



现在每个人都同意Facebook的速度很慢。但为什么公司发展缓慢?在今天的一份重要的新报告中,《****》开始理解为什么:Facebook花了这么长时间才发现其平台上最重要的安全问题。Sheera Frenkel、Nicholas Confessore、Cecilia Kang、Matthew Rosenberg和Jack Nicas采访了50多人讲述了这个故事。



长刀是为谢丽尔·桑德伯格而来的。Facebook的首席运营官魅力四射,但她在公司未能保护平台的过程中所扮演的角色基本上没有受到审查。随着这个故事的结束,这个时代已经结束。记者们写道,桑德伯格亲自挑选了她的说客,包括马恩·莱文(Marne Levine)和乔尔·卡普兰(Joel Kaplan),并说她向其安全团队施压,要求他们不要完全披露俄罗斯在平台上的活动。她和卡普兰认为这样做会激怒保守派,威胁到商业(不管怎么说,这最终还是发生了,发生的事情远没有那么重要,生意也维持得很好。2014年,Levine转到Instagram。)

桑德伯格还亲自(并成功)游说来自明尼苏达州的民主党参议员艾米·克洛布查尔(Amy Klobuchar),反对用强硬的措辞批评Facebook。她还表示公众支持有害的禁止**易法案,该法案将许多性工作者的生命置于极大的危险之中,希望能在共和党议员中赢得支持。



Facebook在过去两年里一直在宣扬“透明”的理念,它一直在努力学习这一理念。他们**的一些刺客为Definers Public Affairs工作。Definers Public Affairs是一家总部设在华盛顿的机构,它发起了一场Astroturp运动,试图将谷歌和推特拖入俄罗斯问题。成功了。从报告中可以看出:

On a c***ervative news site called the NTK Network, dozens of articles blasted Google and Apple for unsavory business practices. One story called Mr. Cook hypocritical for chiding Facebook over privacy, noting that Apple also collects reams of data from users. Another played down the impact of the Russians’ use of Facebook.

The rash of news coverage was no accident: NTK is an affiliate of Definers, sharing offices and staff with the public relati*** firm in Arlington, Va. Many NTK Network stories are written by staff members at Definers or America Rising, the company’s political opposition-research arm, to attack their clients’ enemies. While the NTK Network does not have a large audience of its own, its content is frequently picked up by popular c***ervative outlets, including Breitbart.


为什么Facebook如此努力地拖累竞争对手?Deepa Seetharaman在当天关于Facebook的另一个伟大的幕后故事中给出了一个答案。该公司的士气此前相当高涨,但今年却大幅下降。她写道:

Amid a plunge in the stock price, ongoing leadership turmoil and critical media coverage, just over half of employees said they were optimistic about Facebook’s future, down 32 percentage points from the year earlier, according to the survey, which was taken by nearly 29,000 employees. Fifty-three percent said Facebook was making the world better, down 19 percentage points from a year ago.


在《*****》(Washington Post)上,利扎·德沃斯金(Lizza Dwoskin)与Instagram的一名原员工贝利·理查森(Bailey Richardson)进行了交谈,后者于2014年辞职。她最近删除了自己的账户。”她告诉德沃斯金说:“感觉上我们都沉迷于一种不再让我们兴奋的药物。”所以我想为一些真正有用的东西腾出空间。”

当然,在过去两年的披露之后,这些员工离职一直是Facebook面临的最直接威胁。剑桥分析公司(Cambridge Analytica)丑闻可能使该公司股价下跌,但真正的危险是人们不想再在那里工作了。如果员工在调查中诚实,到明年这个时候将有3000多名员工离职。


”It is long past time for us to take action. I am confident that, despite Facebook’s best efforts to buy Congress’s silence, the will of the American people will prevail. Next January, Congress should get to work enacting new laws to hold concentrated economic power to account, address the corrupting influence of corporate money in our democracy, and restore the rights of Americans.”






“The biggest buyers of cloud services are banks and the federal government, hence New York and D.C.

Bezos played the politicians like drums to extract taxpayer subsidies at the expense of other, **all businesses who have a higher corporate tax burden, just like Musk and every owner of a sports franchise not named Joe Robbie. Government is designed to protect the big against the **all.”


The greater NYC and D.C. areas have some of the highest concentrati*** of tech talent in the United States, are highly visible, and have a pipeline of future workers from the areas’ many educational instituti***. Why should Amazon limit the benefits to itself, and its shareholders, of its new HQ’s location?

在《华尔街日报》上,劳拉·史蒂文斯(Laura Stevens)和肖迪·赖斯(Shayndi Raice)向我们介绍了亚马逊是如何做出决定的。该公司在9月份选择创建两个新的地区办事处,而不是一个单一的“HQ2”,因为该公司认为,没有一个大都市地区能够为亚马逊提供对所有经济活动征税所需的所有工人。


Steven Fulop, the mayor of Jersey City, N.J., across the Hudson River from Manhattan, had his own opini*** about the contest. His city entered but wasn’t a finalist.

Amazon “used their brand not to have any social impact,” he said. “They used it to pit one community against the other and everybody fell for it. Us included.”

与此同时,除了纽约州州长、纽约市市长和弗吉尼亚州参议员的一些愉快谈话外,对该协议的热情已经减弱。但正如马克纳·凯利(Makena Kelly)今天指出的那样,纽约的参议员们最初什么也没说:

They’ve released no public statements, and they declined to comment when reached by The Verge. The silence could be a sign that both senators are keeping a low profile as the more moderate and progressive facti*** of the Democratic party face off over the controversial Amazon deal.

Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was one of the lawmakers who voiced their objection to an NYC headquarters, tweeting yesterday that “displacement is not community development. Investing in luxury condos is not the same thing as investing in people and families. Shuffling working class people out of a community does not improve their quality of life.”

然而,当天晚些时候,参议员基尔斯滕·吉利布兰德(Kirsten Gillibrand)发表了一份声明,表达了她的蔑视:“历史上最富有的公司之一不应该在太多纽约家庭难以维持生计的情况下接受纳税人的财政援助。”

但是,嘿,这5万名亚马逊新员工最终会离开并创办自己的公司吗?他们会把地区办事处1和2变成繁荣的技术中心吗?Dan Primack报道说,他们在西雅图没有这样做:





Facebook发布了对美国参议员今年早些时候向该公司提出的问题的书面回复。莎拉·弗里尔(Sarah Frier)报道说,有很多偏离和逃避,但该公司对中国的回报有这样的说法:

“In keeping with these commitments, rigorous human rights due diligence and careful c***ideration of free expression and privacy implicati*** would c***titute important components of any decision on entering China,” the company told U.S. senators. “Facebook has been blocked in China since 2009, and no decisi*** have been made around the conditi*** under which any possible future service might be offered in China.“


查理·沃泽尔(Charlie Warzel)问推特,他们将如何处理总统在推特上毫无根据地宣称选民欺诈的问题。推特说他们会在新的一年里回复我们所有人。


加拿大**机构多伦多滨水区和Alphabet Inc.旗下的人行道实验室计划开发12英亩的多伦多滨水区。Ava Kofman报告说,谷歌的保密性正在使社区反对该项目:

From the start, activists, technology researchers, and some government officials have been skeptical about the idea of putting Google, or one of its sister companies, in charge of a city. Their suspici*** about turning part of Toronto into a corporate test bed were triggered, at first, by the company’s history of unethical corporate practices and surreptitious data collection. They have since been borne out by Quayside’s secret and undemocratic development process, which has been plagued by a lack of public input — what one critic has called “a colonizing experiment in surveillance capitali** attempting to bulldoze important urban, civic and political issues.” In recent months, a series of prominent resignati*** from advisory board members, along with organized resistance from concerned residents, have added to the growing public backlash against the project.




电子烟**商Juul是这一代最大的消费科技公司之一,它在社交媒体上蓬勃发展,青少年在社交媒体上分享无尽的迷因和吹牛视频。Rachel Becker报道,为了避免进一步的监管,该公司正在删除其Facebook和Instagram账户。

As for video, “YouTube will only be used for posting testimonials of former ***** **okers who have switched to the JUUL system, in part to support online content on JUUL.com.” To keep users from posting their own DIY Juul ads, the company says it will rely on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat to ban posts that make **oking or vaping look appealing.



PayPal转而阻止BitSleet,这是一个YouTube克隆,深受右翼博客和阴谋论者的欢迎。当朱莉娅·亚历山大(Julia Alexander)在3月份写这篇文章时,头版充斥着关于唐纳德·特朗普、希拉里·克林顿和比萨盖特的视频。目前还不清楚最后一根稻草是什么。



Facebook Lasso应用程序负责人Brady Voss在发布后立即前往Netflix

当你最近一次谋杀的克隆人头目跳到更绿的牧场时,这从来不是一个好兆头。Josh Contine报告说,运行可能成为TikTok**的Lasso的人已经前往Netflix,并且Lasso的起步很慢。

Kevin Systrom:社交媒体需要监管



泰勒·洛伦兹(Taylor Lorenz)写到Instagram明星们赚钱的不太可能的方式:Lightoom预设。令人惊讶的是,一些基本上已经失宠的东西——Instagram过滤器不知何故,它已经变成了大生意。

Presets are custom filters applied using Adobe Lightroom, a photo-editing tool. Influencers run all their photos through a specific preset in order to cultivate a specific aesthetic and make their feed look cohesive. Influencers have relied on Lightroom for years, but it wasn’t until June of this year that Adobe finally introduced the ability to create and share presets entirely on mobile, and a preset boom was born.

Maddy Corbin, who lives in Indianapolis and has nearly 30,000 followers on Instagram, spent months in Lightroom, “playing around, figuring out what kind of aesthetic I had and what colors best represented my brand,” she said. She eventually landed on a pastel-pink look that her peers were happy to pay for. Now her followers share their own photos, washed in Corbin’s exact shade of pink, using Corbin’s preset under the hashtag #MADDYCORBINPRESETS. The tagged photos all look like an extension of Corbin’s feed.


Snap因其首次公开募股而面临股东诉讼,Alison Frankel报告称,**已要求提供更多信息,该公司认为这是为了确定其是否充分披露了Instagram的竞争情况(我个人的看法是,Snap在其S1业务面临的诸多严峻挑战方面非常透明!)


Tinder备受尊敬的首席产品官布赖恩·诺加德(Brian Norgard)正在重返投资领域并开始创业。Tinder不受关注,但它始终是最聪明、最具前瞻性的社交应用之一。诺加德写了一篇关于离开的中篇文章。



We each asked Facebook for copies of our web-browsing data, as well as any data the company acquired about us from data brokers or other services. We made similar requests of Twitter and LinkedIn, which can also collect details about users’ activities on other sites as well as personal details from third parties like employers or advertisers.

None provided us with copies of that raw information.

Tim Wu谈到竞争法如何阻止大型科技公司

Brian Feldman要求Tim Wu对Facebook提出一个简洁的理由:

WU: That the acquisiti*** of Instagram and WhatsApp were illegal at the time and should be undone. I think it would put more checks on their power. I also think that the tech-lash going on is its own power. Ultimately, when there’s unaccountable power in the United States, there’s a c***titutional revulsion. Whoever leads the case to break up Facebook will have the political winds and the public at his back. The case against Facebook is easy.





亚马逊的HQ2特技完成了罕见的壮举,将国会最自由的民主党人之一和保守的《国家评论》联合起来。Veronique de Rugy写道:

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Ocasio-Cortez is mostly correct on this matter, and her c***ervative critics are wrong. Handouts like this to Amazon and other prominent companies are appalling in their cronyi**, pure and simple. I agree that she doesn’t understand economics and that her socialist ideal is a recipe for fiscal and economic disaster. But her c***ervative critics reveal their own economic misunderstanding when they support targeted tax breaks as a means of creating jobs.


丹尼·克莱顿(Danny Crichton)在这里代表获得数十亿美元税收优惠的大公司发言,以做他们本来打算做的事情:

Amazon’s process hopefully woke up a number of slumbering city governments to the reality that their hometowns are not relatively as attractive as other cities.





That “Message” button is now coming to Google Maps for Android and iOS, along with an inbox view for your conversati***. Shops and restaurants that have a Business Profile with Google will sport a new “Message” button in their listing, alongside the usual call shortcut. It coincides with a broader launch of the messaging feature to additional countries.



请向我发送有关如何提升Facebook士气的提示、评论、问题和建议:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-26 14:48
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...名的案例可能是海军陆战队联合会(Marine United)的私人Facebook页面,数百名海军陆战队士兵分享了他们同事的亲密照片。你可以争辩说那些分享照片的人受到了惩罚。事实是,有许多社区和网站允许分享这种非自愿的性材料。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 20:23
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Facebook正在推出一套新的工具,旨在帮助阻止人们在社交网络上分享复仇色情。复仇色情是一个日益严重的问题,人们分享前伴侣的亲密照片。因此,我们能做的越多越好。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-15 02:54
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... 像Facebook和MySpace这样的应用程序最初的卖点是为你提供一种方式,让你了解别人的生活。这可以说仍是当今社交媒体的主要优势。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-19 04:29
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... 如何在facebook上过滤意见 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-26 09:50
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...了很好的记录,但是社交媒体可以帮助你的心理健康。而Facebook做的比大多数人都多。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-30 05:14
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印度的ET现在报道说,Facebook印度政策主管安基·达斯(Ankhi Das)已经辞职,此前数月来自活动人士的压力不断升级。Facebook在一份声明中表示,Das将离开公司从事公共服务。 Facebook印度区董事总经理阿吉特·莫汉(Ajit ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 17:21
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一个民权组织联盟呼吁,面对印度日益严重的教派冲突,Facebook在印度的公共政策主管安基·达斯(Ankhi Das)下台。这41个组织周三发出一封***,表示反对马克扎克伯格(markzuckerberg),理由是Facebook在该国引发暴力的可能性不断...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 20:39
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facebook ipo:诉讼和指控掩盖了更大的问题

Facebook的IPO不幸与许多父亲一样。周三有消息称,公司、承销商和首席执行官在上市不到一周后就被自己的投资者起诉,这只是一连串坏消息中的最新消息。在马萨诸塞州,州调查人员已传唤主承销商摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)...

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 09:48
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...源。排名前十位的域名占请求总数的9%。最常见的网站是Facebook和Profile Engine,这是一个搜索Facebook个人信息的搜索引擎,这两个网站在去年的榜单上也名列前茅。总的来说,最受欢迎的目标是“人肉搜索”网站(如Profile Engine或19...

  • 发布于 2021-05-02 13:52
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  • 发布于 2021-05-07 02:57
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