






冲突可以是“真实的”和“虚假的”。没有人质疑科文顿天主教冲突确实发生的事实。但同样正确的是,推特原始病毒视频的账户似乎使用了一个虚假身份,并且很可能被来历不明的机器人网络放大。Donie O'Sullivan在CNN报道:

The account claimed to belong to a California schoolteacher. Its profile photo was not of a schoolteacher, but of a blogger based in Brazil, CNN Business found. Twitter suspended the account soon after CNN Business asked about it.

On Tuesday, a source familiar with Twitter’s investigation into the account said the company’s initial findings suggest that the account was run from the United States. The source cautioned, however, that determining which country a Twitter account is actually run from can be very difficult.


你不必在第一天就开始拍摄。科文顿冲突的循环大致是这样的:首先,更倾向自由主义的人在推特上链接到原始视频,**高中生的侵略行为。后来,保守派在推特上发布了与其他视频的链接,声称这对学生来说并不像看上去那么糟糕——这促使一些媒体成员收回了他们最初的愤怒。这引发了新一轮对媒体的大喊大叫,因为他们被不诚实的演员吓得闭口不言(劳拉·瓦格纳(Laura Wagner)的作品在后一个阵营中,非常好。)


是的,一切都是游戏机。2014年,凯尔·瓦格纳(Kyle Wagner)写了一篇短文,讲述了Gamergate的教训——一场以媒体批评的语言掩盖的针对**记者的定向骚扰运动——如何预测我们当前的大部分时刻。他写道:

There is a reason why, in all the Gamergate rhetoric, you hear the echoes of every other social war staged in the last 30 years: overly politically correct, social-justice warriors, the media elite, gamers are not a monolith. There is also a reason why so much of the rhetoric amounts to a vigorous argument that Being a gamer doesn’t mean you’re sexist, racist, and stupid—a claim no one is making. Co-opting the language and posture of grievance is how members of a privileged class express their belief that the way they live shouldn’t have to change, that their opponents are hypocrites and perhaps even the real oppressors. This is how you get St. Louisans sincerely explaining that Ferguson protestors are the real racists, and how you end up with an organized group of precisely the same video game enthusiasts to whom an entire industry is catering honestly believing that they’re an oppressed minority. From this kind of ideological fortification, you can stage absolutely whatever campaigns you deem necessary.

你可以从保守派对科文顿录像带的反应中看到这种反应,它基本上是这样说的:这些孩子只是在行使他们的第一修正案权利,而这里的真正问题是不宽容的左翼和主流媒体已经开始妖魔化他们,冷却他们的****权利。他们还抱怨说,美国土著长者内森·菲利普斯(Nathan Phillips)一开始是朝青少年走去的,而不是像一些人最初报道的那样被他们找到。这是科文顿青少年在《今日秀》节目中获得同情观众的基本机制,也可能邀请他们入主白宫。如果你是一个新闻消费者,当你在每次重大冲突中看到这本剧本时,了解它是很有帮助的。如果你是一名新闻**人,了解这一点很有帮助,这样你就不会被玩弄了。





托尼·罗姆(Tony Romm)报告称,谷歌因违**DPR而对一家科技公司处以第一笔巨额罚款,这是谷歌因违反数据隐私而受到的打击:

France’s top data-privacy agency, known as the CNIL, said Monday that Google failed to fully disclose to users how their personal information is collected and what happens to it. Google also did not properly obtain users’ c***ent for the purpose of showing them personalized ads, the watchdog agency said.

To French regulators, Google’s business practices ran afoul of Europe’s new General Data Protection Regulation. Implemented in 2018, the sweeping privacy rules, commonly referred to as GDPR, have set a global standard that has forced Google and its tech peers in Silicon Valley to rethink their data-collection practices or risk sky-high fines. The United States lacks a similar, overarching federal c***umer privacy law, a deficiency in the eyes of privacy rights advocates that has elevated Europe as the world’s de facto privacy cop.


我曾说过,消息传递应用程序应该具备端到端加密或病毒共享机制,但不能两者兼而有之。因此,Facebook决定在全球范围内限制消息转发——旨在减少仇恨言论和错误信息的传播——是一个非常好的消息。Saritha Rai报道:

“Starting today, WhatsApp will be implementing this change globally,“ a spokeswoman said in a statement Monday. “This will continue help keep WhatsApp focused on private messaging with close contacts.”


大卫·麦克劳克林(David McLaughlin)报道说,联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)越来越接近对Facebook违反2011年同意令的行为进行罚款(不过,“创纪录的罚款”仍可能代表Facebook在一两天内创造的收入。)

The size of the Facebook fine couldn’t be learned. It’s also not clear whether the agency has settled on how much to seek from the Menlo Park, California-based company or whether it will also require changes to Facebook’s data collection and sharing practices.

Still, the likelihood of the penalty seems to indicate officials have determined there was a violation of the 2011 settlement. The agency opened it’s investigation after the disclosure that political c***ulting firm Cambridge Analytica gained access to information on about 70 million Facebook users in the U.S. The company has denied the incident was a violation.



Today, she said Facebook was announcing a new partnership with the German government’s information security office to help guide policymaking inside the country and across the EU ahead of its parliamentary electi*** this year.


Shirin Ghaffary在布鲁克林参加了一个有政治头脑的技术工人会议。他们的目标包括:破坏亚马逊在纽约的地区办事处:

Most of them make their living on the payrolls of companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Uber, and many are increasingly disillusioned and in disagreement with the acti*** of their employers on key political and moral issues. Plucked from the last few months of tech news headlines, their concerns range from how to curb sexual haras**ent to the ethical use of artificial intelligence to the working conditi*** of contract employees.

The tech industry has widely been c***idered to be relatively apolitical (and even antisocial). But the growing popularity of grassroots organizing events like this one in major tech hubs like New York, San Francisco, and Seattle is a sign that tech workers — even those with six-figure salaries and generous benefits — are aware of the disparities between their colleagues and frustrated with the societal c***equences of the tools they’re building.


卢克·巴恩斯(Luke Barnes)报道说,Verizon对色情的态度比对纳粹的态度要强烈得多,至少在Tumblr上是这样:

This subtle creep of white nationali** into Tumblr is made easier by the website’s emphasis on aesthetics. Multiple pages examined by ThinkProgress effectively straddle the fence with a mix of content. A good portion of it is standard Tumblr fare, such as pictures of historical figures, nature, and attractive men and women. But mixed in are obvious dog-whistles to far-right political movements.


这是马特·诺瓦克(Matt Novak)的故事(a)非常滑稽,(b)是未来事情的可怕预兆,还是两者兼而有之?

In recent months, Trump’s official Facebook and Instagram accounts have published photos of the president that have been manipulated to make him look thinner. If it only happened once you might be able to chalk it up as an accident. But Gizmodo has discovered at least three different retouched photos on President Trump’s social media pages that have been published since October of 2018.



Google has issued a warning about the damage the directive might do in an unusual format: an empty search results page.

To be more precise, it’s an empty search results page for news. One of the most controversial segments of the Copyright Directive is Article 11, which gives publishers the right to demand paid licenses for using snippets of their stories. From Google’s point of view, that gives it two choices: start paying for licenses or don’t show snippets at all.



Communicati*** watchdog Roskomnadzor, the federal executive body resp***ible for censorship in media and telecommunicati***, said the social-media networks hadn’t submitted any formal and specific plans or submitted an acceptable explanation of when they would meet the country’s requirements that all servers used to store Russians’ personal data be located in Russia. Roskomnadzor said it had sent the companies a letter on Dec. 17 advising them of the need to comply with the law and giving them 30 days to provide “a legally valid resp***e,” Russian news agency Interfax reported.

As such, “Today, Roskomnadzor begins administrative proceedings against both companies,” the watchdog said.


Makena Kelly报道了印度**关于新规则的提议,以遏制假新闻和错误信息的传播。这些规则可能会破坏世界各地的端到端加密:

The proposed rules would amend Section 79 of India’s IT Act, the primary law in the country concerning online commerce and cybercrime. The IT Act works in a similar manner as the US’s Communicati*** Decency Act, and the specific section that would be amended reads a lot like Section 230. If the amendments are approved, platforms like Facebook and Twitter would be required to censor content that the Indian government deems inappropriate, potentially affecting how content is served outside Indian borders. Further, the amended law would require these companies to produce user messages if the government requests the information, causing serious legal problems for end-to-end encrypted services like WhatsApp.



如果他们真的想抓你,那不是妄想症!拉尼·莫拉(Rani Molla)的这篇报道关注的是《****》,但它很好地代表了一般媒体的报道。2016年之前,我自己写了很多关于Facebook新功能的奇才故事:

Sentiment in the Times’ coverage of Facebook has been, on average, almost exclusively negative since the 2016 electi***, according to new data ****yzed by researcher Joe Hovde, a full-time data ****yst at a retail tech company.

For the ****ysis, Hovde included stories with “Facebook” in the article headline and summary text, and then scored the surrounding words on a scale of -5 (very negative words like curses unlikely to show up in the Times) to +5 (extremely positive, using words like “superb” or “breathtaking”). This data was updated from one of his studies that was published in BuzzFeed last spring.



Facebook often failed to send receipts for these purchases, and links on the company’s website to dispute charges frequently failed to work, according to court records. A Facebook employee is quoted describing their attempt to dispute a charge.

“I was stuck in an infinite-loop of questi*** just today,” the employee wrote. “It feels like the form is this Frankenstein beast that we’ve bolted together.”


Rob Price对Facebook的AR眼镜进行了更新,表明该部门是公司的重中之重:

The Silicon Valley tech giant has moved hundreds of employees from its research-focused unit Facebook Reality Labs to a new standalone product team focused on AR, Business Insider has learned.

The employees had already been working on AR tech at the Reality Labs group prior to the move, and the shift indicates Facebook continues to be focused on developing augmented-reality hardware and that its approach is shifting from something experimental and research-driven to a focus on delivering actual commercial products.


我忘了Facebook甚至在市场上有一个总部琐事克隆,但Kerry Flynn报告说它取得了一些成功:

While HQ has put its efforts to grow internationally on hold, both Facebook and The Q are seizing the opportunity to spread their products globally. Some of these shows have been even more successful than the U.S. versi***. For example, Facebook hosts two daily shows in Mexico whereas every other country it’s currently operating has only one each. A Facebook spokesperson said the popularity of the game in Mexico is evidence that Confetti can create fan engagement.


亚历克斯·希思(Alex Heath)有另一个令人印象深刻的独家新闻,该公司的全球安全主管在一项内部调查发现他一直在向女友支付六位数的咨询费后被解雇,但他没有透露这一消息。其臭名昭著的人力资源主管杰森·哈尔伯特(Jason Halbert)卷入了调查,并被Snap开除。一方面,它的高管更替率更高。另一方面,Snap高管离开公司的原因并非与埃文·斯皮格尔(Evan Spiegel)的丑陋冲突!



Facebook正在推出一个名为“社区行动”的新**功能。Facebook将建立一个Change.org克隆网站是有道理的——向你的朋友公开**会让你受益匪浅,我预计我们会看到很多这样的网站被病毒传播。Josh Contine关注Facebook**书的潜在误用,不难想象病毒暴徒会在这里复制Gamergate剧本。不过,大多数情况下,我是从订婚的角度来看待这一点的——**书吸引了眼球,可能会激发失效用户的兴趣。Facebook现在真正可以使用的,特别是在北美:

Community Acti*** start to roll out to the US tomorrow after several weeks of testing in a couple of markets. Users can add a title, description, and image to their Community Action, and tag relevant government agencies and officials who’ll be notified. The goal is to make the Community Action go viral and get people to hit the “Support” button. Community Acti*** have their own discussion feed where people can leave comments, create fundraisers, and organize Facebook Events or Call Your Rep campaigns. Facebook displays the numbers of supporters behind a Community Action, but you’ll only be able to see the names of those you’re friends with or that are Pages or public figures.

Facebook is purposefully trying to focus Community Acti*** to be more narrowly concentrated on spurring government action than just any random cause. That means it won’t immediately replace Change.org petiti*** that can range from the civilian to the absurd. But one-click Support straight from the News Feed could massively reduce the friction to signing up, and thereby attract organizati*** and individuals seeking to maximize the size of their mob.



Today, Facebook is announcing a new partnership with the Technical University of Munich (TUM) to support the creation of an independent AI ethics research center. The Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence, which is supported by an initial funding grant from Facebook of $7.5 million over five years, will help advance the growing field of ethical research on new technology and will explore fundamental issues affecting the use and impact of AI.



Match Group和Betches的新约会应用程序允许你为朋友刷卡

Ashley Carman报道了一款新的约会应用程序,它给这一类型带来了有趣的转变:

Match Group and the media brand Betches are partnering to launch an iOS dating app that allows users to help their friends pick out potential dates. The app is called Ship, and it lets users swipe for their friends and chat about profiles, so even if your best friend is in a relati***hip, he or she can download the app and look around for you. (Your mom could, too.)

Ship could stand out by creating a different behavior than we’re used to on most dating apps. More importantly, it comes from the popular, female-oriented content machine Betches, which produces a website, Instagram account, and podcast, among other things. It has a massive following across various platforms.


达米安·柯林斯(Damian Collins)是英国议会中Facebook最直言不讳的批评者之一,他警告说,他的委员会今年将加大力度,而且很快:

This month, my select committee will produce our final report in our inquiry into disinformation and the many issues we have examined related to Facebook and other social media companies. We also recently began an inquiry into the ethics and practices of addictive and immersive media.

I believe we should give tech companies limited liability for harmful and illegal content that has been posted on their sites. If a company has been notified of this content or should have reasonably been able to discover it on its own, then it should be required to take it down promptly or be held resp***ible for its still being there. This principle has already been established in Germany, where the government requires the tech companies to act against content that is in breach of the country’s hate speech laws.


菲利普·肯尼科特(Philip Kennicott)发现10年的挑战令人沮丧:

It plays into our narcissi**, and our competitive instincts, and it is little different from a game of “Hot or Not,” but for old people on Facebook who know their friends will be kind if not truthful. It encourages malice and feeds our appetite for schadenfreude (“The years haven’t been kind to him . . .”). It abets the industries of youthfulness, purveyors of wrinkle creams and Botox and co**etic surge***. It is also curiously moralistic with its implicit assumption that we have a duty to ourselves to keep our carcass in good shape. And it awakens atavistic beliefs about morality and the body, as if our face, like the painting in Dorian Gray’s old schoolroom, is a physical record of our deeds. Is that, perhaps, why so many of the images posted as part of the challenge feel strangely like mug shots submitted for juridical evaluation?


难以置信的亲缘关系:亚历山大·奥卡西奥·科尔特斯(Alexandria Ocasio Cortez)在社交媒体上浪费生命,证明她和我们一样


Ocasio-Cortez wins the internet every day with incredible posts in which she comes off as a normal, everyday person who’s forced to be online 24/7 due to social media’s ever-tightening stranglehold on American life. She posts viral tweets to her 1.5 million followers that eloquently and passionately explain her progressive political goals, each tweet evidence of a moment Twitter has stolen from her—time she’ll never get back.

Amazing! It’s refreshing to see an elected official who actually knows how to use social media instead of being free from the interminable nightmare.


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