
Illustration for article titled How to Improve Your Home Cooking with the Power of Science




為了幫助我們,我們和J。《嚴肅飲食》的首席創意官、《食品實驗室》的作者Kenji Lopez Alt和《美國測試廚房》的編輯總監Jack Bishop。兩位先生都是在廚房裡用科學**美味食物的專家,所以你在“實驗室”的時候會過得更好。正如傑克·畢曉普所說,“烹飪是化學和物理的結合,除了你可以吃你的實驗室工作。”


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Illustration for article titled How to Improve Your Home Cooking with the Power of Science

如果你知道如何遵循指示,你就可以遵循食譜。關鍵是要註意,學會解釋和理解測量,並確保你有幫助你成功的基本工具:量杯或勺子、計時器、溫度計和廚房磅秤(當你準備好了,你可以新增一些有用的升級)。健二強調(我們也同意)你的廚房投資之一應該是一個好的溫度計。不過,這可能會讓你付出代價。Sweethome是Wirecutter朋友的一個衍生網站,它剛剛挑選了他們最喜歡的即時讀數溫度計,CDN DTQ450X ProAccurate快速讀數溫度計。我偏愛阿爾頓·布朗推廣的經典Thermoworks Thermapen,如果你願意多花一點錢的話,Sweethome也會建議你這樣做。







不管怎樣,傑克解釋說你不太可能在一個250度的烤箱裡烤過頭° 烤箱比450° 一個。350°F、 例如,通常被稱為“通用”烘烤溫度,這是有原因的。大多數常見的菜餚都可以在這個溫度下在合理的時間內烹調。他還解釋說,在較冷的烤箱裡(或在較冷的烤架上),你的菜從外面到裡面的溫差較低,因此你有一個更大的實驗視窗,而不會破壞你的菜。很多人討厭烹飪,除了在高溫下烹飪之外,沒有別的原因會毀掉菜餚,所以不要猶豫,把溫度調低一點。




Illustration for article titled How to Improve Your Home Cooking with the Power of Science

J。Kenji Lopez Alt為希望用科學方法改進烹飪的有抱負的廚師/實驗室技術人員分享了這一課:

我認為《Mythbusters》的亞當·薩維奇(Adam Savage)說得最好,我正在轉述,但他說了一些類似於“胡鬧和科學的區別在於,你要把科學寫下來。”我非常喜歡這句話,因為它說明瞭科學的重要之處:精確性和可重覆性。我給那些想知道自己在廚房做什麼的廚師們的建議是,開始註意細節。寫下你正在做的事情,做筆記,複習筆記,如果有什麼地方出了問題,試著找出是哪一步或是哪一種成分導致了錯誤,這樣你就可以從錯誤中吸取教訓。



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  • Master the reverse sear. We've mentioned the reverse sear in the past, but both Kemji and Jack recommended it without knowing the other would. Cooks Illustrated and The Food Lab have both rigorously tested the process, and both with the same result. Kenji explains:

    For cooking meats, the reverse-sear is pretty much my standard for any kind of searing or roasting, no matter the type of meat. It's a technique I developed for cooking steaks while I worked at Cook's Illustrated, but it has applicati*** in all kinds of cooking. Basically, traditional recipes will tell you to sear your meat first - say, by starting a prime rib in a blazing hot oven - then finish it off low and slow. This is a technique based on the false idea that searing somehow seals in juices or locks in flavor. In fact, through some very rigorous testing I found that the exact opposite is the case: you lose more juices by searing first than you do by searing at the end. When cooking a prime rib, I'll start it off as low and slow as possible - 6 to 8 hours in a 175°F oven, if possible. Once the meat has hit the desired final temperature (130°F for medium rare), I'll remove it from the oven, pump up the heat, and blast it to crisp and brown the surface just before serving. You get juicier, more evenly cooked meat with a better crust and the added advantage that the meat doesn't need to rest, as there is no temperature gradient inside.

    The reverse sear is a great way to reheat steaks without drying them out too.

    Don't forget the salt. You may already know how important salt is in frying or searing, but even if you're marinating, don't skip the salt. Jack explains that it's salt that actually makes meat more tender and contributes to your meat taking on the flavor of your marinade. Acidic ingredients like vinegar, lemon juice, or that bottle of Italian salad dressing, he notes, just break down the outermost layer of tissue on your meat via enzymatic reaction and makes it gross and mushy.

    Melt your butter for chewy cookies. If you're baking cookies and want chewy instead of crispy, the key is to melt your butter first. Jack explains:

    Butter is about 18% water and if you melt the butter that water will mix with the proteins in the flour to form gluten—the stuff that makes bread (or cookies) chewy.

    Many recipes suggest you "cream" your butter, or beaten at a slow speed until it becomes **ooth and frosting-like before you add sugar or other ingredients. That's fine if you want crisp cookies, but who doesn't like a soft, chewy chocolate chip cookie?

  • Bloom ground spices in hot oil to open up their flavor. Jack explained that most spices contain a wealth of fat soluble flavor that's all locked up inside. Most of us tend to add spices to water-soluble liquids and stir them up long after sauteeing oni*** or garlic, but Jack suggests we start with them instead:

    Don't add spices to a pot of chili after the liquid has been added. Instead, add the chili powder, cumin, ground coriander, etc, to the pot with the oni***. Spices contain a lot of fat-soluble flavor compounds and cooking them in vegetable oil (rather than water-based ingredients) brings out their full flavor.

    This goes double for older ground spices—normally we would suggest ditching spices past their prime, and Alton Brown explains in this episode of Good Eats that your spices are best bought whole and grated on demand. We couldn't agree more, but if you do have ground spices in your pantry (like most of us do), this is a great way to extract every last bit of flavor from them.

    Tame tricky emulsi*** with a dab of mayo. Emulsi*** are a beautiful example of chemistry at work in the kitchen. An emulsion is a combination of oil-based ingredients and water-based ingredients, like a mixture of oil and vinegar in a vinaigrette, or water and butter fat in butter. Salad dressings, Hollandaise sauce, and even the crema on top of your morning espresso are all examples of emulsi***, and getting them to cooperate can be tricky. Jack suggests the secret to making your emulsi*** more stable—that is, so they don't immediately separate into their water and oil parts as soon as you stop whisking, stirring, or shaking—is to add a dab of mayonnaise. Since mayo itself is an emulsion that's been stabilized by the lecithin in egg yolks (or by an artificial stabilizer, depending on the mayo you buy), adding a dab will lend its properties to your salad dressing or sauce. I've done this before and it works like a charm.

    Reach for cocoa power when you need serious chocolatey flavor. If you're baking and want to amp up the chocolate flavor in your cookies and cakes, you could always try and grate some chocolate into your dish or melt a little to go into it, but it's generally a bad idea. You'll introduce a ton of liquid and fat you may not intend when what you really wanted was flavor. Jack offers this tip instead:

    Ounce for ounce, cocoa powder has more flavor than other forms of chocolate. That's because it's 100% chocolate, with a high proportion of the tasteless cocoa butter removed. What's left behind? The cocoa solids that provide all the flavor we associate with chocolate. An ounce of cocoa powder has the same flavor impact as 1.6 ounces of unsweetened chocolate or 3.8 ounces of bittersweet chocolate. Cocoa powder is the secret source of intense chocolate flavor in many of our cakes and cookies.

    Keep an "umami bomb" at the ready for emergency savory injecti***. I love savory foods. It's a bit of a weakness. When both Kenji and Jack both suggested some quick ways to add savory flavor to virtually any dish, I perked up. Jack recommends the humble anchovy—which may make you turn up your nose—as a pantry staple. He adds them to beef stews, chili, and braises. A little bit will go a long way (even anchovy paste will work) and seriously amp up the meaty flavor of your dish without adding fishiness. Kenji's three "umami bombs" also feature anchovies, but he also keeps marmite and soy sauce at the ready for everything from marinades, salad dressings, soups, and even meatloaf. All three add incredible savory flavor to whatever you're making without imparting their own to the dish.

  • 試著煮湯。也許廚房裡最重要的科學例子就是sousvide烹飪法。即使在幾年前,你很難在你附近的廚房裡找到一個熱浸沒迴圈器,但現在它們幾乎無處不在。另外,商用的水烤箱越來越便宜,而且正在進入像你我這樣的人正在試驗烹飪方法的家庭。如果你對它感興趣,我們的初級讀物包括烹飪,以及如何在預算內完成。別擔心,即使你沒有水烤箱,你也可以開始。我以健二為例,用了一個冷卻器,但你甚至可以用你的廚房水槽。

我還向現代主義烹飪的團隊簡要介紹了他們的新書《家中的現代主義烹飪》,該書旨在將那些更具冒險精神和實驗性的技術帶到家庭廚房。你可能已經在這裡看到了他們的一些技巧,或者在周星馳的MDRN KTCHN影片系列中看到了,該系列由現代主義烹飪應用研究總監Scott Heimendinger主持。如果你正在尋找簡單、實用的方法來為你的烹飪遊戲新增一點科學知識,那麼它們值得一看。



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  • 庫克畫報:科學的好烹飪,由編輯的美國測試廚房和蓋克羅斯比博士
  • 關於食物和烹飪,哈羅德·麥基著
  • 作為實驗室的廚房:關於食物和烹飪科學的思考,Cé薩維加,約伯烏賓克,埃裡克範德林登
  • 現代主義烹飪:藝術和科學的烹飪內森邁爾沃德,克裡斯楊,和馬克西姆比萊,現代主義烹飪在家由內森邁爾沃德和馬克西姆比萊
  • 我是來給你的廚房準備食物和裝備的




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