebook is “much more effective than we used to be” and the entire company is “laser focused on getting it right.” He also revealed new details on Facebook’s plans to build a physical “war room” to coordinate a real-time resp***e to nefarious activity during the midterms.


Vindu Goel报告称,印度可能会效仿欧盟通过严格的新法律,禁止技术平台:

The proposals include European-style limits on what big internet companies can do with users’ personal data, a requirement that tech firms store certain sensitive data about Indians only within the country, and restricti*** on the ability of foreign-owned e-commerce companies to undercut local businesses on price.

The policy changes unfolding in India would be the latest to crimp the power — and profits — of American tech companies, and they may well contribute to the fracturing of the global internet.


娜塔莎·辛格(Natasha Singer)对如何使用科技巨头新的政治广告数据库有一个很有帮助的解释:

None of the archives is currently designed to search for phrases. That means, for instance, if you search the Facebook archive for “don’t go to vote” — a phrase that a Kremlin-linked group employed in a Facebook ad discouraging users from going to the polls — you’ll end up with thousands of resulting ads that used the word “vote.”

On Facebook, you’ll need to search by the name of the candidate or political issue you’re looking for. On Google, search under the candidate’s or advertiser’s name. On Twitter, look for the name of the account the ad ran under. Once you get results, you can click an individual ad to learn more.


沃伦·斯特罗贝尔(Warren Strobel)和乔纳森·兰迪(Jonathan Landay)报告说,有些人确实喜欢使用LinkedIn。他们为中国间谍机构工作:

LinkedIn “is a very good site,” Evanina said. “But it makes for a great venue for foreign adversaries to target not only individuals in the government, formers, former CIA folks, but academics, scientists, engineers, anything they want. It’s the ultimate playground for collection.”



这只是Facebook当天第94个最重要的故事,但这仍然是凯西·牛顿(Casey Newton)的一个有趣的独家新闻:

Instagram is working on a new standalone app dedicated to shopping, The Verge has learned. The app — which may be called IG Shopping — will let users browse collecti*** of goods from merchants that they follow and purchase them directly within the app, according to two people familiar with the matter. Instagram declined to comment.

It could not be learned when the app might launch. Its development is still ongoing, and it could be canceled before it is released. But sources familiar with its development say Instagram believes it is well positioned to make a major expansion into e-commerce.



In the three weeks before the Aug. 6 bans, Infowars had a daily average of nearly 1.4 million visits to its website and views of videos posted by its main YouTube and Facebook pages, according to a New York Times ****ysis of data from the web data firms Tubular Labs and SimilarWeb. In the three weeks afterward, its audience fell by roughly half, to about 715,000 site visits and video views, according to the ****ysis.


基思·柯林斯(Keith Collins)和希拉·弗兰克尔(Sheera Frankel)做了一个有趣的测验,你可以试着猜出哪些帖子是真实的,哪些帖子来自影响力活动。我每一条都是对的,如果你读了这篇时事通讯,我打赌你也会的!


Paresh Dave和Sankalp Phartiyal报道,谷歌在印度的广告业务起步很快,但Facebook正在吃它的午餐:

Facebook’s success has shaken Alphabet Inc’s Google, led by an Indian-born CEO, Sundar Pichai, who has made developing markets a priority.

Google officials in India earlier this year were alarmed to learn that Facebook Inc was likely to generate about $980 million in revenue in the country in 2018, according to one of the sources. Google’s India revenues reached $1 billion only last year.



Guy Sands-Pingot, who was at one point a brigadier general, was tapped to be deputy director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services and was slated to begin in mid-September. Sands-Pingot would have served under an administration that is seeking to significantly cut back on the number of legal and undocumented immigrants and has, with the travel ban, targeted Muslim-majority countries. He would have also helped oversee an agency that recently created a denaturalization unit.

In October 2015, Sands-Pingot posted a link to an article from GOPTheDailyDose.com on Facebook with the headline “If you wipe your butt with your bare hand but c***ider bacon to be unclean, you may be Muslim.” The link on the page was dead but the headline has been part of anti-Muslim jokes spread on the internet for years, such as “If you were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs, you may be a Muslim.”


本杰明·普莱克特(Benjamin Plackett)报道说,Reddit在使其版主免受虐待方面做得不够:

In a joint investigation, Engadget and Point spoke to 10 Reddit moderators, and all of them complained that Reddit is systematically failing to tackle the abuse they suffer. Keeping the front page of the internet clean has become a thankless and abusive task, and yet Reddit’s administration has repeatedly neglected to respond to moderators who report offenses.


Noah Buhayar和Sarah Frier撰写了Facebook的快速房地产海湾地区房地产扩张。它现在跨越六个城市,很快将在该地区雇用35000名员工,比其总部门罗公园(Menlo Park)还要多。

杰克·保罗(Jake Paul)的掠夺性营销策略指向了更大的监管担忧

有争议的YouTuber Jake Paul是否在做一系列非法的事情来推销他的商品?我是说,我会相信的!

In one especially painful example, Nerd City highlights Paul’s video “THE BEST SONG WE’VE MADE YET,” in which the YouTuber relentlessly plugs his merch, tour, music, and more in nearly half of a 14-minute video. “Jake understands and leans into heavy repetition as a principal of advertising … the words are artificially jammed into the sentences he says,” Nerd City says. For those who are too young to buy his products on their own, Paul encourages kids to ask their parents directly — a practice sometimes described as “pester power,” which is prohibited in the European Union via the Unfair Commercial Practices (UCP) Directive.






Instead of text comments, these reacti*** will take the form of videos that are essentially superimposed on top of existing clips. The idea of a reaction video should be familiar to anyone who’s spent some time on YouTube, but TikTok is incorporating the concept in way that looks like a pretty seamless.


Tim Wu的新书名为《大魔咒:新镀金时代的反垄断》。在书中,他主张恢复泰迪·罗斯福(Teddy Roosevelt)式的激进反垄断执法,称谷歌、Facebook、亚马逊和其他大型科技公司对民主构成威胁。他认为Facebook应该被要求**WhatsApp和Instagram:

“We live in America, which has a strong and proud tradition of breaking up companies that are too big for inefficient reas***,” Wu told me on this week’s Vergecast. “We need to reverse this idea that it’s not an American tradition. We’ve broken up dozens of companies.”




The first curator was nicknamed “the masturbating Swede” after he detailed his preferred leisure activities. Others have fought with Denmark and Donald Trump, sparked outrage by asking why some people don’t like Jews, and admitted they’d rather be having sex.



向我发送提示、评论、问题和Instagram购物原型:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-25 08:13
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全世界的**和政客们都在利用一个漏洞来控制Facebook的虚假活动,以此来伪造民众的支持并骚扰反对者。 《卫报》根据内部文件和前Facebook数据科学家索菲•张(Sophie Zhang)的证词进行的调查显示,Facebook是如何有选择...

  • 发布于 2021-04-15 21:38
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 04:43
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...闻(BuzzFeed News)获得备忘录副本的报道,一名被解雇的Facebook数据科学家撰写了一份6600字的备忘录,谴责该公司无视该平台被用来左右全球舆论和操纵选举的证据。报道称,数据科学家索菲•张(Sophie Zhang)本月早些时候被解...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 22:28
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  • 发布于 2021-04-18 08:32
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  • 发布于 2021-04-30 14:38
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...由。 该报告还声称,2014年泰国发生的一次军事政变导致Facebook宕机事件,不仅是为了审查用户,也是为了规避社交网络的加密。 泰国**长期以来对互联网实施严格控制,泰国军**自2014年掌权后才将镇压升级。公民们因为在社交...

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  • 发布于 2021-05-10 23:40
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单一的 政府 和联邦政府

...**提出**。然而,与此同时,一个单一的**更容易变成一个独裁政权或独裁政权,统治者有可能以比联邦体制快得多的方式制定和废除规则和法律。   什么是联邦**(federal government)? 在联邦制中,地区和省份享有更高程度的自治。...

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单一政府(unitary government)和联邦政府(federal government)的区别


  • 发布于 2021-07-10 20:07
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...切。” 极权国家可能存在的特征示例包括: 由一个独裁者实施的统治 单一执政党的存在 严格的审查制度,如果不是对媒体的完全控制 不断传播亲政府宣传 所有公民都必须服兵役 强制性人口控制措施 禁止某些宗教或政治...

  • 发布于 2021-09-02 10:31
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