


“探索性”这个词让人联想到发展的最早阶段——征服者站在新大陆的海岸,粗略地观察它的形状和特征。但根据周四截获的王牌蜻蜓编年史作家瑞安·加拉赫(Ryan Gallagher)的报告,在项目消息泄露时,谷歌的探索已经进入了开发的最后阶段。


Yonatan Zunger, then a 14-year veteran of Google and one of the leading engineers at the company, was among a **all group who had been asked to work on Dragonfly. He was present at some of the early meetings and said he pointed out to executives managing the project that Chinese people could be at risk of interrogation or detention if they were found to have used Google to seek out information banned by the government.

Scott Beaumont, Google’s head of operati*** in China and one of the key architects of Dragonfly, did not view Zunger’s concerns as significant enough to merit a change of course, according to four people who worked on the project. Beaumont and other executives then shut out members of the company’s security and privacy team from key meetings about the search engine, the four people said, and tried to sideline a privacy review of the plan that sought to address potential human rights abuses.



谷歌表示“隐私审查是不可谈判的,我们从不缩短审查过程。”但现任和前任谷歌人对加拉赫报告中的披露感到愤怒。曾参与谷歌2006年进军中国相关项目的布兰登·唐尼(Brandon Downey)称周四的报道是“蜻蜓故事中最扣人心弦的”。唐尼说,该报道暗示谷歌首席执行官桑德尔·皮猜(Sundar Pichai)对公众和员工撒谎(Pichai一再将该项目定性为探索性项目。)

与此同时,直言不讳的内部批评家莉兹·方·琼斯(Liz Fong Jones)可能正在组织**。她曾承诺,如果谷歌不做出重大政策改变,将在2月份退出谷歌。在一条推特帖子中,她要求同事们把钱投入**基金,以帮助支付员工在长期**期间的开支。几小时内,员工们就筹集到了10万美元。

资金的大量涌入既反映了谷歌在本月早些时候成功退出后对自身实力的日益增强的感觉,也反映了他们对蜻蜓计划的蔑视。并不是公司里的每个人都有这种感觉。就在今天出版之前,谷歌的安全和隐私总监希瑟·阿德金斯(Heather Adkins)表示,在蜻蜓的开发过程中,她并没有被排挤在一旁。

但有足够多的员工对此有强烈的感受,他们现在正在公共场合,在推特上为此组织一场劳工行动。这是一个非同寻常的转折。在CNBC,Jillian D'Onfro与另一位撰稿人交谈:

Current employee Irene Knapp, who previously made a public statement criticizing Google’s diversity efforts at Alphabet’s shareholder meeting earlier this year, also contributed to the fund.

“I’m proud to support this fund, it’s a great step forward,” Knapp says. “Everyone participating in labor efforts faces personal risks, and everyone’s risks are different. Those of us in a position to make it easier for others have an obligation to do so.”

什么会引发**?方·琼斯(Fong Jones)建议谷歌必须越过红线——例如,在没有对蜻蜓的隐私影响进行适当审查的情况下在中国推出蜻蜓。”我坚决建议我现在的同事们考虑一下,如果越过红线,一位高管推翻了S&P启动bit,或S&Fong Jones写道,指的是该公司的安全和隐私团队。

我们离那条红线有多远?加拉赫报告说,蜻蜓队曾一度被告知准备在明年1月至4月之间发射。鉴于目前的争议——以及美国与中国正在进行的贸易战——这一时间表几乎肯定已经被推迟。与此同时,孙达•皮猜(Sundar Pichai)作为首席执行官的遗产将面临一个黑暗的新转折。到今天为止,他的内部反对意见是公开的、公开的和有资金的。




Since the company first required news providers to register, Facebook’s Rob Leathern said, it had “built more controls to help prevent politically motivated actors looking to use false news or sensationali** as weap***, and in September, we announced a news indexing process designed to more clearly and c***istently identify pages posting news on Facebook”.


Sara Germano报道,亚马逊正面临一项新的调查,涉及其作为零售商和其他店面店面的地位:

Germany’s antitrust regulator is opening an investigation into AMazon, making it the latest authority in Europe to examine the tech behemoth’s practices amid growing concern that the retailer might be unfairly leveraging its dominant position.

The Federal Cartel Office said Thursday it was examining business practices and terms on Amazon’s German marketplace—a part of the Amazon website that is open to third-party sellers. The probe follows “many complaints” from sellers on the online marketplace, the largest in Germany, according to the watchdog’s president, Andreas Mundt.


Deepa Seetharaman和Kirsten Grind引用公司电子邮件的报道称,Facebook几年前曾考虑向第三方收取访问用户数据的费用。很多人昨天在推特上对此进行了抨击,但我个人的看法是,聪明的公司往往在收入方面考虑一切。


杰米·多华德(Jamie Doward)报道称,Definers丑闻的余波正在蔓延至其其他客户,包括英国保守党:

The C***ervative party is under pressure to reveal details about its relati***hip with the London arm of a US lobbying firm accused of **ear tactics against critics of Facebook.

UK Policy Group, a c***ultancy with close links to the C***ervative party, is part of Definers Public Affairs, the controversial firm ditched by Facebook earlier this month following a New York Times exposé that has further dented the social media network’s image.



“Augmented reality technology will provide troops with more and better information to make decisi***. This new work extends our longstanding, trusted relati***hip with the Department of Defense to this new area,” a Microsoft spoke**an said in an emailed statement.

The U.S. Army and the Israeli military have already used Microsoft’s HoloLens devices in training, but plans for live combat would be a significant step forward.



皮尤研究中心(Pew Research)的最新数据显示,青少年就想告诉你他们喜欢社交媒体应用程序。这是凯蒂·诺托普洛斯:

The vast majority of teens in a new survey believe social media is actually good for them, a Pew Research Center report shows. Seriously: 81% of teens said it makes them feel more connected to friends, 71% said it helps them show their creative side, 69% said it helps them make friends and with a more diverse group of people, and 68% feel like they have people who support them through tough times. (And no, this wasn’t secretly funded by Facebook.)

Much research has focused on social media being a huge waste of time at best, a facilitator of ideological bubbles, and a dangerous, hostile experience for young people at worst. But the 743 teens Pew surveyed say it’s actually, well, good. Millennials were the first to make social media mainstream, but might their Gen Z successors have figured out a better relati***hip with their **artphones?


在本月早些时候宣布的旨在终止性骚扰案件仲裁的谷歌**后,临时工基本上被排除在政策变更之外。Ellen Huet报道,**组织者正试图改变这一点:










Facebook上的一个bug重新出现了一些用户的聊天记录,不管他们试图关闭多少次(作家史蒂文·利维告诉我,我们2016年的聊天一直出现在他面前。对不起,史蒂文Taylor Lorenz考虑了单个永久聊天线程的奇怪之处:

These threads are just as often unnerving. Chat provides an immediate portal into your past in a way that a photo doesn’t. When you look at an old picture, you’re never remembering things the way they really were—you’re projecting your own memory of that event or day. Revisiting the same period through an old chat history is different. Chat records offer concrete evidence of the way things really felt in that moment: the embarrassing slang you used, the plans you made, the idle thoughts you shared with friends. A chat history forces you to confront a version of who you are that you probably forgot about. Part of what made Facebook users affected by the bug so uncomfortable was seeing an old version of themselves pop up without warning.

CNBC采访Snap前首席战略官Imran Khan


KHAN: Yeah, look, I think what-, I think it’s really- have to appreciate what I did during the work was, that’s probably not the right thing to talk about, because of a variety of reas***, but I think if you take a step back, and look at the people who build big businesses, you know, they always really have to believe in long-term, and-, and, you know, if you don’t execute-, primarily in the technology space, the world has changed so fast, if you don’t take a long-term view, and just really manage business, from day to day, and quarter to quarter, you will miss a lot of different things. So, I think, you know, my interacti*** with a lot of great entrepreneurs, you know, they always really focus on long-term, so I think that’s a good thing to do, but also, at the same time, you obviously have to recognize that long-term c***ists of a series of short-terms, but focus-, losing focus on long-term, and who your customers are, is never the right thing to do, so I think all great entrepreneurs should focus on long-term.


安迪·拜奥(Andy Baio)就是其中之一,他将在明年离开YouTube时怀念YouTube上的注释:

YouTube annotati*** were supported for nearly a decade, and a significant number of creators used them to great effect — games, interactive art, education, footnotes, and correcti*** — and removing them fundamentally and irrevocably breaks a core part of YouTube history.

Here’s just a **all piece of what we’ll lose in two months when annotati*** are gone. Watch them while you can.



Julia Alexander报道,YouTube去年晚些时候发布了类似Instagram的故事功能,但该功能现在正在向更多的创作者推广。





Instagram announced today that it’s rolling out new features that will make the app easier to use for people with visual impairments. The changes will allow screen readers to describe photos, either automatically using AI or by reading custom descripti*** added by users.

These descripti***, known as “alt text,” are widely used online and are now being built into Instagram. Users will be able to enter their own photo descripti*** so that people using screen readers — software that describes the elements displayed on a screen — can hear it read aloud as they browse their feed, Explore page, or a profile.



There is one tech behemoth whose workers have stayed oddly quiet, even as it has been pilloried by outsiders for everything from its privacy practices to its effect on democratic electi*** to its role in ethnic violence around the world. Employees of Facebook, possibly Silicon Valley’s most controversial company, held their peace even after a New York Times investigation that showed a pattern of company leaders conniving, dissembling, and kowtowing to c***ervatives as the platform’s problems mounted.

It’s time for Facebook’s workers to speak out. Past time, really. But now would be better than never.



The entities best suited to mitigate the threat of any given emerging tactic will always be the platforms themselves, because they can move fast when so inclined or incentivized. The problem is that many of the mitigation strategies advanced by the platforms are the information integrity version of greenwashing; they’re a kind of digital security theater, the TSA of information warfare. Creating better reporting tools, for example, is not actually a meaningful solution for mitigating literal incitements to genocide. Malignant actors currently have safe harbor in closed communities; they can act with impunity so long as they don’t provoke the crowd into reporting them — they simply have to be **art enough to stay ahead of crowd-driven redressal mechani**s. Meanwhile, technology companies have plausible denial of complicity because they added a new field to the “report abuse” button.

Algorithmic distribution systems will always be co-opted by the best resourced or most technologically capable combatants. Soon, better AI will rewrite the playbook yet again — perhaps the digital equivalent of Blitzkrieg in its potential for capturing new territory. AI-generated audio and video deepfakes will erode trust in what we see with our own eyes, leaving us vulnerable both to faked content and to the discrediting of the actual truth by insinuation. Authenticity debates will commandeer media cycles, pushing us into an infinite loop of perpetually investigating basic facts. Chronic skeptici** and the cognitive DDoS will increase polarization, leading to a c***olidation of trust in distinct sets of right and left-wing authority figures – thought oligarchs speaking to entirely separate groups.


与上述内容半相关:威廉·戴维斯(William Davies)有一篇长篇、深思熟虑的文章,从技术和政治两个角度考虑了对机构和记者信任的下降。他写道,“假新闻”的叫喊只是一个更大问题的症状:

What nobody foresaw was that, when trust sinks beneath a certain point, many people may come to view the entire spectacle of politics and public life as a sham. This happens not because trust in general declines, but because key public figures – notably politicians and journalists – are perceived as untrustworthy. It is those figures specifically tasked with representing society, either as elected representatives or as professional reporters, who have lost credibility.

To understand the crisis liberal democracy faces today – whether we identify this primarily in terms of “populi**” or “post-truth” – it’s not enough to simply bemoan the rising cynici** of the public. We need also to c***ider some of the reas*** why trust has been withdrawn. The infrastructure of fact has been undermined in part by a combination of technology and market forces – but we must seriously reckon with the underlying truth of the populists’ charge against the establishment today. Too often, the rise of insurgent political parties and demagogues is viewed as the source of liberali**’s problems, rather than as a symptom. But by focusing on trust, and the failure of liberal instituti*** to sustain it, we get a clearer sense of why this is happening now.



旧金山公立医院于2015年底更名为陈慧娴和扎克伯格旧金山总医院,之后他们捐赠了7500万美元给其基金会。现在,监管机构阿伦·佩斯金(Aaron Peskin)又以一个空洞的姿态回到新闻中,他最后一次被看到是在实施一项鲁莽的计划,以阻止公司向员工提供午餐(他在为Definers丑闻**噪音。)但是:

The city has moved to rename some public structures before, such as Justin Herman Plaza on the Embarcadero, but removing Zuckerberg’s name from the hospital may trigger a dispute because of a naming agreement Zuckerberg and Chan reached with the hospital, which is owned and operated by the San Francisco Department of Public Health. The agreement, adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2015, says the hospital is to be named the Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center for 50 years. The $75 million gift is believed to be the single largest contribution by private individuals in support of a public hospital in the United States.

Should Peskin continue down this road? Sure, just as soon as the city resolves its ongoing housing crisis, drug crisis, and about 14,000 other issues that city residents would like to see addressed before this one.


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  • 发表于 2021-08-26 19:18
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