


Lawyer holding a document in courtroom


"While we are on about questions of rhetoric, let us put on the record for those being interviewed on television that a leading question is not a hostile one that goes to the nub and puts one on the spot" ("A Word in Your Ear," 1983).


"Subtle leads are questions that may not be immediately recognized as leading questions. Harris (1973) reports studies which demonstrate that the way a question is worded can influence the response. For example, asking somebody how tall a basketball player is produced greater estimates than when respondents were asked how short the player was. The average guess of those who were asked 'how tall?' was 79 inches, as opposed to 69 inches for those who were asked 'how small?' Hargie describes a study by Loftus (1975) which reported similar findings when forty people were asked about headaches. Those who were asked 'Do you get headaches frequently and, if so, how often?' reported an average of 2.2 headaches per week, whereas those who were asked 'Do you get headaches occasionally and, if so, how often?' reported only 0.7 per week. Some interviewers may deliberately use subtle leads to obtain the answers they desire, but often neither the interviewer nor respondent is aware of the extent to which the wording of the question can influence the response." (John Hayes, Interpersonal Skills at Work. Routledge, 2002)


在法庭上,引导性问题是指试图把话放进证人的嘴里,或寻找对方回应发问者的提问。他们没有给证人留下用自己的话讲述故事的空间。作者Adrian Keane和Paul McKeown举例说明:

"Leading questions are usually those so framed as to suggest the answer sought. Thus it would be a leading question if counsel for the prosecution, seeking to establish an assault, were to ask the victim, 'Did X hit you in the face with his fist?' The proper course would be to ask 'Did X do anything to you' and, if the witness then gives evidence of having been hit, to ask the questions 'Where did X hit you' and 'How did X hit you?'" ("The Modern Law of Evidence," 10th ed. Oxford University Press, 2014)



作者Michael Lovaglia解释了销售人员如何使用引导性问题来衡量客户,并以家具店销售人员为例说明:

"Buying a roomful of furniture is a major purchase, a big decision....The salesperson, waiting impatiently, wants to hurry the process along. What can she do? She probably wants to say, 'So buy it already. It's just a sofa.' But that would not help. Instead, she asks a leading question: 'How soon would you need your furniture delivered?' The customer might answer 'Right away' or "Not for a few months, until we move into our new house.' Either answer serves the salesperson's purpose. The question assumes that the customer will need the store's delivery service, though that is true only after the customer buys the furniture. By answering the question, the customer implies that she will go ahead with the purchase. The question helps push her into a decision that she had been uncertain about until she answered it." ("Knowing People: The Personal Use of Social Psychology." Rowman & Littlefield, 2007)

  • 发表于 2021-09-28 16:57
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  • 发布于 2021-05-21 05:05
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修辞(the rhetoric)和辩证法(dialectic)的区别


  • 发布于 2021-06-24 19:01
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...针对一群人。说服通常是个人之间的一种互动,也可能是作为说服者的个人与听众之间或群体之间的互动。 对双方的利益 在宣传中,受影响的人或群体的思想和行为的改变通常只对宣传者有利,很少对接受者有利。在劝说中,...

  • 发布于 2021-06-26 12:36
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...不仅仅是在童年时期。 操纵也会让人感到被迫。在这个问题上,涉及到一定程度的胁迫。当最初的逻辑论证失败时,讨论可能会变成针对个人的。**纵的人**到一个地方,他们觉得没有别的办法,只能采取操纵者提出的选择。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-07-03 04:12
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...句子中经常使用这种形式。例如:“他们在看哪部电影的问题上争论不休。”在争论的过程中,没有必要做出决定。什么是辩论(the debate)?“辩论”这个词也是所有标准英语词典都认可和定义的名词。虽然这个词只有一个意思,...

  • 发布于 2021-07-10 14:16
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  • 发布于 2021-07-11 20:44
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什么是反问句?定义和例子(a rhetorical question? definition and examples)

...一位朋友在炎热的夏日问你。 你觉得有必要回答这个问题吗?可能不会。那是因为你的朋友问了你一个修辞问题:一个要求效果或强调的问题,不需要回答。在这种情况下,你朋友的问题只是为了强调热量的强度。 反问句...

  • 发布于 2021-09-02 15:51
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  • 发布于 2021-09-09 16:57
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...观众。“太空堡垒卡拉狄加”中的角色每次在飞船上出了问题时都会喊出“该死的烤面包机”,问题中的烤面包机是人形赛昂人,其目标是摧毁飞船上剩余的人类。 当《星际迷航》的船长詹姆斯·柯克向空中挥舞拳头,对着缺...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 10:43
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什么是修辞手段?定义、清单、例子(a rhetorical device? definition, list, examples)

...三,它有助于听者跟踪说话者的观点。 垂体是一种提出问题然后立即给出答案的技巧。你知道为什么垂体是有用的吗?它很有用,因为它激发了听众的兴趣,并在演讲中创造了一个清晰的过渡点。 “远征”就是列出一系列可能...

  • 发布于 2021-09-25 05:07
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