
在今天的科技听证会上,传统观点认为,Facebook首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)将凭借她的沉着和对事实的掌控力顺利通过。推特首席执行官杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)首次出现在国会面前,预计他将面临困境。谷歌拒绝派首席执行官Sundar Pichai(或Alphabet首席执行官拉里·佩奇)出席会议,并将由一张空椅子在讲台上代表谷歌。预计谷歌将受到立法者最严重...

在今天的科技听证会上,传统观点认为,Facebook首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)将凭借她的沉着和对事实的掌控力顺利通过。推特首席执行官杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)首次出现在国会面前,预计他将面临困境。谷歌拒绝派首席执行官Sundar Pichai(或Alphabet首席执行官拉里·佩奇)出席会议,并将由一张空椅子在讲台上代表谷歌。预计谷歌将受到立法者最严重的蔑视。

随着这一天的开始,在参议院情报特别委员会(Senate Select Committee on Intelligence)面前,传统智慧似乎得到了认可。《****》强大的五人现场博客操作中的这两段描述了动态:

Ms. Sandberg, who was born in Washington, and spent years living there during her time at the Treasury Department, appeared confident in her opening remarks. Speaking clearly and with practiced pacing, she complimented the committee’s previous work on election interference.

Mr. Dorsey stumbled during his opening, forgetting to turn on his microphone and reading from a cellphone he held in his hand. He added that he was also live-tweeting his opening remarks through his Twitter account.

与此同时,谷歌确实招致了立法者的愤怒。它曾提议派遣首席法律和政策执行官肯特·沃克(Kent Walker),但参议院拒绝了。”如果你不在餐桌上,你就在菜单上,国会看起来很饿,”一位说客在彭博社告诉马克·伯根和本·布罗迪。他们对谷歌拒绝发送Page或Pichai的原因进行了一些知情猜测:

For Google, the Senate decision may be a calculated risk. The bad optics of an empty chair could outweigh being dragged further into a morass that Google may feel belongs to Facebook and Twitter. Google found far less election spending from Russia’s Internet Research Agency than the other two. When Walker testified in earlier hearings, the lawyer repeatedly emphasized that Google was, unlike its peers, not a “social network.”


正如所料,桑德伯格顺利完成了她在听证会上的部分,基本上详细阐述了首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)前一天晚上在《*****》(Washington Post)的一篇专栏文章中提供的初级读物。Facebook正在招聘版主,查杀假账户,公开广告并进行搜索,并与事实核查人员合作减少错误信息的传播。所有这些以前都被广泛宣传过,现在又成为国会记录的一部分。




Republicans asked, over and over, whether Twitter’s programs, policies and employees favored liberal causes and politicians over c***ervative ones. Not at all, Dorsey patiently answered, over and over.

And Democrats split their time between complaining about other issues they wished the hearing focused on, like Twitter’s failure to keep abusive users off the platform, and the fact that the entire hearing seemed ginned up as a political exercise to help Republicans in the fall electi***.

If you watched any of this, there’s no way you think US lawmakers are going to do anything about US internet companies, or anything else.

当然,有些人确实认为立法者可能很快就会对美国互联网公司进行监管。司法部周三表示,它将与州检察长会面,讨论像Facebook和谷歌这样的公司是否在损害竞争,扼杀思想的自由交流。”弗吉尼亚州民主党参议员马克·华纳(Mark Warner)在周三听证会上的一段广为传阅的引述中说:“国会将不得不在这里采取行动。”社交媒体中狂野的西方时代即将结束。”







莎拉·弗里尔(Sarah Frier)和艾莉莎·塞贝尼乌斯(Alyza Sebenius)关注Facebook在抵御外国干涉方面的最新言论,即Facebook需要**的帮助。

Because behind the scenes, there is a delicate struggle over who is accountable for ensuring that another election isn’t compromised. Tech firms have been stymied in efforts to get federal agencies to provide the kinds of assistance that can only come from officials who have access to sensitive national security information, according to people familiar with the matter. The government has made it clear that the companies need to do more to prevent hacking and improper influence.

Federal agencies have been hesitant to share confidential tips that could identify or prevent the next Russia-scale attack because of security concerns, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because they weren’t authorized to speak about the matter. The intelligence community assumes the companies already know what to look for, said the people. When the companies do ask for help, they sometimes don’t know who to call, because there’s not a single person or entity in charge. In May, the White House eliminated the role of cybersecurity coordinator. In late August, a Facebook security official invited representatives from other technology companies including Alphabet Inc.’s Google, Microsoft Corp. and Amazon.com Inc. to a meeting at Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters, to share strategies and tips for detecting problems ahead of the midterms. Nobody from the government was invited, one of the people said.



The government passed a decree in late August taxing its citizens for accessing the internet and social-media apps. The directive, first proposed in July, institutes a fee (link in French) of 5 CFA francs ($0.008) per megabyte c***umed through services like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter. It also introduces a 5% fee, on top of taxes, on texting and calls, according to advocacy group Internet Sans Frontières (ISF).

The new law has been denounced, with citizens and advocates using the hashtag #Taxepame**o (“Don’t tax my megabytes”) to call on officials to cancel the levy. The increased fees will not only burden the poorest c***umers and widen the digital divide, but they will also be “disastrous” for the nation’s nascent digital economy, says ISF’s executive director Julie Owono. A petition against the levy on Change.org has garnered nearly 7,000 signatures since it was created five days ago.


凯文·鲍尔森(Kevin Poulsen)在Facebook上找到了一家被禁止的俄罗斯通讯社:

Two weeks after Facebook expunged a supposedly independent news site linked to Russia’s military intelligence arm, the banned site is **uggling its Putin-friendly content back into the social network’s streams by using a Moscow publisher as a cut-out, the Daily Beast has found.




Just over half of Facebook users ages 18 and older (54%) say they have adjusted their privacy settings in the past 12 months, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Around four-in-ten (42%) say they have taken a break from checking the platform for a period of several weeks or more, while around a quarter (26%) say they have deleted the Facebook app from their cellphone. All told, some 74% of Facebook users say they have taken at least one of these three acti*** in the past year.


抑制仇恨言论有多难?Joseph Cox报道,Facebook自己的内容审查指南错误地识别了一个重要图像的来源:

From Alex Jones to Russian troll factories to Iranian influence operati***, Facebook is increasingly facing pressure to deal with its disinformation problem. But Facebook has internally fallen for ‘fake news’ itself. In a Facebook document obtained by Motherboard, the company falsely attributes an image to the recent Myanmar genocide, when it actually dates from an earthquake in another country years earlier.

The mistake, made in a document used to train some of Facebook’s content moderators and which appears to originate from a years-old piece of fake news, is particularly ironic, given that Facebook recently said it was going to remove misinformation on its platform that could lead to violence.









顺便说一句,这是垄断周,这是一篇及时的文章我的同事拉塞尔·布兰登(Russell Brandom)研究了拆分四大科技公司的案例。以下是他对Facebook的看法:

In some ways, Facebook is the most urgent case. It’s inescapable, opaque, and it wields immense power over the fundamental functi*** of our society. More than any other tech giant, Facebook’s power feels like an immediate threat and the most plausible first target for congressional action. Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) has already laid out 20 different measures that would rein in Facebook and other tech giants, ranging from GDPR-style data portability requirements to more carveouts of Section 230.

But while Warner’s measures focus on nudging Facebook toward more resp***ible behavior, a growing number of critics see the problem as Facebook itself. It may be that a social network with more than 2 billion users is simply too big to be managed resp***ibly, and no amount of moderators or regulators will be able to meaningfully rein the company in. For those critics, social networks are a natural monopoly, and no amount of portability requirements will ever produce a meaningful compe***** to Facebook or a meaningful check on its power.


Maciej Ceglowski-发音和拼写一样发现民主竞选的安全状况相当糟糕:

For the past eight months, I’ve been traveling the country in a sometimes quixotic attempt to train congressional campaigns about email security. On one recent trip, I asked a Democratic campaign manager how he was keeping track of his personal passwords. When he hung his head, I knew what was coming.

“I use the same password for every site,” he confessed. He told me about a moment of panic when a college friend who shared his password on a sports site logged in to his Gmail account as a joke. Google noticed the out-of-state login and sent him a security alert. In the minutes before the friend admitted to the prank, he saw his career flash before his eyes.



Quinn Meyers写道:“有一种令人不安的说话风格从网络文化的深处冒了出来,进入了约会世界:令人毛骨悚然的星号。”你正在和某人发短信,不知不觉中,你的对话突然变成了角色扮演。”

Creepy asterisks are now so universally despised that a subreddit exists with 220,000 subscribers who document the cringiest examples. It’s both PSA and support group.

So if asterisk roleplay is so skin-crawlingly gross, why do so many people still use them? What’s it like to be on the receiving end of a message like *grooms your hair* or *stretches while showing massive furcock*? And finally, what can they tell us about our c***tantly evolving language?



向我发送提示、问题、评论和国会证词:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-25 08:32
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在周四举行的今年国会首次听证会上,Twitter首席执行官杰克•多西(JackDorsey)在推特上公布了一项民意调查结果。这只是一个问号,有两个答案:是和否。 这显然是针对议员质询多西、Facebook首席执行官扎克伯格(Mark ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 05:39
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 16:59
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...那是在大流行之前。 现在,随着社交距离的增加,随着越来越多的人下载应用程序,TikTok再次出现了增长高峰。eMarketer的Insider Intelligence首席分析师黛布拉•威廉姆森(Debra Williamson)表示,该公司仍处于“业务拓展的早期阶段...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 12:46
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据《****》报道,2019年,美国国家失踪和受剥削儿童中心(National Center for Missing and Explored Children)收到了超过4100万条儿童***视频的报告,部分原因是这些视频已变得更容易被Facebook和Snapchat等技术平台发现。就在5年前,被报道的...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 03:05
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  • 发布于 2021-04-24 14:45
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  • 发布于 2021-04-24 18:05
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  • 发布于 2021-05-03 00:50
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...特朗普颁布行政命令禁止7个***占多数的国家旅行以来,越来越多的报道称边境安全人员要求接触旅行者的设备。但直接询问密码似乎是一个重要步骤。 不过,一段时间以来,美国可能一直朝着这个方向发展,据报道,奥巴马**...

  • 发布于 2021-05-09 19:12
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...修改。 在特朗普总统激进的移民政策下,社交媒体检查越来越引起争议,这**了边境地区Facebook和Twitter检查的增加。甚至有人提出了更极端的措施:今年早些时候,国土安全部部长约翰凯利(johnkelly)建议,游客必须交出社交媒...

  • 发布于 2021-05-10 06:40
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...威胁方面越来越好。投资者担心,这些承认可能被用来为社交媒体平台的新疏忽辩护。 从技术角度看,Twitter股价从34.22美元的轴心点下跌至32.00美元左右的200日移动平均线S1支撑位。相对强度指数(RSI)仍处于中性区域,读...

  • 发布于 2021-06-19 17:55
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