





但现在我们有了。今天,TechCrunch发布了一封来自谷歌员工的信,他们持相反的立场。据Jon Russell和Taylor Hatmaker报道,迄今已有500多人签署了该协议。信中部分内容如下:

Dragonfly still faces many difficulties and uncertainties, which can only be resolved by continuing efforts. The regulation requirements set by the Chinese government (like censorship) makes Dragonfly a challenging project. If we are not careful enough, the project can end up doing more harm than good. In any case, only with continuing efforts on Dragonfly can we learn how different approaches may work out in China, and find out if there is a way that is good for both the Chinese users and Google. Even if we fail, the findings can still be useful for bringing other services to China.



8月份,我想知道Sundar Pichai对这个问题有何感想——以及对扰乱公司的内部冲突有何感想。从那以后,他一直在支持蜻蜓。而现在他做到了,这场冲突变得更加明显。


For Pichai, the hearing threatens to be a long wide-ranging review of Google’s business practices at a perilous political moment for the tech giant. Its closest peers, Facebook and Twitter, previously dispatched their top executives to address lawmakers’ questi*** — a session in the Senate in September that Pichai and Larry Page, the leader of Google parent Alphabet, opted at the time to skip. That decision left Democrats and Republicans around the Capitol frustrated and spoiling for a fight.

Since then, Google has faced immense critici** for its handling of a bug that may have exposed the personal data of hundreds of thousands of its users on Google+, its social network. The company discovered the incident in March but only revealed it in October.




周二下午,参议员们问联邦贸易委员会主席,该委员会对Facebook的调查进展如何。David McCabe报道,主席乔·西蒙斯(Joe Sim***)不愿透露。粗鲁!

Blumenthal wasn’t satisfied with Sim***’ answers, though it is fairly standard for the FTC to disclose little about ongoing investigati***. The lawmaker said people “need to know when you will have some results” because “continuing violati*** clearly show” the issues with Facebook are not isolated cases.


前联邦贸易委员会首席技术专家Ashkan Soltani在国际议员委员会面前就Facebook上的错误信息作证。他声称,Facebook代表早些时候关于Facebook如何允许第三方开发者访问用户数据的声明具有误导性。


Daniel Funke与Tow Center for Digital Journali**数字取证计划主任乔纳森·奥尔布赖特(Jonathan Albright)谈了他最近对错误信息的深入分析。关键的发现是:社交网络中的错误信息依然盛行。

Hundreds of different political groups with thousands of members produce c***piracy theories and misinformation, which then spread to more public parts of the platform. Moderators encourage others to screenshot false memes and photos so that they can avoid Facebook’s automated detection systems. And the company has been inc***istent in its enforcement of rules against accounts that violate its Community Standards, Albright found.

Another **all finding: One of the pages Facebook took down last month had more engagement over the past five years than The New York Times, The Washington Post and Breitbart combined.


肖恩·戴维斯(Sean Davis)报道说,至少有一名众议院工作人员可能会追查多尔西,因为他证明推特的政策在政治上是中立的(共和党人认为禁止变性人“政治化”的政策是可行的。


克林特·芬利(Klint Finley)报告说,Etsy和Tumblr将鼓励他们的用户在12月10日国会恢复网络中立性保护的最后期限之前致电立法者,但科技巨头大多都在袖手旁观。

Thursday’s day of action appears to be drawing significantly less support than earlier, similar acti***. In 2014, in an effort to encourage the FCC to pass strong net neutrality rules, Netflix and many other sites joined a day of digital protest by displaying graphics on their sites warning users that internet speeds might slow without net neutrality protecti***. As part of another day of action last year aimed at stopping the FCC from throwing out the Obama-era rules, Mark Zuckerberg posted a statement on Facebook pointing to the effort’s website, Google posted a statement to its public policy blog, and Amazon joined hundreds of sites in displaying pro-net neutrality graphics. But earlier this year, when activists pressured the Senate to restore the FCC protecti***, many of the larger sites were absent from the public debate.

硅谷众议员罗·坎纳(Ro Khanna)在Vergecast上谈论技术监管问题

在Vergecast节目中,Nilay Patel和Makena Kelly与众议员Ro Khanna(加州民主党)就国会计划在新的一年里监管科技平台进行了交谈。卡纳是2019年值得关注的人物之一:

Khanna, who represents the California district that houses the Apple and Google campuses, was tasked with developing a set of principles these companies should abide by when it comes to issues like privacy, net neutrality, and anti-competitive behavior. He made the rounds, c***ulting with think tanks, the creator of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, and the tech companies themselves. From those discussi***, Khanna was able to put forth a framework of 10 rights US citizens should have when they’re on the internet.



Drew Harwell报道了Predictim,这家初创公司“分析保姆的在线历史,包括在Facebook和Twitter上的历史,并提供他们是否有吸毒、欺凌或“不良态度”风险的评级。”Facebook和Twitter发现这一切对他们的口味来说有点反乌托邦,并正在取消API访问。



Steemit said the move is a result of the weakness of the cryptocurrency market. Recently, the fiat returns on the automated selling of its native cryptocurrency STEEM diminished, while the costs of running full Steem nodes increased. Steemit will now focus their efforts on reducing operating costs of the product.



Noah wouldn’t tell me exactly what he brings in every month from social-media promotion, but deals such as the ones he does can quickly add up. “For a repost, depending on how long they want it up, it can go from $70 to $200,” he said. He charges $80 for an Instagram Stories swipe-up or a standard Twitter retweet, $100 to $150 for a quote tweet, and $150 for a tweet or a post to his Instagram feed. But everything is negotiable based on time: A post that’s live for only three hours will be much cheaper than one left up for 48 hours. He currently has 33,000 followers on Instagram and more than 80,000 on Twitter.





YouTube Red,现在被称为Premium,包含了各种原创内容,这些内容(1)通常是无法获得的,至少对于那些没有沉浸在PewDiePie传说中长大的人来说是如此;以及(2)没有对订阅收入产生太大影响,这正是其最初的目的。托德·斯潘格勒(Todd Spangler)报告说,谷歌正在巧妙地改变这一方向,并将在广告的支持下,让所有人都能看到像《空手道小子》这样的原创剧集。(每次我谈到YouTube Premium,我都觉得有必要说,付费从YouTube上删除广告是我感觉最好的订阅方式之一——我现在更多地使用这种服务方式;对用户体验的好处是巨大的。)


Adi Robertson报道,Twitter可恶的内容政策现在明确禁止性别歧视或“死定”变性人,以及其他骚扰和虐待手段。该公司表示,这在其仇恨言论政策中是隐含的,但与许多推特政策一样,这一政策的实施也不稳定。




Jessi Hempel说,现在是时候让一位有权势的**领导人可以搞定一家以**为主的公司了:

Sure, Sandberg now needs to be held accountable for the role she played in Facebook’s current mess. And then, we need to retrieve the fix-it shero status from Sandberg and all the other badass female COOs working in tech. Instead, we must demand that tech’s most promising companies — no longer dorm room startups but, in fact, more valuable than many of the industry stalwarts that helm the Fortune 500 — be run the old-fashioned way. They’d do well to employ CEOs, regardless of founder status, who are accountable to boards of directors able to direct them and even to fire them, instead of having to manage around them.



That’s why the most important lesson I’ve gleaned in writing this column is this: Just slow down. Don’t jump on the newest thing. If it isn’t plagued with bugs or security nightmares, some other unexpected, emergent risk probably lies within it — and whatever its short-term benefits, you may live to regret it.



The damage done by Fox News goes well beyond triggering the libs. In the lead-up to the November electi***, Fox referred to a looming “invasion” by Central American migrants over 60 times, making it a centerpiece of national news coverage. It whipped up the c***piracy theory that Democratic donors like George Soros are working to undermine America by flooding it with migrants and refugees. That vicious lie — as false and malevolent as anything pushed on Facebook by Russian propagandists in 2016 — appears to have directly inspired the massacre of Jewish worshipers at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pitt**urgh last month.

That was a particularly violent manifestation of the hatred and resentment Fox News has spread among milli*** of Americans, but have no doubt: This company is more resp***ible for the nationwide climate of xenophobia that enabled Trump’s presidency than any other single actor.





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  • 发表于 2021-08-26 19:00
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  • 分类:互联网


组间(intergroup)和集团内部冲突(intragroup conflict)的区别

...是公司绩效的重要输入,不能一直被视为一个问题。在将员工划分为特定团队或部门的工作场所,团队内部冲突最为常见。一个研发团队的成员在讨论推出新产品的最佳方式时,会发生内部冲突。 有两种类型的组内冲突。一是...

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...阻止我们。但事情不是这样的。LinkedIn不会通知公司新的员工资料。 我们没有盗取任何人的身份,甚至没有用真照片做我们的假资料。看到约翰的照片了吗?那不是真人的照片。相反,图像来自ispersondoesnotexist.com. 简单地说,这...

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...通和餐厅菜单应用程序。目前尚不清楚这直接影响了多少员工。 苹果的行动并没有阻止应用商店上的任何Facebook应用,包括Facebook、Messenger和WhatsApp。此后,Facebook关闭了iOS上的Facebook Research,但在Android上仍有类似的应用。 大约...

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...部工作。” 谷歌表示,其安全系统会自动锁定公司员工的账户,“当他们检测到由于凭证问题,或者涉及敏感数据处理的自动规则被触发时,账户有被泄露的风险。” “我们今天早些时候向员工解释了这一点,”谷歌说,...

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gmail、youtube、google docs和其他google服务遭遇大规模宕机

...能家居小工具遇到了问题。例如,我们验证了Nest Hub智能显示器无法控制连接的智能加热器。 依赖谷歌后端服务的第三方应用和服务,比如Pokémongo,也受到了问题的冲击。 然而,尽管中断影响了众多谷歌服务,其核心搜索产品...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 02:43
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...引发道德、声誉、监管或法律问题,”该政策写道。三名员工告诉路透社,这项规定始于今年6月。 路透社称,该公司还多次要求员工“不要将其技术置于负面影响之下”。 据路透社报道,在YouTube等平台上,从事推荐人工智能...

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 但谷歌视频总监詹妮弗·费金(Jennifer Feikin)有一个不同的想法:谷歌应该收购YouTube。(根据本周披...

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谷歌前人权负责人说他‘旁观者’ 过度审查的中文搜索引擎

...题也扩展到了公司内部更广泛的文化。他说,在一次全体员工大会上,他在公司的老板曾建议亚裔员工“不喜欢问问题” 在一个公司“多样性锻炼”中,他说,员工被要求根据身份进行分类,并被要求写下刻板印象。他说,他...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 10:42
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据报道,谷歌和三星再次发生争执。信息显示,谷歌首席执行官拉里•佩奇(Larry Page)对三星推出Tizen作为其选定的智能手表平台感到不满。显然,加入LG参与Android Wear的零售发布还不足以让佩奇满意。报道描述了谷歌领导人和...

  • 发布于 2021-04-26 22:15
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...关系,在公众与当局意见分歧后,谷歌在2010年完全撤回了谷歌搜索,但最近又计划在中国开设一家专门的应用程序商店。Skype还因运营Tom Skype而招致批评,Tom Skype是其服务的一个完全相同的**友好版本,尽管该服务近年来发生了...

  • 发布于 2021-05-01 07:17
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